Friday, December 11, 2009

Feedback Friday (and a Weekend Give-away)

Facial Twinchies (2x2 inch mixed media, featuring my photography, masked background and grungeboard)

Hi everyone!  This is a wide-open, rambly post.
To enter the weekend give-away, I'm looking for some feedback on what you like or don't like about my blog. . .
Or feedback on what you want the give-away to be this weekend. . . .
Or feedback on which of these topics you'd like to see me cover:
  • more in the "what do you plan for it" series (including teach it, convert it, publish it, show it)
  • how to get the most out of taking a class
  • how to help your students get the most out of a class
  • more tutorials
  • more blog circles
  • more slideshows
  • plans for upcoming classes
  • scrapbook sunday
  • more individual pieces of art
  • artists statement
(Yes, I'll probably do all of these, but I'm still curious to see what you're interested in.)

To enter the weekend give-away, just publish a comment with some feedback.  The winner will be chosen on Sunday evening, 9:00 p.m. California time.  Not sure what the prize will be.  Help me figure that out!


  1. Your blog is one that I check out daily. I love your creativeness and ingenuity! I get inspired by seeing what you are doing and how you're doing it.
    For the blog itself, I'd love to see you create a background of your work or colors you prefer. I love 3 column blogs because you can get so much more on the page(s). LOL More is always better in my book.
    Any of the items you listed are great to me. Tutorials are always my favorite tho because they always answer the question "how did she do that" for me!

  2. Sorry, I'm not going to be much help because I'm always interested to see what you are up to in any form! I like the mix.

  3. I love everything you do, Rinda - I always enjoy your posts - just sometimes (lately in particular) I'm too busy to comment, so have to come back and catch up later!

    If you twist my arm, I guess I love your art and tutorials the most :-) But don't stop doing any of the other stuff!!

  4. I really like following your blog. I come over regularly - most days - and I like the mix of stuff you post.
    I did like the "what will you do with it - Sell It" post, so more of those sound good.
    I also love to see your artwork.
    And I do like giveaways - it's fun to enter and I love to see who wins!
    The Blog Circle we did was fun. Maybe I'd like to join in with another some time (but pleeease make it after Christmas cos I'm going nuts here with so much to do!)

    Keep up the good work!

  5. I love your blog,Rinda.... everything is so inspiring....and I love all the variety...think I need more variety on mine.
    These faces are inch or two bigger and I'll be joining in!!I have no favourites...everything is great.
    Another blog circle would be fun.

  6. Keep doing what you're doing and it will be great!

    I love seeing pieces of art though.

  7. I love your blog, Rinda! I've enjoyed the mixture and your ideas here sound great. My favorite posts have been those with your art or tutorials.

  8. i see a theme of "i love your blog" and i'll join the party... i think you should resurrect your "quarterly" challenge (or some other time frame) and spotlight a technique or a product or something and make us work for your blog :D can you tell i'm having fun with T!m's stuff?? :D
    wont see you at tea, but hopefully at a housecrop soon!


  9. Rinda, your blog is genuine, honest and down to earth - I love that! I enjoy hearing about your crafty exploits and I like your tutorials or technique based posts - seeing your artwork is also lovely. Another blog circle down the track is something I'd certainly be interested in.
