Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Tale of Two Tuxes: Storytelling Sunday

Last night I took Henry to try on his tux for his Junior Prom, which is being held tonight. 
It reminded me of the last time he wore a tux - when he was the ring bearer in my brother's wedding.
When I looked at the layout which accompanied this picture, I noticed that the journaling read "Henry enjoyed wearing his tuxedo. He called it his 'good pirate' costume, as opposed to the 'bad pirate' costume he was planning to wear for Halloween."
Little boys grow up. 
And their mothers' hearts ache with both sadness and pride.
This story (in pictures, and just a few words) is presented as part of Sian's Storytelling Sunday, Year 2. To join in and read more stories, go visit this link.


Amy said...

Gulp .. goodness, look at the change!
No one tells you you have to be brave and courageous to be a parent. My is a fine young man!

Cheri said...

Your cute little man definitely grew up! yikes!

Melissa said...

It has certainly grow up from a cute little boy to a handsome young man.

Unknown said...

Fantastic to see that change, scary and awesome too. I hope he enjoys his prom :)

The Mann Fam said...

I can so relate to your "story" now that My Boy has grown and left the coop. Sigh. They group up so fast.

Mary B said...

He looks so smart in both photos and I love the idea of a Good Pirate costume

Missus Wookie said...

Fun to see both - good pirate and 'bad' looking dude... which as 'bad' now means 'good' works.

My pirate loving small boy is about to turn 20 whilst my Princess (seen at about the age of your second photo in my SS post) is considering the prom next Friday.

scrappyjacky said...

He definately is all grown up....and looking so smart.

debs14 said...

I love the fact he called the first one his 'good pirate' costume. Such imagination. And how proud you must be to see him all grown up as a young man in a tux.

Anonymous said...

He's such a handsome boy/man and was so cute when he was little ,too.

Sian said...

From a darling little boy to a fine, handsome young man..just like that. Gulp. Although I guess we could also say - how many wonderful stories there have been in between too :) (at least that's what I keep telling myself)

This West London Life said...

What a handsome young man ~ you have every right to be proud.

Margi said...

Rinda, your young man was adorable in a tux then and even more so now. What a handsome young guy!

Clare said...

What a handsome chap! How fantastic to have the 2 photos to compare. There's nothing pirate-like about his current tux!

Ladkyis said...

Such a handsome boy! That brings back memories of when My boys were leaving school and joining the army - lovely story, thank you for sharing

Becky said...

Oh goodness! What a change, but still so handsome! Hope he has a wonderful time at the prom.

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Your boy was such a cute 'good pirate' and has grown into a handsome young man. You must be so proud :o)

Alison said...

from 'cute' to 'handsome' in the blink of an eye! does it all go so quickly?
Alison xx

humel said...

Love how you've told this, Rinda :) He looks so cute in the 'young' pic - and so grown-up and handsome in the recent one!

furrypig said...

I was just about to write something similar to Allison about how he was so cute and now is so handsome! Wow what a great comparison

Sabrina DS said...

Hi Maria,
Wow, he still wears a tuxedo with a lot of class… Nice story to share. Time flies by incredibly fast, but we still have thousands of stories to share in our hearts...
Have a nice Sunday,
Cheers from France

Beverly said...

Rinda, looking at the first picture I thought "he is so handsome", looking at the 2nd I thought "how could he not be? he was a beautiful child!" I know so well that sadness and pride.

Irene said...

He looks so handsome and makes that tux look good. How the years pass so quickly. Hope he had a good time at prom.

Irene said...

Just a couple of photographs but oh, what a story. From boyhood to manhood, your heart must be full of pride.

Anonymous said...

Henry looks handsome in a tux - whatever his age.

Karen said...

And he is incredibly handsome in both photos!

Capescrapper said...

This is such a great idea!! I love this!
He is such a cutie, what a man he has grown into.

Ginger said...

This would make a great comparison layout. Time certainly passes quickly, and I cannot imagine what that is like being a parent.

Unknown said...

Aren't you glad you wrote down his comments before! It is amazing how much would be forgotten if we didn't take the time to write it down. And he is such a handsome fella too :-)

Jennifer Grace said...

Aw, brilliant comparison of photos. He looks so cute in the tux when he was little, and I love the idea that a tux is a 'good pirate' costume! x

Cheryl said...

He has grown into a very handsome young man.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh how CUTE! He was adorable as a little boy, and has grown into a handsome young man!

Sandie said...

What beautiful photos, how proud you must be. Your son has certainly grown into a fine young man.

Susanne said...

Yes, they do grow up so fast. I love seeing comparison over time, thanks for sharing.

laurie said...

i love looking at the two pictures and knowing that they are of the same guy! wow. you have just proven the power of the photographer, the beauty of being able to define a concept in through the only means possible. keep snapping away, rinda!

Gail said...

Beautiful pictures Rinda. Love the good pirate comment. :)

Jimjams said...

I reckon he's now a *great* pirate - he's certainly going to steal some hearts on his travels!

Jo said...

He certainly has grown, I love the pirate reference :)