Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ZIZO #25: Garden's First Fruit

It's that time of the year where the garden has gone a bit brambly. The amount of work to be done outpaces our somewhat itinerant interest in gardening. Regardless of our presence, nature marches on, and the trees begin to bear fruit.
The plum tree is always the first to blossom and the first to bear fruit. The pear and apple won't produce until early fall. I often use Helena's zoom in zoom out meme to capture the garden's progression, so I decided this would be a good week to capture our garden's first fruit.  How is your garden getting along this year? 


  1. love your term itinerant gardening - exactly what I do. your plums look delicious - I have apples and berries forming

  2. That plum looks delicious! We didn't plant any vegetables this year and the apple trees don't seem to be doing much of anything right now but the chives and oregano are another thing altogether. I should get pictures of them after I weed - the weeds are doing fantastic. :)

  3. Our garden is tiny and carved from a carpark - the soil really isn't very good at all. I'd love to grow fruit like this. These pictures are beautiful.

  4. Your plums are looking great....ours are still small and green.

  5. I have featured our apple tree - sadly in need of TLC - and have spent an hour in the garden pulling out weeds! Itinerant interests here too! Might have plant a plum as we could do with some early fruit - the raspberries will probably ripen whilst we're away!

  6. Our plum tree has given up, unlike the peach tree, with it's 3 dying branches, that still produces a half a dozen or so peaches every year. Wish it was the plum tree that did that instead.

  7. Oh yum! No garden here, although our crepe myrtles have finally bloomed adding some color to the front yard!

  8. Pretty photos, Rinda!

    The only fruit trees we have are blood orange and it looks like we'll have another bumper crop this year as they are covered with little green fruit. Those won't be ready until next January though.

  9. We have lemons ready to pick and the oranges are still tiny little green balls!
    Alison xx

  10. I love your "itinerant interest in gardening", it sums up our interest pretty well too! All I have is a lemon tree but it has been producing like crazy for the past 6 months or so :) Time for lemonade!

  11. the plums look lovely
    and I love the "itinerant gardener" concept

  12. Your plums appear to be ripening nicely. YUM! I have apple trees but they didn't flower well this spring so I fear there will be few apples this fall.

  13. No garden for me - I'm an apartment dweller - so I love seeing pictures of other people's gardens on their blogs! Looks like those plums are coming along beautifully.

  14. They look so good, my mouth is watering!

  15. A lot of fruity ZIZOs this week. Great to see what everyone's growing!

  16. Oh, a plum tree---how lucky you are! I'd be having visions of plum galettes!
