Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Month in Numbers and Happy Photos (July)

Scavenger Hunt Item #12: A Cloud in the Shape of Something (A Heart)
While looking through my photographs for Kat Sloma's Photo-Heart Connection, I realized that I had a lot of photos from July which made me really happy.  I wanted to share them on my blog, and I decided to use them as a way to join in with Julie Kirk's Month in Numbers. So, without further ado:
49: the number of fountains advertised in the fireworks package I bought
12: the number of actual, reasonably sized fountains in the package
It didn't really matter because it was so much fun to buy and shoot off a real package of fireworks. This picture brought back so many fond memories of my childhood.
10: hours volunteered at the Humane Society with Clara (who totally fell in love with this puppy), and I hardheartedly said "no." But these pictures still make me smile.
42,310 attendance at the Giant's double-header baseball game we attended
10 attendance at the tail gate party we held in Parking Lot C before the game
Henry and his friends were really excited when they were invited to tailgate with some college kids (including the older brother of one of his friends). I was pleasantly surprised when they invited me along, too. I had assumed I would be way too embarrassing, but we really all had a lot of fun.
2: the number of dogs we live with, including an unusual "watch dog" and one very sweet girl, snuggling with her favorite dinosaur toy.
15: the number of Henry's soccer team mates who showed up on less than 24 hours notice to visit their Coach who has been in the hospital for about 3 months with a degenerative muscle disease. The doctors have figured out drug therapy and Coach has been working really hard on physical therapy, so he was ready for a visit and wanted to get together with all the boys before they head off for college. I don't know if I was more impressed by how many players showed up or by the impressive list of colleges they plan to attend. Both are a tribute to Coach Franklin's hard work and dedication.
253 pictures taken by me in July (on my and iphone)
1 picture of a cloud that looks like a laughing lamb (looking left; you can see her head and her two front legs, or at least I can!).
Julie is asking everyone to do a communal number, and she's givine us a choice. I chose the photos taken because I think it will be too hard to catalog my bag!
Edited to add: okay, after reading everyone else's communal count, I dumped my bag, threw out a bunch of miscellaneous receipts and bits of paper then counted 86 individual items in my bag! A lot of them are business cards (mine, plus others I've collected at work events) and pens, but some interesting things are: 2 fortune cookie fortunes; 1 rosary (because sometimes you need to sit and pray); 2 small bouncy balls; 3 styluses for my ipad; 1 container of dental floss and 4 magnetic keys from hotels (I guess I plan to scrap them someday!).
I hope these photos make you feel as happy as they made me. And thanks Julie for sponsoring the month in numbers


  1. Definitely some numbers to be proud of, you have two fantastic kids :0)

  2. Truly happy photos and lots of good things to remember!

  3. How could you say no to that CUUUUUTE puppy?!?! (Just kidding, I would have said no too!)

    LOVE the heart in the clouds, and also that Henry asked you to join in the tail gate party! Fantastic, happy post, Rinda! xo

  4. These are definitely happy photos & a great look at your month!

  5. Good Happy Photos. At first I saw Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in your cloud, except his nose is blue, then I saw the lamb. What a great bunch of boys, I hope to meet Henry and Clara one day.

  6. Love that month in numbers theme! Love the cute puppy, and I've never heard of a tailgate party! I've been having lots of fun trying to photograph a cloud in the shape of something too.

  7. I've been wanting to do one of these posts. I'm glad you had a good time with the fireworks, but things like that get under my skin. If the package says 49, and I pay for 49, I would really like to have 49.

  8. Great list! I could never work at shelter. I'd take all the cats home or mope about the cats I couldn't take home.

  9. these are good numbers...i can see the heart and laughing lamb.

  10. A fab post! I love fireworks, the smell of the cordite as much as the pyrotechnics! Your dogs are so lovely, but it must be hard to be firm when you see another in need of a good home. . . . All the best for Coach's treatment. Thanks so much, Rinda for your comments on my French posts; it is great to have an artist's opinion! Just adore the lamb cloud! I look every day, but nothing forthcoming so far. Hearts are always a winner with me!

  11. Absolutely! Love the heart in the clouds and goodness me are your arms and shoulders hurting carrying all those things in your bag? A truly happy post.

  12. A wonderful post - full of heart warming things indeed. I liked the heart clouds and definitely saw the lamb.

  13. Love your negative heart in the clouds and that laughing lamb is just too cute!

  14. Well - in just this one post you've given such a clear picture of what kind of parent you are what with the volunteering, your son's visit to his coach and the fact you were invited to the party! Just lovely.

    I've realised today that I counted my bag items during a month when I work from home. If I counted them again when I'm back at my out-of-the-house job ... the bag would tell a different, far more cluttered story!

    I love the cloud heart and yes, I think I can see that lamb! And with the fireworks too you've certainly spent a good deal of July looking upwards!

    I've added you to the board now Rinda:

    Happy August!

    Julie :-)

  15. You fit so much into your month, Rinda - and such a lot of it is in kindness and thoughtfulness to others :). It must have been hard to resist the puppy-pleading, given that sweet connection between the two of them - I always used to focus on the dog hairs, dirty wet feet in winter and the possibility of barking, so that usually made saying No to my own DD a breeze! Lovely post with lots of varied interest :).

  16. I don't know how you do so much! Looks like your son is part of an awesome bunch of lads, no wonder you are so proud.
    I could see your laughing lamb - I remember playing the 'what do you see' game as a child and doing it with my kids. I need to go do it again for my scavenger hunt pic!

  17. Lovely photos but my favourite has to be the one of the boys with their coach - heartwarming :-)

  18. Great post and I can see the laughing lamb. thanks for the peek into your handbag

  19. Hi Rhinda
    Thank you for such a brilliant post, your photos defiantly make you feel happy. The puppies eyes were irresistible, and the heart cloud was great.

  20. Love the laughing lamb cloud. Oh dear, glad I missed last month as I'd hate to have to count everything in my bag. Maybe that's why my back's bothering me. :)
