Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photography a la Frida Kahlo

I've decided to follow along with the "Develop on Fridays" photography course, even though I haven't officially signed up for the forum or class.  I'm also starting at assignment #2, but I might go back and do #1 later.  Assignment #2 "influences" was to find an artist who calls to you, figure out why he or she speaks to you and then take a photograph that incorporates those ideals.  I chose Frida Kahlo who has long been one of my favorites.  Her paintings (often self-portraits) were intimate looks at her struggles in life. She made the personal political and vice-versa.  She used bold colors and Mexican motifs.  My photograph is also about how the personal can become political and takes a stand on the same-sex marriage debate.  It's called "I favor love." It features a vintage glass heart and some amazing "marriage milagros" from Peru that I found when I was out thrifting today.  I hope you like it, and I hope I don't offend you.


  1. I think "I favor love" is a beautiful, powerful statement. Frida Kahlo certainly was a fascinating character.

  2. those Peruvian pieces are great

  3. Completely agree with Sian....and the glass heart is just beautiful.
    And, Rinda, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my clipboard post

  4. I like that you are so definate about your choice of an influence - I've been thinking about this post and I feel I need more time. I do like what you have done and I'm not offended at all :-)

  5. I love what you've said here, especially "I favor love." This is a beautiful post and beautiful photo!

  6. That's a lovely photo Rinda :-) The course looks so interesting!

  7. I love your interpretation and the symbolism in your photo - wonderful!

  8. Not offended. :) GORGEOUS photo! Love!
