Saturday, February 4, 2012

Storytelling Sunday (Picture): The Armband

There are many things Henry is on the soccer field:  fast; hard working; coachable. Definitely talented. But there's one thing he has never been - a leader. It just has not been in his nature to stand up and fill that role.  
Until this year. 
Congratulations son.
To see more stories for Storytelling Sunday, go to this link.


Amy said...

Congratultions to Henry, it is an honor and responsibility to be a team captain!

Unknown said...

Congrats Henry!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the quiet ones are the best leaders - congratulations Henry.

helena said...

great action shot and congratulations to Henry (and the proud mum)

alexa said...

Ahhh! That's a wonderful achievement!

Jane said...

well done Henry!

Mary B said...

Well done Henry for making your mum so proud of you.

Unknown said...

Congrats! What a privilege!

Lou said...

Great photo and well done to your son.

Alison said...

WTG Henry! You have every right to be the proud mum, Rinda
Alison xx

Irene said...

Definitely a picture and a few words tell a massive story. Congratulations to you all.

Miriam said...

Congratulations from me as well. One picture, one story, but what a story.

debs14 said...

What a great example of one photo and a few words telling a fantastic story. Well done Henry!

Anonymous said...

Just the perfect combination of a photo and a few words to tell the story. Congrats to Henry; I know he earned this honor with his hard work and dedication to his team.

K said...

Fab photo!!!
Well done that lad :-)

This West London Life said...

Great photo and a true mum moment!

Sian said...

Hurray! That's the perfect short, short story. It says a lot (I like that word "coachable", it says a lot too) and it is beautifully illustrated. Congratulations Henry.

Thanks Rinda. I love it.

scrappyjacky said...

Great photo...and well done to him....a real honour....and well deserved I'm sure.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Congrats to both of you! Love the photo!

furrypig said...

well done to him and great snap of him in action xxx

laurie said...

this is a perfect example of how people build themselves, one piece at a time, when they are ready.

Melissa said...

Wonderful photo. Those few lines tell a great story.

Anonymous said...

Great photo - sweet story :)

Becky said...

Great photo and congrats to Henry.

Jo said...

I love the photo, congratulations Henry

Jimjams said...

Fab Rinda - Congrats to Henry too!

nancy y said...

Love that photo, congrats to Henry!

Cheri said...

congrats to Henry... you must be one proud Mom!

Gail said...

Great shot Mum - perfect for your short story. Congrats Henry.

Scattychick said...

Way to go young man :D

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

You have reason to be proud of him, Rinda! And he's a lucky young man to have a mom who can take such great sports photos! xo

Unknown said...

Congrats Henry! It's so much more fun once you really get involved and start leading the team.

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

That's wonderful!!! congratulations to him, what a great day that must have been for him.

Amy said...

Well done for trying the super short story idea, it really works here!

Lizzie said...

Ah, well done Henry!
Lovely photograph, Rinda - you really have a great talent for these sports pictures.
And it looks as if Henry is developing a number of great talents of his own - congratulations to him!

Missus Wookie said...


mely said...

Congratulations to Henry and the proud mama.


Jennifer Grace said...

How brilliant for him! Abd what a great action shot, x