Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where have I Been? (A Simple Moment)

It's late. I'm tired. Ready to crawl into bed. My computer is neatly tucked under my bed. I had planned to turn it on tonight, read some blogs and write a post. Maybe catch up with my ZIZO's; maybe blog about the weekend crop I went to in Eugene, Oregon; maybe brag a bit about my girl's running success or share an uplifting story from my morning walk.
I meant to do that last night, too. And the night before. And Sunday morning, too, truth be told. But I just haven't had the energy. I've been busy.  My work-work has been draining; my kids keep me hopping; and I've actually been reading. I didn't plan a blog break, but other things called to me instead. I haven't forgotten about my blog or my blog friends. I've been taking pictures; storing memories; planning posts in my head. And I know I'll be back. Because my blog, and all of you, are an important part of my life. Even if other things are taking precedence right now.  See you soon.
I meant to link this up with Alexa's Simple Moment meme, but I keep getting an error message when I try to go to her blog. Anyone else having this problem?


  1. Recharge those batteries and look forward to having you back in blogland soon :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your moment - it's one all of us bloggers can relate too. While trying to catch up reading blogs, I've been experiencing problems with lots of pictures not loading on Blogger sites today, so maybe there is a problem there.

  3. Glad you've been busy doing other things - life goes in ebbs and flows, look forward to when blogging flows back into your routine.

  4. So good to see you, and take the needed rest! If Alexa's blog is a Typepad blog, the platform has been down for four days. I haven't access to mine since last Saturday. They're working on it, but it must have been some huge glitch that got to it.

  5. Hope things settle down a little soon x

  6. Hi Rinda ~ I actually popped over here just to see if you'd posted anything because I realized it had been a while. Glad to hear you are fine and busy. :o) That's the cool thing about blogging - it will always be here waiting for you when your window of opportunity opens.

    I see that Karen already answered your question about Alexa, but I'll add to that and say that she did not post a Simple Moment on the 15th because she wasn't feeling well, and now with her platform having issues... Hopefully she'll be well, and her blog will be back up and running soon.

    PS: Have you checked your mail lately? :o)

  7. Sounds really busy for you right now...and we'll all be back to visit when you're back to blogging.
    p.s.I understand Typepad has been hacked big time!

  8. Hello Rinda and I am sorry you've been having problems :(. As Debs says, I've been unwell and am just emerging now but didn't know about the Typepad problem. I am so touched that in the midst of,your busyness you took the time to write a moment and wanted to link up, and I'll get that sorted as soon as is possible. Thinking of you and hoping there are going to be little gaps for you to catch your breath ... Warmest regards, Alexa.

  9. It's inevitable that demands on your time change from time to time. Sounds like you are busy in all areas of your life and it was right to sacrifice blogging while you enjoy those things. Good to see you back x

  10. Looking forward to reading all those posts you've planned, meantime rest up we'll be here when you're back.
    I'm keeping fingers crossed that Typepad is up to stay now (so far so good this morning).

  11. I think we can all to relate to this. Most of us have been in that place, at some time, since starting out with our blogs. I firmly believe blogging should be without obligation, although it is a little worrying if somebody disappears for a while. Thank goodness for IG/FB to keep us in the loop.

  12. You've been in my head even if you haven't been in my Reader! As the weather improves here, we've been out and about over Easter and it has been reminding me of the places we visited when you were here. I'll be keeping an eye out for a new post ..whenever

  13. I certainly can relate to this post! Only just catching up with my blog reading now and been posting very sporadically myself. Recharge your batteries :)

  14. Great to see you here again, I was wondering! Hope to hear anout what you have been up to when you are less busy.
