Sunday, April 27, 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Welcome! Every month, Abi hosts a gathering of blog friends, who welcome each other for a chat over a virtual cup of tea. This month, I'm serving up some health blueberry muffins with either tea or coffee. If you were really here, I'd welcome you in on a very lazy Sunday. I've been making soup today, baking muffins and binge watching "Orphan Black." I'd ask you if you'd seen it and what you think of it. I'd tell you that I'm completely smitten with it. 
I'd also tell you how much I'm enjoying taking a day to just relax at home. My teaching term ended last week, and the end of term is full of make-up classes, reading papers, meeting with students, writing finals, etc. I've also been traveling a lot lately - up to Eugene, Oregon for a crafting weekend; down to Arcadia, California for a track meet; out to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a hearing.
In-between work and travel, I've been trying to attend to my day-to-day home activities. I'd tell you that I was happy to be blogging more regularly and that I'm slowly getting a chance to catch up with all my blog friends. I'd tell you that the chickens are laying lots of eggs, but Clara's egg business is off to a slow start. She's got two customers so far, but she has eggs for about six. Paul is happy to eat lots of eggs, so they don't go to waste. But, it would be nice if she could make a bit more income. I'd also tell you that Clara really enjoys practicing her driving, and she's doing pretty well (although there have been a few white knuckle rides over the mountain pass). She's also running track - a lot! There's only a few more weeks left of her track season (depending upon how successful she is in the end of the season meets).
I'd tell you that we're also busy volunteering at the local animal shelter. In addition to walking dogs for about an hour a week, we're also spending 2-3 hours a week working in the "kitten nursery." It's a seasonal facility on the third floor which takes cares of litters of kittens from 2-4 weeks old who need extra help before going to foster care and then up for adoption. Most of the kittens need to be fed with a syringe. They're so tiny! And so cute! We'll be doing it through most of the summer. I'll have to take some pictures and post them soon.
As we enjoyed our muffins and tea, I'd sit back and ask you if you'd seen Julie's post over at Notes on Paper  about making a fresh start in the spring, instead of January. I'd tell you that it really resonated with me because, now that teaching is over, I'm ready to make a to-do list and get some things done . . . creatively, professionally and around the house. And I'd ask you, whether Spring is going to be a time of renewal and fresh starts for you.


  1. The muffins look really good!

    Autumn is more my time of fresh starts - I often wonder if it's something to do with having parents who were teachers. Because I enjoyed school I sometimes see this time of year as a time of sad endings, which is a bit daft, I know, but I find it hard to shake off.

    It sounds like we are lucky to catch you actually stopping and sitting down for a minute!

  2. OH Rinda! The animal shelter sounds such fun! Wish I could volunteer there with you! I'm like Sian in that I enjoy a new start in September with 'back to school'. Good luck to Clara with her egg business! Enjoy some time for yourself and your new start.

  3. Although I too tend to think of autumn as the 'new start' time of year...that probably does come from being a teacher.....I do love this time of year.....with all the outdoor activities starting.
    Sounds like you've finally got time to catch your breath!!

  4. I'm another who has always thought of Back to School time in September as the new start, but Julie's post resonated with me too. I think I had so many plans for the New Year and then for one reason an another got off to a very poor start. Since the clocks went forward at the end of March, I seem to have been given a new lease of life :o) Thanks for the catch up and, of course, the delicious blueberry muffin. It was lovely to see you popping up in my blog comments yesterday x

  5. Mouthwatering!
    Glad you enjoyed your rest day - we all need one of those now and again :)

  6. I love muffins! Thank you! My son age 12 has written a business plan in an attempt to persuade his dad we should keep chickens! Can' wait to see the kittens xxx

  7. Thanks for the link to Julie's blog - it was a great post. I'm definitely enjoying the changes Spring is finally bringing here after the never-ending brutal Winter of 2013/2014. I definitely miss the academic calendar demarcating my life!

  8. Oh Rinda - how lovely to see my name pop up here. I'm so glad you felt like sharing my post. Thank you so much.

    I can't imagine having learned to drive along a mountain pass! But I guess if you live near one ... it's best to learn how to be safe ASAP!


  9. Thanks for the muffins. I'll go over to Notes on paper. I could do with a fresh start too

  10. Learning to drive over a mountain pass? Eeek! The worst part of a driving test in this area is having to do a hill start on a very steep hill which has a traffic light controlled crossroads at the top!
    Pleased to see you have grabbed a few minutes of peace and quiet in amongst all your busy times.

  11. Mmmmm! Soup and muffins! That sounds scrummy! bet your kitchen smelt delicious!

  12. Those muffins looks scrummy. You've been having some adventures Rinda. I have loved keeping up with you on IG recently!

    I remember some of my first trips with my parent when I started to learn to drive. my dad reached for the handbrake so many times it looked like he had a twitch. We weren't good in a car together! Mum was far more relaxed! I never had to deal with a mountain pass though. Clara is incredible!

  13. As you start to wind down we are in a full blown tornado of activities and life with kids part of the year! I like hearing about the things you are doing as your kids get older, it must be such a change now that Henry is away.

  14. Mmmm those muffins look good Rinda. We just got two new rescue kittens last November (they Re big now) but how lovely to look after them so young. Yes, spring is a new start here for me too. Nicer weather and lighter evenings make me want to get up and do stuff!

  15. OOOH i remember those early driving days. Thankfully there was no mountain pass. I'm not sure I could drive over one today even x

  16. those muffins look delicious, great to catch up with you again x

  17. I remember teaching both kids to drive. Mostly it was pretty easy, and they are both very good drivers today. I thought it would be their dad who did it, but he was too demanding. (Rather surprising, since he's the low key person here.) I'd love to be one of Clara's customers if only I lived nearby!

  18. If we were neighbors I would totally buy eggs from Clara! I had to laugh about her practicing her driving. Doug taught Carrie how to drive and we were all ok with that! ;o)

    So glad your school term is behind you and that you are enjoying spring time! xo

  19. The muffins look great.And I look forward to the kitty pictures!

  20. Hope the egg business picks up....and that you are enjoying working in the animal shelter!
    Alison xx

  21. Those muffins look delicious. I hope the egg business picks up for Clara. I'd love to be able to find someone who sells eggs like that around here.

  22. So glad you've had time to enjoy the break between semesters. I'm looking forward to finishing tutoring when we move, although I'll still be teaching adults on occasion. The blueberry muffins look yummy, we'd buy eggs if we were local too. Ewok loves eggs :)
