Tuesday, December 8, 2009

JYC Tag #6: A Special Visit to the Tree Farm

On Sunday, we went to the tree farm like we do every year, but this year it was different.  Our loyal dog, Buster, passed away over Labor Day Weekend, and we all still miss him - especially Clara.  We always called the visit to the tree farm 'Buster's favorite day of the year.'  He loved running through the woods, chasing rabbit trails and smelling new smells. We knew it wouldn't quite be the same without him.  So, we decided to bring a paw print of Buster with us and bury it at the tree farm as a memorial to him.  So he would always be there when we went to visit.  And the moment we buried it was magical.  Clara felt more at peace with her loss than she ever has.  We looked out over the farm and knew that Buster's spirit was at peace.  We knew it was there . . . happy and chasing rabbits.


  1. oh Maria, what a wonderful story and an awesome tribute to your fur baby! Love it. Your tags are also most wonderful as always!

  2. Rinda, so sorry to hear about Buster. My Ben will be 14 years old this year and shares the same love of getting the tree. We have to use a ramp to take him anywhere anymore, but at the farm his heart turns into that of a 2 year old. Thanks for sharing your story. Julie S.

  3. What a lovely way to remember Buster.We have lost a dog and a cat,and each of them is buried in the garden,with a tress planted on top.
    As always...love your tags.
    Rinda....I laughed out loud at your comment on my blog...a card will be winging its way to you!!!

  4. I'm seriously teary-eyed over here. What a lovely memorial to your Buster. Thank you for sharing this story!

  5. Oh Rinda, what a lovely thing to do - a very special memorial. Your story made me tingly xx

  6. This gave me the goose bumps. What a sweet, sweet way to remember Buster and put your hearts a little more at ease. Thank you for sharing this with me!

  7. This is a great way to remember Buster ... traditions and rituals can be very comforting.
    Love the tag on the left - actually, I love them both but the colours on the left one jumped out at me!

  8. Lovely decision to set the spirit of Buster free in his favorite place. I love your take on Tim's tags, too... and what a great tribute! I hope I get time to play on the tags this year! Working on it...

  9. So sweet of you and Like to see whole farm of the Christmas tree. I am going to buy artificial tree for this Christmas...

    r4 dsi
