Wednesday, December 24, 2014

ZIZO #33: Christmas Cards & Best Wishes to You!

It's Christmas Eve here in California, and I'm enjoying some time writing Christmas cards. Yes, I know they won't arrive before Christmas, but I'm still happy to send holiday greetings around the world. And I really love receiving the same.  I keep my cards in a basket on the Christmas mantle, and you can see a few of them above. Since it's Wednesday, I thought it was a good opportunity to take a pair of photos for Helena's weekly photo meme "Zoom In Zoom Out.
It's also a good opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Most years, I send out two different types of cards. Hand made cards for my arty friends that I know will appreciate them and a photo card for family and friends. The latter includes a brief letter on the back of the card. Here's what I wrote this year:
"2014 was a good year. We enjoyed music (everything from Luke Bryan to Drake v. Li'l Wayne) and sporting events (World Cup, Giants winning the World Series and *soon* the Rose Bowl). We rebuilt our decks and remodeled our bathrooms. Clara turned 16 and got her driver's license. Henry transitioned from freshman to sophomore at University of Oregon, moved from the dorms to the Sigma Chi fraternity house, had a summer internship at Coaching Corp. in Oakland and traveled to Memphis where his club soccer team placed third at the national tournament. Maria and Clara volunteered at the Peninsula Humane Society, and they brought Frida home from the kitten nursery. Now, Clara volunteers at Guide Dogs for the Blind and raises backyard chickens for her egg business. She also runs really fast - she was the League Champion in Cross Country. Paul and Maria will celebrae their 30th Anniversary this month!"
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!!!


  1. I love receiving newsy Christmas cards. It always seems a shame not to write some news!
    Happy Christmas!

  2. I send two types of cards too, but I don't write as many chatty notes as I should. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Merry Christmas! I hope you are all having a wonderful time.

  4. Lovely ZIZO photographs! Hope you had a good Christmas.

  5. lovely collection of cards and I recognise that house!

  6. so good to see you back in the reading list! I have missed you so much

  7. So excited to see you in blogland this holiday season! And Happy Anniversary to y'all! We're celebrating 13 years today.

  8. My favourite cards to receive are the ones that receive a nice newsy letter inside but sadly they are viewed as a bit of bragfest in the UK. I always love to hear what my friends or family that I rarely see are up to. I like the idea of having all the cards in a basket. I don't put ours on display until I have received virtually all of them - I am a bit OCD about where they go according to size and if they are handmade or not LOL!! I keep them all in a box and then Mr P can sit down just before I put them up and have a read of them all. I love hearing how others do it. Hope you have had a good Christmas, Happy New Year and thank you for all the lovely blog comments you have left for me during the year x

  9. I love getting and sending newsy letters, I too send out different types of cards - not everyone wants a photo of us after all.

  10. Lovely!
    My hubby and I celebrate 30 years this month too!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  11. Belated Happy Anniversary - we're also a December wedding couple but 2 years ahead of you. What a super idea for a zizo and I love your idea of putting the cards in a basket. I'll have to remember that, I know I have the perfect one for that.
