I took this picture this morning. Believe it or not, there's no texture or any fancy editing done to the photograph. I did crop it and brighten it a bit, but all the "special effects" come from shooting with a wide open aperture, catching the right light and being aware of my perspective. Here's another picture I took at the same time - again no fancy editing, just cropping and brightening (for this picture, I deliberately cropped down to a section of the picture which was not in focus):
Both have a very dreamy quality that I kindof like. Both are a big departure for me from my traditional photography. For example, here are two flower photographs I took last April:
I still love the pictures from last year, but I realize that I know a lot more this year about how to get different effects with my camera. You can read the full posts about my flower photography here and here to see the kinds of questions I had and what I was learning then. This year, I also know that I could add texture and other post-processing effects to any of these to get a different look (something which I didn't know about last year at all!). In the long run, I'm much more likely to stick with more traditional photography, but it is fun to see how much I've learned about photography. I'm sure the same can be said about my mixed media collage and art journal work, and I'm looking forward to doing some "Now and Then" posts about those aspects of my art in the future. How do you think your art (photography, mixed media, scrapbooking, cardmaking, etc.) has changed or evolved in the last year?
I do love your new way of photography or how you use what you've learned. All the pictures here are very beautiful, but the two top ones have this kind of dreamy quality that I really like. They leave room for imagination.
I love the top shot - it would make a very pretty card, or an enlargement on a canvas, the already dreamlike texture of teh photo would not be lost on the texture of the canvas.
In the past year I have become more adept at making my own digi templates, I am continually working on my photography - at what seems like a snails pace and I have grown in confidence by taking the photos at two of my siblings weddings.
Nicely done - I'm really enjoying the subtle way you are using the BFS prompts - often I only know that you have followed a prompt because I read the prompt immediately before reading blogs so it is fresh in my mind.
Great question - do you know, I honestly have no idea! I'm still looking for new things to learn all the time although I don't necessarily apply them immediately. They get stored away. I don't know though, I'll have to think about this one
Love the Daisies photo. I hope the show up here soon maybe in a month or so. Temps still around 36 in the early morning. I need to lear to use up all of the features of my camera maybe it is about time.
I love both then & now - each for different reasons. I'm still learning about my camera(s) - need to get my Rebel out and start using it again. I've grown way too dependent on the point & shoot!
I love all of your photos here. They are all beautiful for different reasons. I find that my photography has really changed since I started scrapbooking more. I'm not necessarily trying to compose a layout in my head, but I am trying to tell a story. I think a lot about what memories I'm trying to capture, and getting more pictures of the details and the people.
Hi Rinda, I really enjoyed looking at your 4 people 12 times project. Thanks for leading me to the link. And your flower photos are beautiful. I read in one of your other posts that you had a new 85mm fixed lens. That is next on my wish list! It takes beautiful pics, doesn't it? Of course most of the talent comes from the photographer behind it. : )
your photos are all so beautiful and spring-y. my art journaling style has definitely changed over the past year - I feel like I am more comfortable trying new things and following my instincts.
I love that first photo,Rinda....and agree with Amy that it would make a lovely card or piece of wall art. I think the main changes/developments in my 'art' is beginning to develop mixed media skills.....having the courage to try new things....and the occasional use of 'white space' in scrapbooking!!
What gorgeous photos Rhinda reminds me of the old advert for the cadbury's chocolate flake or the top of a chocolate box, would make a lovely canvas I think so dreamy x
I love the first photograph---so beautiful. I'm taking an online course now on composition, and attending some photo critques at a local gallery. I'm looking at all my "old" photos with new eyes, and hope I'll see a change especially with the photos while we're traveling.
1. A "wild heart" - a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn't have to be a rock) 2. A footprint or pawprint 3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray 4. A book or magazine read during 2016 5. A porch or deck 6. A camper (caravan) 7. A family gathering 8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you. 9. Someone playing with, in, or around water. 10. A bicycle 11. Fresh produce 12. A window 13. The moon 14. A buffet of food 15. A team logo 16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period 17. Twins 18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries 19. A seasonal cocktail or beverage 20. Someone laughing 21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item. Alternatives - if you're having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21): alternative 1: a lighthouse alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)
I do love your new way of photography or how you use what you've learned. All the pictures here are very beautiful, but the two top ones have this kind of dreamy quality that I really like. They leave room for imagination.
I love that first photo of the daisies with just the two in focus
I also love the blue flower how it seems to pop out of the page
I love the top shot - it would make a very pretty card, or an enlargement on a canvas, the already dreamlike texture of teh photo would not be lost on the texture of the canvas.
In the past year I have become more adept at making my own digi templates, I am continually working on my photography - at what seems like a snails pace and I have grown in confidence by taking the photos at two of my siblings weddings.
Nicely done - I'm really enjoying the subtle way you are using the BFS prompts - often I only know that you have followed a prompt because I read the prompt immediately before reading blogs so it is fresh in my mind.
Great question - do you know, I honestly have no idea! I'm still looking for new things to learn all the time although I don't necessarily apply them immediately. They get stored away. I don't know though, I'll have to think about this one
I especially love the daisy photo- although they are all lovely. I think my photography and blogging have got better in the last year or so.:-)
Love the Daisies photo. I hope the show up here soon maybe in a month or so. Temps still around 36 in the early morning. I need to lear to use up all of the features of my camera maybe it is about time.
Have a great day! :) Hugs!
amazing depth of field Rinda. Fantastic! The pictures look so fresh!
I love both then & now - each for different reasons. I'm still learning about my camera(s) - need to get my Rebel out and start using it again. I've grown way too dependent on the point & shoot!
I love all of your photos here. They are all beautiful for different reasons. I find that my photography has really changed since I started scrapbooking more. I'm not necessarily trying to compose a layout in my head, but I am trying to tell a story. I think a lot about what memories I'm trying to capture, and getting more pictures of the details and the people.
Hi Rinda,
I really enjoyed looking at your 4 people 12 times project. Thanks for leading me to the link. And your flower photos are beautiful. I read in one of your other posts that you had a new 85mm fixed lens. That is next on my wish list! It takes beautiful pics, doesn't it? Of course most of the talent comes from the photographer behind it. : )
your photos are all so beautiful and spring-y. my art journaling style has definitely changed over the past year - I feel like I am more comfortable trying new things and following my instincts.
I love that first photo,Rinda....and agree with Amy that it would make a lovely card or piece of wall art.
I think the main changes/developments in my 'art' is beginning to develop mixed media skills.....having the courage to try new things....and the occasional use of 'white space' in scrapbooking!!
What gorgeous photos Rhinda reminds me of the old advert for the cadbury's chocolate flake or the top of a chocolate box, would make a lovely canvas I think so dreamy x
I love the first photograph---so beautiful. I'm taking an online course now on composition, and attending some photo critques at a local gallery. I'm looking at all my "old" photos with new eyes, and hope I'll see a change especially with the photos while we're traveling.
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