Thursday, April 3, 2014

Art Journal Page: Art Song

My job has been very stressful lately, so today I decided to run away to my art studio. I finished up a bunch of backgrounds for my 2013 Learn Something New Everyday faces journal and came really close to finishing my December Daily (will blog those later). 
Along the way, I put bits and pieces aside to use in my art journal. I drew a bird; added some background colors; doodled here and there; and finally declared it done!
And I'm really happy with it. Love the colors, love the symbols. The major journaling reads "Keep a song in your heart and art in your life."
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi Rinda, good to see you here. My work has been pretty stressful too but my new camera body arrived this week so I'll have to get out and about and post some shots ... luckily our term break starts today!

  2. Oh I like those symbols and that quote. Sorry to hear your job has been stressful lately. I'm looking forward to some quieter days here and planning getting mindfully messy tomorrow.

  3. Sorry to hear that your job has been stressful. Hope that by being creative it has helped. Lovely bird :)

  4. A beautiful quote and a lovely page! Sorry to hear about the stress, but glad you could find time to play in your studio.

  5. Hope the job calms down some. It sounds like you had a very good day in your studio and got a lot done. Sometimes you just need those days.

  6. Hope the job calms down some. It sounds like you had a very good day in your studio and got a lot done. Sometimes you just need those days.

  7. Glad you managed some 'me' time,Rinda....a lovely page and great quote.

  8. I hope you have a good weekend too, and a bit of a break from work. It's a lovely page - looks like one which brought a lot of satisfaction and pleasure to its creator. Sometimes it really shows!

  9. I'm sorry you have been stressed Rinda, I imagine making this beautiful page helped to take you away from it all.

  10. Great page Rinda...hope the day in the studio has brought the stress. Levels down!
    Alison xx

  11. I love knowing that you were able to make some time for artwork in the midst of some stressful work-work. LOVE your art journal page, Rinda!

    I hope you have a great weekend and have a little time to relax. xo

  12. Great images. My plan for work stress is to figure out how to play in your summer scavenger hunt. If there's ever any work stuff useful to talk out, with the dear friend to dear friend privilege of confidentiality, let me know.

  13. A very beautiful art journal page, Rinda - I like the bird, it is cute. Is it splashing in a birdbath or puddle? That's what it looks like to me.
    I hope the big stress will be lighter soon and you can enjoy spring.

  14. Very pretty! Sorry about the stress, I hope it passes soon!

  15. That's a brilliant motto to remember and glad that retreating to your studio helped with the stress.

  16. Great page, Rinda...sounds like you've given yourself some vital art therapy!

  17. Love the little bird, gladdens the heart!

  18. Beautiful quote that you chose for the journal page and the symbolic imagery really has its voice.

    Just wanted to let you know I got one of your postcards for the 2014 liberate your art. Loved the garden plums photo!
