Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Final Linky for 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to the final linky for the 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt! And welcome to Half Moon Bay, my home town. Today, I'm going to show all my finds for you, in one place, but you should feel free to create whatever type of post you want . . . feature your favorite post or your most recent or create something new.
A bunch of creepy garden gnomes. . . the creep factor surprised me.
Birds on a wire . . . filtered in instagram. This was harder to photograph than I would have thought. 
A group of tired tourists. . . I think all the tourists posts made me giggle.
A rack of post cards . . . most of these looked the same around the globe.
An urban street scene . . . city life at its best.
A rural landscape . . . found while moving Henry back to University of Oregon
A tattoo on a person . . . taken outside the baseball stadium
A bakery in Oakland Chinatown
Photo-bombed by an elephant, while photographing flamingos
A horn . . . in a pub (of course)
A mascot . . . Smokey the Bear
A sunrise . . . outside Idyllwild, CA
A parade . . . 4th of July in downtown Half Moon Bay
A Juggler  A Birdhouse (alternative B) . . . sigh (I really wanted a juggler)
A sign in a language other than English . . . election day
A lamp post . . . Chamarita Festival
Waterfall . . . Cal Poly, Pomona
A public garden . . . Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
A bus with a picture on the side. . . Ocean Beach, San Francisco
A seasonal selfie . . . me at the Ballpark
So there you have it! My 21 finds for this summer. I really enjoyed hosting the scavenger hunt and loved seeing everyone's finds.  Please add a link to one of your posts (either a new one created to celebrate the end of the Hunt or one of your old favorites). Also, if you participated, please leave me a comment telling me how many of the items you found and leaving any feedback you have to help make next year's hunt even better!


Bernice Hopper said...

Thank you for this year's list

Lesley G said...

Great pics Rinda, I've been to Half Moon Bay!
Roll on 2015 ;)

Kirsty.A said...

Loved this, Rinda. That damned elusive Juggler!

Sian said...

As much fun as ever! You're right about the postcards - usually what I love is that the prompts throw up the little differences across the world and I learn lots of new things. But the postcards all looked pretty similar and there was something reassuring in that.

helena said...

another great list this year with good mix of keep your eyes open, search and lets see what this looks like across the world. With the inclusion of a sub I found all items

Mrs.D said...

Thanks for hosting the Scavenger hunt, first time I have taken part. I managed all 21, albeit with a little bit of bending definitions, but 21 photos are there.

Ladkyis said...

I didn't get three. A horn, a mascot and a parade. I could have photographed the horn on Mr Ms best walking stick. I could have photographed the camp mascot we had when I was a Guide Leader thirty odd years ago I could have gone down into town and photographed the street sign for Mill Parade... but I didn't. I was distracted by Darth Vader and some storm troopers together with Daleks and K9 and a minion. The week before the Games Convention was a little busier than I had thought it would be. Next year I will be prepared and not keep putting things off. Thank you for a fabulous scavenger hunt. We rally enjoyed seeking out the items, well I let Mr M do the finding and I did the photographing - team effort and great great fun. I do hope you will do another next year.

Ruth said...

Great list this year! Thanks for all your hard work.

Missus Wookie said...

Great list and wasn't it fun to discover which items were tricky this year?

Lady Ella said...

First time, got them all and I loved it! Not keen on No. 1 as didn't want to give away my location so specifically but I followed the prompts precisely and agree there was a good mix of hard (birds!) and easy, as well as items that were interesting to compare across the globe. Did a few trips alone to get stuff but didn't mind as I knew that really I was in good company with all you lot!

Julie Kirk said...

Thanks for another fun list Rinda. I found all 21 ... maybe I interpreted some my own way ... but I think that's the best part! The bit that makes it *my* summer!

I can't think of anything you could improve on. Even the tricky ones to find are fun! It wouldn't be a *hunt* if everything was just right there in front of us. If you'd told me finding a juggler was going to be easier than the birds on a wire or the sunrise ... I wouldn't have believed it!

Once again the hunt's made for a great talking point between me+ all the friends/family who know I was playing along - it definitely added an extra element to our days out together!

Wishing you a wonderful 3 new seasons ahead ... before the next one! :-)

Linda said...

Thanks for another great list Rinda! It's been fun trying to find all the items. Roll on next Summer:)

Sheena said...

Loved every minute of it xxx
Got all inc alternatives
except that pesky Juggler!!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw, it feels bittersweet to post this link, Rinda. I LOVED participating in your scavenger hunt again this year - thanks so much for hosting us again!

I found everything on the list but a parade, so I substituted a birdhouse in its place. xoxo

glitterandglue said...

Hello Rinda. Thank you SOOOoooo much for organising all the fun John and I have had with lateral thinking!!! It has been great to think through all the items on the list - knowing that we couldn't travel far to find them because of John's health this year. But - we got the lot - all 21 plus the two alternatives - all within fifty miles of our home. (with a bit of fun thought going on!!)
Already looking forward to next year - and hoping you will be able to think up yet another great list. Thanks again.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret (and John!)

Jane said...

thanks for another fun challenge. I managed all but the photo bomb and had to substitute a kite x

Anonymous said...

This was fun!! I didnt find the parade or the bus, but i did get a birdhouse and a hot air balloon .. my pix are all on FB... bummer on the juggler, i was so pleased my juggler photo came out as good as it did considering the movement and terrible lighting!

It's great to see Clara doing so well in track and i'm sure Henry will have a great year!

Missed you at Scramp Camp!


BJ said...

Oops forgot to leave a comment. I got them all but did use artist's licence on a few. It has been great fun and can't wait for next year's list now. BJ

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have participated more this year. I had some ideas of where to get a lot of the pics but it just didn't work out. I did manage to get 9 and I'm hoping I'm a lot better and more mobile next year. Thanks so much for doing this Rinda!

Amanda said...

I got all 21 this year, with a little leniency for my birds on a wire. I also have a substitute in case my birds are disallowed. I never realised that one would be so hard to find.

Thank you for organising the hunt again this year. It's been fun, and certainly makes me more observant of the world around me.

Karen said...

Thank you for another fun scavenger hunt.
I really enjoyed the hunt and seeing everyone elses photos.
Looking forward to next year already.

Nathalie said...

I scrambled to the last minute but think I got it all covered (thanks to the alternatives)! This was a lot of fun as always and like Julie mentioned earlier, I love that it makes my family do things that we might not have done without the hunt or pay more attention to certain things we might have ignored otherwise. Bottom line, it's all good! :D
Thank you so much Rinda!

~*~Patty S said...

This has been such fun Rinda.
Thank you again this year for hosting such a great event.
I never found a juggler but did have photos for everything else including one for Alt A and Alt B
Your photos are fun to see all in one place.
Happy last days of September to you and yours.

debs14 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a fun project this is - thank you so much for organising it. I can't believe I got them all this year (makes up for never finding a unicycle in previous years!)
So pleased you are planning another for 2015, it must be tough to come up with things that can be found all over the world at all different seasons, but you've managed it perfectly!

Becky said...

Had such fun again this year! Thank you so much for organising it again. So pleased that you are planning again for 2015 - it is such a lovely tradition and I love to see how everyone interprets the prompts so differently (except this year there seem to be a lot of Harry Potter buses lol!).

scrappyjacky said...

Thanks's been great fun as always.

Melissa said...

Great photos for the hunt Rinda! I found 16 items this year and enjoyed the search.

Abi said...

Thank your Rinda for the time and effort you take to organise the hunt. It is so much fun!

scrappyjacky said...

Sorry,I forgot to say I found them all this year.

Sylvia said...

I had a lot of fun doing the scavenger hunt! Thanks! I am missing the juggler and a group of tourists. I was able to get a sub of a birdhouse. I loved the variety of the subject matter.

KraftyKaren said...

Thank you for organising - this was my first one and it was great fun. It was enjoyable that we could make it a family activity whilst on our cruise - it was a good talking point whilst out on trips and all the time I was being asked 'have you found a juggler and birds on a wire yet' The only one I didn't get in the end was a Bakery but was able to substitute with a hot air balloon photo instead. I will definitely be back to play along next year!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this again. I had loads of fun with it, and as usual roped in all my family. I did find all the items and managed to post them to facebook - hopefully I'll get a blog post done soon as well.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

This was great fun - I finally got all the items - had to use one substitute. I'd love to do this again - even for every season. I know it is a lot of work for you - but I love scavenger hunts. Thanks for all the fun - now I must go and see what everyone else did this summer. It is like having summer vacation together.

Cheri said...

I got them all, including both alternates, but it took traveling to Key West FL, Washington D.C., Bloomsburg University, Mystic CT, as well as my own area (and a little help from hubby) to get them all. This year's list was really challenging! Loved playing along. Can't wait for next year!

Susanne said...

You do such a great job with the hunt each year, both as hostess and as participant. What fun!

Jimjams said...

Thanks SO much for hosting this Rinda - it is great fun on so many levels - interpreting the prompts, seeing the world through other people's photos, connecting with different cultures and getting out and about with my camera! Looking forward to 2015 already!

alexa said...

Just brilliant to see your, and everyone else's, photos. Sorry not to have been able to take part this year ... I love that bus photo! And the one of you, of course :).

Halle said...

Wonderful photos and challenge!! Thanks so much!!!

Rhodesia said...

Sorry my link has taken a long time to appear. My laptop died at the beginning of September and it has taken me four weeks to get a new one without a French key board! Link hopefully now added. Thanks for the fun Diane

Eileen T said...

Thanks Rinda. I managed to get them all. Just waiting for the fun to begin again next year now!!

Unknown said...

Such a great challenge, it really added to my summer experience. I loved seeing your photos and all of the other hunters :-)

Thank you.

Barbara said...

I didn't get them all this year Rinda but I had fun looking. I also forgot to link at the end of September, I have added it now. Looking forward to next year.

Carola Bartz said...

I really like your urban street scene!

This was a great summertime photography scavenger hunt. Thank you so much, Rinda. I look forward to next summer!