Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ZIZO #18: Art Abandonment

Cheri, over at Scrap Dreams, is challenging people this week to participate in "Art Abandonment" or the practice of making art and then leaving it out in public for someone else to find. I've known about this practice for a long time and have been intrigued but have never participated because it seems scary to me. I'm not sure why . . . but I get worried thinking that someone might see me leaving art around. Silly, I know.
So, today I bit the bullet. I made a cute tag which reads "Pssst. . . Hey you, yes you! This little idea book is a gift from the universe. Enjoy!" When I went to the post office today, I left it in front of the local brew pub and walked away. Well, I took a quick photo and then walked away. And then took a few more photos. Because even though I'm afraid of people seeing me leaving art around, I'm never afraid of people seeing me taking photos. Go figure.
Here are the photos,
That's my story for today and my zoom in < zoom out pictures for this week. To see other ZIZO's, check out Helena's blog here.


  1. well done - I share your nervousness about leaving something to be found but planning to do some in May

  2. I love this! Weren't you tempted to hide behind a bush and see who found it? Your beautiful blue sky makes me think round here I might need to wrap my offering in a plastic bag before leaving it anywhere!

  3. What a great project and I wish that I could find something of yours!

  4. I keep thinking about doing this as well but haven't quite got the courage and I'm not really sure what I am afraid of...embarrassment if people say 'hey, you forgot something' maybe.

  5. Yay! Go Rinda! So proud of you! So how did it feel? And are you now wondering who might have received it and what they thought? I'm hoping when I do mine to just be able to trust that the Universe will see to it that my art falls into the right hands.

  6. Well done Rinda! Am no excited because I have just noticed your prompt for 2014 photo scavenger hunt!

  7. I would be totally nervous too.
    Love this idea, well done you x

  8. I'm always nervous leaving book crossing books, like someone is going to call after me "Hey lady, you left your book!" and then I'd have to explain everything & I don't want to explain everything. People know what you are doing when you take pics. They may think you're crazy for taking them, but they don't question it.

  9. This is such a cool idea....I would really have liked to stay and see who found it....and their reaction.

  10. I have that problem when I am bookcrossing and I leave a book in the wild. I always wonder if people will think I am leaving a bomb or something - must be because I had sons in the army and they were security concious. Taking pictures is a normal thing though, right? everyone does that... don't they?

  11. Lovely idea...but I would have been lurking ffor a while to see who found it!
    Alison xx

  12. Lovely tag book Rinda! I like the idea of abandoned art and mean to make some myself. Meanwhile I am part of bookcrossing and I do leave books for people to find. I have had people call after me, thinking I have left them by mistake. Once or twice I left them in a shop, flower arranging books among cut flowers,I felt really guilty like I was taking something rather than leaving it! But like you I have no qualms of taking photos quite openly...

  13. This is such a great idea! I wasn't familiar with book crossing either, so I'm off to see what I can find out about that. I like the idea of leaving a book with a handmade bookmark somewhere.

  14. Oh I would have been so tempted to stay & see who found it.

  15. I hope the book is a blessing to whosoever found it. I like the photos showing where you put it too. Saw the Summer Scavenger hunt up too and am excited as I'll be taking photos in Texas, Alabama and the UK. Might try to do some near my new house too :)

  16. Well done - you were brave, I hope someone enjoys your gift.

  17. What a lovely idea ... important to make sure the finder realises they can keep it ... I'd just assume that it was "lost" and would be recovered when the loser retraced their steps.

  18. What fantastic light you have! So different from our northern cooler sunlight.

  19. How FUN that you left such a great piece of art for someone to find! I "found" one of Cheri's painted rocks as she was leaving them around the day we were together!
