Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is a Gingerbread House art? (click on photos to enlarge)

Just doing a little journaling catch-up today . . .
The Gingerbread House Decorating Party
Apparently, the kids still believe in excess when decorating gingerbread houses.  We enjoyed a wonderful day with our friends the Tighes.  Clara worked on her side of the house with Hillary, and it was all hearts and sweetness.  Henry used some of the, uh, unusual candy that we brought and decorated his side of the house with gummy sharks, gummy octopi and a gummy frog or two.  He also included two of his favorite types of candy - starbursts and skittles.  We usually wait until Christmas Even to eat the house, but it probably won't last that long this year!  Dec. 5, 2009


  1. A house of great contrast!
    As a whole Gingerbread Houses are not widely made in Australia - a pity, I love ginger bread and biscuits. I'd say they are very artistic!

  2. It's lovely. We don't really do Gingerbread Houses here either! Yes, they are definately artistic!

  3. Yes! Yes! it's art. It looks fabulous. We made one for the first time last year..I didn't know if we'd actually eat it or not but it all disappeared pretty quickly. That reminds me to thank you for noticing the little houses on my album pages!

  4. Definately edible art.....a gingerbread extravaganza.

  5. how CUTE! i wonder where i put the gingerbread sleighs i got for the kids to do on x-mas eve :S


  6. YES it's art :-) The fact that you can eat it is a bonus!

  7. What a cute house! I'd love to do one with my kids but the few times we have made them the houses don't survive a night due to cat attacks.
