Wednesday, July 2, 2014

ZIZO #27: Rubber Chicken!

Aria can be tough on toys, so it's nice when we find one that will last. She loves her rubber chicken! Sharing with Helena's Zoom in Zoom Out meme  and proud of myself for keeping up for the whole year so far! Also happy to rediscover snapseed for editing photos on my iphone. Instagram changed their processing steps and confused me (where did the frames go?), so I decided to retry snapseed, and I sure do love it!
Also, thanks to those of you who linked up to the June linky for the 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt or stopped by to see what everyone was up to. The linky is here and will be open for the rest of the summer. There will be another linky at the end of July. 


  1. love how she is looking up at you while keeping a good grip on her toy

  2. She's not giving that up easily!

  3. LOL! Love that chicken! What does she think of the real chickens you keep?

  4. Stewie wants one of these!!!

  5. Something about the words "rubber chicken" just make me want to laugh even before I've seen the photos

  6. It's not easy to find a dog toy that is not destroyed in minutes. Well done for keeping up with ZIZO I haven't done so well.

  7. I find rubber chickens rather creepy :-(

  8. Great photos! Our dog doesn't destroy toys, she just loses them. She takes them with her when she goes out, puts them down and forgets to pick them back up when she leaves the spot.

    Sort of like the boys actually...

  9. So important to find a toy that will stand up to their play! She looks like she keeps a good eye/paw on it.
