Sunday, June 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Update, News and Answers to Questions

#5 A Rack of Post Cards
Welcome to a new week and a rack of post cards with some views of my local area (and one from boysmum2 in New Zealand )! The 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt, where people all over the world search for and photograph the same 21 items, is up and going strong. You can read all about it at this link. If you're reading on the full blog, feel free to grab the hunt badge. The instagram feed at #rindas2014photohunt is filling up nicely, and there's a fun facebook page titled Summertime Picture Scavenger Hunt 2014.
I wanted to answer a few questions that have come up and highlight some interesting finds that I have seen while cruising around blog land:
First, there's nothing "official" you need to do to join the Hunt. Everyone is welcome, and it's not too late to join. There's still over three months left in the Hunt, and summer (from a solstice/equinox standpoint) hasn't even officially started. If you leave me a link to your blog, I'll add you to my feedly reader and come visit. I also check in on the instagram feed and facebook page all the time.
Second, there will be an official linky at the end of each summer month (June, July, August) where everyone can check in and show off their finds to each other, as well as go visit fellow scavenger hunters. 
Third, there will be an official END OF HUNT linky on September 24, 2014 for everyone to check in and let me know how they did with this year's hunt.
Fourth, in the mean time, feel free to blog about your finds as your photograph them. I love seeing them pop up all over blog land. And, every now and then, I collect a few and feature them here (see below)
Finally, several people have asked "Is a street light or a light standard the same thing as a lamp post?" The answer is yes! Part of the fun of the hunt is seeing how people interpret the various prompts (I'm thinking there's lots of different ways to capture #11 a horn, for instance) and seeing how similar or different common items are around the world. Really, the only hard and fast rule is that your photograph needs to be taken during the time frame of the Hunt (not found in your archives). Other than that, have fun and thanks for joining in!
And now, here's a round-up of some of my favorite posts from the last week or so:
Just Jimjams posted this fantastic bus with a picture painted on the side:
How's that for getting your Monday morning off to a fresh start? Want something a little more scenic? Check out Karen's gorgeous water fall and rural landscape (Stacey at Havoc and Mayhem also featured a wonderful rural pairing at this link):
Karen's post, here, also has a fantastic tattoo photograph and lamp post. Speaking of lamp posts, my blog friend over at Cool Quilting has become a bit obsessed with them:
I could go on and on, as there are so many wonderful Scavenger Hunters posting out there, but I thought I would end with this pairing from Deb Turtle and Jo C., featuring signs welcoming us to their hometowns (which are 5,110 miles apart) because they illustrate the international nature of the Scavenger Hunt, which I love so much!
Thanks again to everyone for participating, and let me know if you have any questions!


  1. I saw the bus on Jemma's blog - fabulous isn't it.

    Love that waterfall.

    Toni xx

  2. I have discovered it is possible to have bus envy...
    Sad, so sad.

  3. Heheee ... the bus is fantastic - not sure if I'll be able to get one like that here!
    I also really enjoyed Karen's finds the other day and I particularly liked her rural scene too.

    Scope is now wide open as far as the lamps are concerned!

  4. Thanks for mentioning me, quite a surprise to see my postcards staring back at me :) Love the bus, enough to make anyone smile! Although I am going to have to hang around the bus terminal downtown to get my bus, just have to wait for a fine day and lots of time on my hands!

  5. PS Re Counter tops - ours are a manufactured stone called Caesarstone ... I imagine there would be an equivalent over there for you - there seems to be a never ending range here! Only problem is they are TOO good at hiding the dirt!

  6. PPS Yes, our AFL is more like the Gaelic football - so much so we have an international against the Irish most years and they play a hybrid between the both games. Our ball is oval in shape compared to the round ball in Gaelic footy.

  7. Yes, I can confirm what Amy says!

    I like the Half Moon bay postcards. It's lovely to see it from a tourist perspective

  8. That bus is amazing! I found a couple more on my trip to Detroit, but their buses had NO logos or designs at all (at least not on the ones I saw). I love this project, and I love having my friends involved with it. All the women i was traveling with were looking for scavenger hunt items this weekend!

  9. Lots of fun photos already!
    I am happy to see there is a FB page as well...

  10. Great array of photos so far x
    We are waiting till our holidays to start the Hunt :)

  11. hmmm Jemma may have the best bus capture of the summer and we've just started ;)

  12. Great finds...I could look at that bus all day.

  13. So far so good! Trying not to do too many at once, but make it last and embrace the challenge! My link is:

  14. Fun post and thanks for the info on dates to link up. Thanks also for featuring my photo - I love seeing it paired up with Jo's for the difference in landscape. I love this photo hunt so much! :o)

  15. I love the fact that you calculated how far away we live. It is a great contrast. I still have bus envy for Jemma too :0)
    Off to check out the people I haven't visited x

  16. Thanks for the clarification, now I know exactly what I'm using for a lamp post. I haven't started yet but will be heading out shortly with both cameras to see what I can come up with. We've got a lot of them planned for when John retires 2 weeks tomorrow.

  17. I'm enjoying seeing posts pop up throughout blog land, too!

  18. Great bunch of photos! We need to get on board with this more & get looking harder.

  19. Oh, it is so cool to see some of the photos side by side for the same prompts! Love the good looking bus! ;)

  20. Fun post - I'd better get clicking.

  21. Catching up after a short holiday break - thanks for noticing my bus ;-)
    Great to see so many friends taking part - and will definitely be making new ones again this year. Thanks Rinda - this is such fun!
