Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lost in a Good Book: Simply a Moment (August)

I close the book and sigh. Sad it's over. Even after 561 pages, I wish it could have gone on. But, of course, the author ended it exactly where he should have. Because he's a gifted writer and knew what he was doing. It's been a long time since I've found myself lost in a good book . . . transported to another world by compelling characters and a robust plot, all wrapped up in interesting themes which I will ponder for some time to come.  It's been a long time since I've sat for hours and read.
Truthfully, it's been a long time since I've sat for hours and done anything (or nothing).  I stretch my left leg out, pushing the heel forward until my calf muscle catches and starts to scream just a little bit. I think back to that moment earlier this week in the gym when I was feeling so good. The sweat was pouring off my face as I strapped myself to the bungee cord attached to the wall. I've been hitting the gym hard the last week, and it's been paying off. I was able to really push myself, and I've been feeling great. 
The trainer yells "Go!" I start running in place with high knees, fighting the bungee cord which is trying to pull me back to the wall. I smile broadly, having fun. And then I feel it. . . . an ominous pop in my left calf. I get sweatier and a little light headed. The trainer helps me outside where there's more air, gets me some ice and encourages me to put my head between my knees until I no longer feel like I might pass out (or throw up).
I come home, shower and begin my convalescence. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. "RICE." Also known as "BOREDOM."  Somehow I don't feel like getting on the computer. I can't really move around my art table to finish up my art projects either.  I get tired of watching television.
So I pick up my half-finished summer book and plunge back into Meyer's story of Texas and the American Southwest. It carries me through a few days of bed rest. And now the story's over. The leg is healing, too. I still shuffle more than walk, but at least I can move around a bit. And I'm finally comfortable sitting at the computer. I run my hand over the smooth surface of the book's cover, feeling the embossed letters of the title and the author's name. I wonder if I can find another book . . . 
and convince the family that I need to stay off my feet for a few more days. 
Simply a Moment is a meme hosted by Alexa at Trimming the Sails. You can find more moments and link up here.


  1. Oh Rinda, Rinda, Rinda! This is not good at all! It is so frustrating when you are exercising and keeping fit and then an injury occurs. You have been missed a lot this week but I understand not feeling motivated when you are sore and a little battle weary!

  2. Oh no, this is not the kind of moment we want to hear! So sorry to hear you are injured and hope that the healing process has begun. Hard for a busy person to sit and do nothing. Take care x

  3. Oh no :(. So sorry to hear you have been laid up and how the injury is healing nicely and that you can move around without pain. Glad the family are so supportive and that you have been able to lose yourself in something - I must make a note of the book. Despite the pain and frustration, your writing is so very expressive and I am touched that you have felt able to join with Simply a Moment this month again. Thank-you so much and wishing you continued recovery, Rinda.

  4. aaawwouch! Thank you for sharing your moment even though it was brought about by pain. I think the gym is a dangerous place, all sorts of nasty things in there to jump out and bit you.
    Please take care you have been missed this week.

    Running huh? I used to do that - forty years ago!

  5. So sorry to read of your injury Rinda - but glad to hear you can move about again, and that the book helped you to forget your frustration - wishing you a speedy recovery. J x

  6. I well know that sad but satisified feeling when you close the cover on a very good book! Here's to hoping you can find another to whisk you away until your leg is completely healed!

  7. Ooh, that sounds painful. I hope your convalescence is a short one! I like what Cheri has to say..I hope you find another book you enjoy as much to help you on the road to full recovery

  8. Oh dear. A torn calf is too extreme - next time, just readthe book!

  9. Oh Rinda, I hope your leg heals quickly - on the other hand I wish you some more good reads! However, getting disrupted in your exercise like this is so annoying. I wish you being "back on your feet" real soon!

  10. Oh Dear Cousin I do hope you get all the rest you need to heal. I know it must be hard with getting Clara ready for school and Henry off to college. Take Care ;-)

  11. Sounds painful, but glad you enjoyed the book.

  12. Oh no :-( Hope your legs heals soon. Perfect excuse for a bit of reading though

  13. Sorry to hear about your calf Rinda! It sounds like you were doing really well a the gym too. Glad you were able to rest it up and get stuck in a good book:) Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  14. Ugh on the injury - so sorry to hear that :( The book sounds good :)

  15. Sorry to hear about your injury - hope you are mending well. Glad you got time to finish your book though - I've read so many books this summer as I've not been able to get anywhere near my crafting stash with all the building work going on!

  16. Oh my, I hope you are feeling back at full pace soon. I started to cringe right at the word bungee in your story. Books are so much safer, you know!

  17. Great moment! I hope your leg is healing well.

  18. Oh my goodness, Rinda. What's good for a blog post (Simple Moment) isn't always good for the body. So sorry to hear about your injury, and I hope your family has been good about letting your rest. Wishing you a very speedy recovery!!!

  19. Just catching up, sorry to hear about the injury...hope it's well on the mend by now!
    Alison xx

  20. Ouch! I hope your leg is better soon.

  21. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you hurt yourself. I hope the leg is well on the way to recovery and you're back to normal activities. Take care.
