Friday, January 9, 2015

Reconsidering my Art Work: Sketching

Day 6 Prompt: A Seed or Pod
One of my goals for 2015 is to reconsider my art work to decide what I want to do more of and what I want to let go. I've been dabbling in sketching for the last few years and still haven't decided if I love it or not. I found a list of 31 prompts for sketches in January at Athena's Creative Journey, and I decided to use the list to practice sketching. I'm not planning to sketch every day, but do want to give sketching an honest try. You can see the full list in the left hand column of my blog.  During the first week, I managed three sketches. I think my most successful sketch is for day #6 (above). It's based on one of my photos that I'm using for the postcard swap.
Day 1 Prompt: Something you can't bare to throw away but probably should
At first, I wasn't sure what to do for prompt #1, but I do have this really ratty pair of purple socks that I sleep in. They need a good throwing away, but they are really comfy! Here's the picture I used as the basis for my sketch.
I'm not wild about this last sketch - our puppy Luna is much cuter than this. LOL!
Day 4 Prompt: An animal
I think what I learned this first week is that I don't like sketching something that needs to be too realistic. I'm looking forward to continuing to sketch this month and will let you know how it turns out.


  1. Your sketches are really fun, Rinda, but I'm with you - I'd rather be drawing something more abstract than trying to match an object stroke by stroke. Maybe that's why mandalas appeal to me so much.

  2. That first sketch is great - I immediately recognized that it was from your photo.

  3. Before this summer, I had never drawn anything nor had any art instruction. I've now taken several sketching classes online, and see some real improvement. It's something I've always wanted to do, and am enjoying it so far.

  4. I think sketching is definitely a "use it or lose it" skill and one that can be improved upon by regular effort. I bet everyone has a piece of clothing, that's ratty but oh so comfy, they can't bear to toss out!

  5. Your sketches are all instantly recognisable objects, Rinda - which is more than can be said for many of us! I am sure it is one of those things where practice is key and we enjoy it the more we practice ...
