Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanks Gemma! (Photo grid as wall art)

During the Creative Circle Blog Party, Gemma posted this idea for displaying photo grids.  Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to make the cool digital shadows or to print the photos at home. Instead, I bought some inexpensive 12x12 frames at Michael's and ordered some 12x12 prints from MPIX.  These four are now hanging in my living room.  I wish the one of our former dog, Buster, wasn't quite that close-up, and I'm not sure how I feel about the jagged black border I used.  On the whole, though, I'm happy with the experiment, and they will be easy to change out.  Did anyone else try this idea?


  1. No, I haven't tried it yet - I've got no spare walls at the moment!

  2. Not yet, but I certainly will - I loved the idea and I love your version of it :-) And it's such a gorgeous photo of Buster x

  3. yay! It looks great, glad you found a way to adapt it for yourself :)

  4. I think this looks fabulous! Wall art is something our house is really missing. I need to do something about this..

  5. They look's a really cool idea....I'm hoping to have a go when I've more time [after xmas!!].

  6. No spare walls at the moment, but still love the idea. Yours sure loko great!

  7. Love this idea, and hadn't seen it.

  8. Wow I love your 4 photos and will definitely be trying that once my lounge has been rebuilt.

  9. They look great. I haven't tried it yet but maybe something for next year.

  10. they look really fab off to have a look
