Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Simple Moment: Moonset and Sunrise

The train is still dark; the lights dimmed since midnight. But I'm awake. I peer out and see that the moon is still up. I wonder at our plan to take the train to visit Henry at University. We could have been there in a couple of hours. Instead, we boarded at 10:30 p.m. and will roll into Eugene at noon. We could have waded through security at SFO, been herded onto the plane like cattle, worried about making the flight, wedged our way into our seats, inhaled stale air, deplaned, found a rental car and driven to our hotel. Instead, we giggled and read and painted before we drifted off to sleep.  My girl and I are spending time together, enjoying the trip. I look up. The moon has set, and the sun has risen.
Yes, in that moment, I realize what a very good decision we made to take the train.
Linking up my simple moment with Alexa at Trimming the Sails.


  1. What a lovely picture you have painted, Rinda, of the two of you being happily creative together as the miles whizz (or trundle) past ... Very civilised compared to the alternative. I love trains and would love to travel to see my son on one if it wasn't so very much more expensive than the flight. Hoping you and Clara and Henry have a glorious time together.

  2. What a fantastic moment you have captured. Train travel is really expensive here in the UK and we tend to avoid it, but your description reminds me of how much we miss by using budget airlines for our journeys.

  3. Oh, the train is the best way to go - I think - especially up/down the west coast. Such lovely scenery. Whereas, here on the east coast all you see are houses and backyards "on the wrong side of the tracks."

    Glad you chose the train and shared your ride with us.
    Sure you had a grand visit.

  4. Such a lovely moment,Rinda. I remember an overnight train trip to Scotland.....waking up in the early morning to the most wonderful scenery.

  5. I love the train, and used to take it regularly to visit my father. It's been a long time since I've been on one, but I remember a fun ride with Sarah when she was a preschooler.

  6. The train wins every time for me. Luckily, from London via Eurostar I can travel all over Europe. Great picture!

  7. I love trains. Your journey sounds marvellous. I have train journey envy

  8. great pair of photos and yes I love train journeys and the chance to sit and enjoy

  9. Sounds good to me - I like the pairing of the two shots and hope the visit was great fun.

  10. What a lovely moment and how special to be able to spend some quality time with Clara.

  11. After having spent some time with Kirsty this weekend, I know exactly what you mean about having made the right decision...hope you had a great time !
    Alison xx

  12. What a perfect pair for ZIZO and I love the train too.
    Have a happy time with Henry.

  13. Oh my goodness, Rinda, how totally FUN! Thanks for sharing this moment.

  14. Train travel is expensive here too - quite annoying when we are constantly being told/reminded to conserve fuel either from road trips or plane flights.

  15. I love that you can get things done on a train, relax and/or get up and walk about. Knew you and Clara would have a lovely trip especially since it involved seeing Henry :)

  16. This looks like such a fun way to travel. Thanks for sharing your moment :)

  17. Oh this is so awesome, Rinda! I LOVE that you and Clara are having these special times together. I know how treasured those times are and it makes my heart so very glad for you both! I'm glad you took the train too. xo

  18. What a lovely moment to share. Yes you did make the right choice. Now the big question is "how are you traveling back home"?

  19. LOVE this Rinda! How fun that the two of you are getting to spend quality time together without the hassles of driving/security/etc. What a great way to really get to know each other!
