Wednesday, February 19, 2014

ZIZO #8: Zooming Around the Track

Hayward Field, the track and field complex at the University of Oregon, is a mecca for all runners.  While we were there, Clara soaked up the ambiance
And while we were there, I decided to capture some photographs for this week's Zoom In < Zoom Out meme, sponsored by Helena.  I actually captured three photographs.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom Down
Thanks Helena for the weekly reminder to think about perspective. I love the flexibility of this meme. To see other selections, check out this link.


  1. I love your sense of perspective in these photos. Glad to see Clara had a good time!

  2. Yes I'm in a muddle because I'm tired but wanted to make a few visits. This of course is a great ZIZO and the fabulous sun/moon pictures are the perfect simple to sleep now to rest my tired brain x

  3. Great pics! must have been lovely to see Henry in hs new environment, and great for Clara to catch with her big bro.

  4. That 1 mile shot is a ripper! I do like the first one here today too :)

  5. love how the combined perspectives really give a feel for the field

  6. I like the various views of the track and of Clara looking down upon it all.

  7. Love the Zoom In photos---great perspectives.

  8. I like the different track perspectives!

  9. Really cool shots, Rinda. I just love the one of Clara!

  10. Great trio, and what an incentive for Clara!

  11. I love how different the ZIZOs are each week - especially yours!
