Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Blog-centenniel

Self Portrait (art journal page)
This is my 100th blog post!  I thought I'd feature a self-portrait art journal page as the artwork for this somewhat introspective post.  I started this blog as part of Shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers class, and I'm so glad I did.  My goals were modest - to find a way to start organizing and cataloging my art. I feel like I've accomplished that, and so much more!
      First and foremost, thanks to all of you who have become regular followers and commenters.  I feel like I have new friends all over the United States, England, Northern Ireland and Australia. I never expected to find a new circle of virtual friends.  I love reading your blogs and learning more about your lives.
     I've also found my blog to be motivating.  You push me to be a better and more prolific artist. Thank-you!
     Finally, in addition to cataloging my artwork, I have found this blog to be an invaluable resource for cataloging my thoughts about my art and life as an artist.  Thank you for engaging in discussions about style and process and everything else.

I looked back over my 100 posts, and it was very interesting!  I started with a rooster and some organic art to help  explain the title of my blog.  You've seen a lot of my collage art, cardss and scrapbook pages, Tim tags, Christmas projects and photos.  I've fallen into a happy pattern of trying to post a scrapbook page, a photo and a card once a week and then filling out the rest of the week with mixed media art. I really like doing tutorials and give-aways but not necessarily on a scheduled basis.  And here our my ten favorite posts out of the first 100:
"The Butterfly Seller"  Probably my most popular art journal page.
"Using Your Photographs in Your Art" This really helped me organize my thoughts, especially the a-ha movement I had of using my photos as inspiration for other art pieces.
"New Year's Day Card Recipe" A fun tutorial with so many wonderful participants.
"I Love This Photo" This helped me realize that my blog can be a place to share photographs as art.
"The Creative Circle Blog Party" This is where I feel like I really got to know so many of you, and I had fun with all our projects.
"Cherish Your Heritage" One of my favorite mixed media pieces and the post draws together thoughts about the creative process.
"It's all about the light"  A catalog of photography tips, generated by you all, that is incredibly helpful.
"What do you plan for it?" The first in the series.  Has two of my favorite mixed media pieces and my living room.  This is a reminder to do another post along these lines soon.
"October Class Review"  I like doing these - it helps me figure out what works and doesn't work for me in classes.  I'll need to get working on my January Class Review soon.
"Never Forget Those Who Served" One of my favorite scrapbooking posts.  Not for the layout, which is old and somewhat uninspired but because of the revised journaling which I was really only to do because I blog.
If you started or refreshed your blog as part of Shimelle's Class, you must be at about 100 posts, too.  What are your thoughts on your blog?


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post Maria. I love following your blog and reading your thoughts. Just to let you know you have inspired me to make an Art Journal - I haven't made a page yet just put the journal together - it's all white and scary! I loved your 'The Butterfly Seller' so much. Still contemplating what my Art Journal will mean for me but reading your blog helps. Here's to the next 100 posts. Have a good day. Hugs Cherry XXX

  2. WOO HOO! 100 posts and going strong! I absolutely love checking your blog and your art out everday! Keep going.
    The Butterfly Seller is one of my absolute favs!

  3. Congrats on the 100th post....have no idea how many I've done...spose I should check.
    I started my blog when I did JYC in 2008, but it's only since
    'Blogging for Scrapbookers' that I've really 'blogged' seriously ... being inspired constantly by blogs like yours... I certainly never expected blogging to become so important to me.
    Butterfly Seller is certainly one of my favourites of your pages...but there's so many that I love....and am inspired by.
    Here's to the next 100 posts!!

  4. 100 Posts already! Congratulations - you really are a "Blogger" now!
    And while we're talking blogs, although we can only send you "virtual" hugs and smiles, I hope that at least some of us are "Real Friends", even if we're hundreds of miles apart. :-)

  5. Congratulations on your 100th post!I think this post might be about to become one of my favourites of yours Rinda. So thoughtful and insightful. I started my blog for the class too; and like you I have found it so much more rewarding than I could ever have imagined. Long may our fellowship continue! (And long may you continue to post your inspiring art and your well-chosen words)x

  6. Congrats on your century of blogs! I think that out of all the blogs I read regularly, yours is the most 'arty' one that I see. Proper art. Paint and paper and innovative thinking outside of the box. Hey, you even wear a proper art apron like the Head of the Art dept at the school I work at wears! I love your work, it's so different and original. Here's to the next 100!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post, Rinda. I didn't realize that you have only been doing this since we started Shimelle's class back in October! Very impressive.

    I enjoy blogging for the same reasons you have listed here in this post. The most pleasant surprise has been making connections with other creative people and having "friends" from all over the world. I love it and it does keep me motivated to create and write -- two things that keep me grounded and well...sane. :o) I read somewhere that blogging is cheaper than therapy and I had to laugh, but it's true.

    So, here's to your next 100 posts! And I'll be back to read each one.


  8. A big congrats on your 100th post! I have enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know you and your art! I have much the same thoughts about enjoying the blogging process and the many gifts of friendship. I'm nearing the 100th post too and will have to plan something fun like you did! Here's to many more blogging milestones!

  9. Hooray, congratulations! I've really enjoyed following your blog over the last 10 posts and getting to 'know' you as a friend through it :-)

    I haven't been blogging for much longer than you have but I clearly talk too much lol.... I've reached over 250 posts already! *blush*

  10. Congratulations on your 100th post! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and the kind comments you leave on mine. I can't wait to read your next 100 posts--and to view your beautiful artwork.

  11. Congratulations on your 100th post. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  12. well done Rinda on your 100th post! you are so talented & inspiring :) & yet you always find time to read our blogs & leave lovely comments too.
    I've not blogged as much as you so it might be a few months til I get to the magic 100!! lol

  13. I was so glad to see your recap as I missed some of the early blog posts and was glad to catch up on them. Your art work and thoughtful reflections really inspire me. I started my blog in June of 2005, and last time I looked I had about 550 posts. Blogging for Scrapbookers really changed the frequency of my posts. I'm quite sure there were months in earlier years when I posted only 2 or 3 times. Once again, you've inspired me to take a look back. I just started to categorize my blog posts. I wish I had done that from the beginning. It would make the look back so much easier.

  14. Congratulations Rinda :-)
    We started at the same time and you are a little ahead of me - it has been an exciting adventure hasn't it?
    You are indeed an inspiring woman and artist, it is a part of my day to read your latest posts and I always thoroughly enjoy seeing your creativity here.
    Thankyou for sharing so openly and freely and for posing such thoughtful questions.
    I'm looking forward to the next 100!

  15. Congrats!!! Very exciting milestone!

  16. Hey. I don't normally leave comments, but I just wanted to say thanks for the great information. I have a blog too, though
    I don't write as good as you do, but if you want to check it out here it is. Thanks again and have a great day!

    Druid Leveling Guide
