Saturday, December 27, 2014

Post Christmas Thoughts

How was your Christmas? We had a lovely, quiet celebration. We had planned to go to southern California to see our extended families, but those plans got cancelled when Luna, Clara's puppy, joined our family. I really love spending time with our families, and I was sad to miss Christmas Eve with Paul's side of the family and Christmas day with my side of the family. But we did our best to enjoy ourselves. Paul made lasagna on Christmas Eve, and we had crab for Christmas dinner. We exchanged a few, large presents with each other.
Clara got her puppy, who decided to help unwrap the presents.
Henry got tickets to the Rose Bowl next week (he and I are going, and I'm super excited about spending that time with him). 
I also distributed some Giants baseball tickets to the kids. Clara gave me a new pair of Uggs, and Henry gave me a cool watch. Paul gave me the noise reducing head phones I've been wanting. For our anniversary, I gave Paul a nice watch; he gave me the Vitamix I've been lusting after. Mostly we enjoyed spending time together.
After our Christmas meal, I cleaned the last of the crab to make crab cakes. I drank the last of the chardonnay and began to think post-Christmas thoughts about my blog. I've got a few things I want to blog about:
*A series called "DMBB" (During My Blog Break) to record things that happened during the fall when I wasn't blogging (including Clara's amazing cross country season, Henry's adventures in Oregon, a trip to Montana, my awful encounter with poison oak, our volunteer work at Guide Dogs for the Blind, a wrap up on the kitten nursery, and other miscellaneous happenings);
*Two posts from the summer about the light at sunset and the light at sunrise;
*A wrap up post on my "One Little Word" from 2014 - Illuminate;
*A post on my "One Little Word" for 2015;
*A post on my favorite blog moments from 2014;
*A year-end Photo Heart Connection post; and
*Thoughts on current classes and where I see my "art" going in 2015.
And that should keep me busy for quite a while! What are you planning for the next few weeks on your blog?


  1. Glad you had a lovely Christmas! The crab looks delicious:) We too had a fairly quiet Christmas, but very enjoyable. love your ideas for blog posts and looking forward to reading them. I want to blog my handmade gifts for this year, and then I will have to think about where I want my blog to go in 2015. I seem to have neglected it lately.

  2. Belated festive greetings. Glad you enjoyed it although it was different. We've just said goodbye to my parents who are on their way home to South of England. Now the house needs some love and attention to return everyone back to their normal rooms! I too have fallen out of blog love these past few months but determined to kick start it in the new year. There's a photography challenge I've found and trying to aim for 4 scrapbook pages a month. We'll see how it goes!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your new posts they sound really interesting. Have a Happy New Year.

  4. I wish I could say that we ever plan anything... we don't. Mr M goes to work and comes home I have Miss Boo on some days when her Daddy is working and not on other days when he is not. Making sure that the two totally different shift patterns are noted in the diary and I can see at a glance who is where and, more importantly, where I need to be is the extent of my planning. I salute your organising ability.

  5. It's good to hear that you all had a lovely time. We did too! I'm looking forward now to hearing about some of the things you got all got up to over the past few months. I just know it'll be a good read :)

  6. Delighted to hear you enjoyed the holiday. I know all too well the way puppies can upset plans - but their cuteness always wins us back.

  7. It's nice to hear you have such plans for your blog. Not sure yet where mine will be headed. More art I hope.

  8. Sounds like a productive time away and I look forward to hearing more about it. Our Christmas was quiet and that was good.

  9. I'm glad your christmas was so great - ours was too - with grandsons and grown, adult children and pretties all around.

    I actually only have one thing planned for the next few days - get the decorations finished packing up (we put up the tree on our youngest daughter's birthday, Dec. 11 so we are ready for it to be packed up). Today just the lights and the big tree to pack up - then my plans are to give the house a good cleaning so it is fresh and clear for the new year to enter peacefully.

    As for my blog - I'm contemplating a few things - and some changes - but nothing final yet. The new year is a good time for pondering.

  10. We had a great christmas as well...and I'm looking forward to reading all your 'catch ups'.

  11. I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts! I'll be blogging a wrap up of my FUN year, the reveal of my word for 2015 and other plans for the year.

  12. Oh my, that is quite some blog list for us all to enjoy - and your adventures while you were 'away' sound full of interest. You always take such splendid photos that they are such to lovely-to-look at posts. Intrigued to see what is up your artistic sleeve :).

  13. I will be pulling for Oregon and all because of Henry :) I know ya'll will have a great time at the game. Love the "DMBB". I have been thinking about how to catch up over the long dry spell as well. I am jumping back to regular blogging with the new year ;)

  14. I am pleased you are back blogging again and look forward to reading about your adventures during the break. My Christmas was good, spent with close family - it's good to all get together. I am planning to blog more regularly next year!

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  15. Rinda, Love your new picture. Don't know how long you've had it up but it looks great. You will love your Vitamix. We use it all of the time and wonder how we ever lived without it.

    Look forward to you upcoming posts.

  16. wow- where to start!!
    Crab for Christmas idea of perfection!!
    Rose bowl....fabulous!! much fun and what a cutie....Maybe the new pup could become a therapy dog!

    And looking forward to reading all your blog break posts!

    We had a quiet Christmas...hubby had emergency oral surgery to remove 2 abscessed teeth on Christmas Eve...and is still recovering.

    My 2015 blog plans are still up in the air...not sure what memes to continue and what new ones to join.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  17. Lovely to hear that you enjoyed your quiet Christmas together. Looking forward to reading your blog posts in the New Year.

    I have a couple of posts planned to start 2015 but nothing set in stone. My posts seem to evolve as I go along, but it may be that I need to have more of a plan to get things posted regularly next year.

  18. That puppy is just too adorable! What a great excuse for staying home for Christmas!
    My plans for my blog are simply to get back into blogging. I've got sidetracked lately and I want to re-energise my blog. I like joining in regular meme posts and plan to get back into those now we are in the new year.

  19. Sounds like a lovely Christmas. We had a quiet one too but unfortunately neither one of us was feeling too great so Christmas dinner was put on hold till Boxing Day. Love the picture of Luna trying to help open the presents. I'm looking forward to reading those blogs and also hearing about your Rose Bowl experience. That was quite the game! Belated Happy New Year. Hope it's a great one for you and your family.
