Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Scavenger Hunt Begins!

I had a wonderful trip last week to Southern California to visit family, vacation with Clara and run the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon. I'll post more about my adventures later, but the short version is: Clara and I finished the race successfully, and we had a terrific time together.
While I was away, the 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt went live, and I am thrilled by the number of people who have said they plan to participate! I also began collecting items from the list.  #4 An Airplane was easy, since we traveled by air on our trip.  While at the airport, I was also able to find #14 An stained glass item or a mosaic:
I put this item on the list with my cousin Irene in mind because she is a wonderful stained glass artist. But I found some wonderful glass mosaic murals at the San Diego airport and grabbed my camera to document them.  I think this is often the way the Scavenger Hunt works for me - I know where some items definitely are (like the airplane), and I stumble across others.  The lesson I take from this is don't be discouraged if you don't know where you'll ever find a fisherman or a windmill. They might turn up when you least expect it!
Since the list has been up for a few days, I wanted to check in and see if anyone had any questions or concerns.  If so, let me know. 
I'm also curious about whether people have started to post their finds yet. I'm very behind in my blog reading (hope to fix that tomorrow), so if you have a post up, let me know in the comments, and I'll come visit.  I did manage to read Mary's post which has seven finds, including a wonderful picture of clouds in the shape of a little Westie dog running and playings (yes, seriously).  
Finally, thanks to everyone who's posted about the Hunt. As I have always said, the more the merrier!


  1. Oh how wonderful! My first find is *Aeroplane I have a post ready for Thursday. The murals are gorgeous.

  2. Yay! for the runners. I'm looking forward to hearing more..

    I'm saving my hunt up for the holidays so no posting from me yet

  3. I've only just started to follow you, so wasn't sure about how to list the Scavenger items. I had assumed, wrongly I guess, that we would post them all up at the end, so where do I find a "linky" so you know I've joined in?

  4. When I read "stained glass" on your initial list I knew Irene would be happy about that! :o)

    Your note about not being discouraged about particular items on the list is so true! In the past there were items that I would have never guessed I'd come across but like magic they appeared (case in point: unicycle)! This scavenger hunt also provides an opportunity to be creative with some items, and I love the way it forces us to keep our eyes wide open all summer long.

  5. I haven't captured any yet....but will post them as I do....and will probably make an album of them again.
    So pleased to hear that you had a wonderful time in California.

  6. Yeah for the Runners! Congrats on finishing the race. WOOHOO for Item #14! Thanks Rinda for placing stained glass/mosaic item #14 on your Scavenger list. Can't wait to see what your bloggers come up with. WOOT! WOOT!

  7. Congrats on finishing the 1/2 marathon! That's super. Haven't started looking yet but I had to laugh the other day - all that looking I did for a swing in a tree last year and I totally missed that I passed one almost every single day. Duh! :)

  8. Excited to see the scavenger hunt begin! I haven't taken any photos yet, but have printed the list to carry around with me:)

  9. I am hoping to get an aeroplane shot on Monday when I take Gracia to the airport for her holiday in Turkey.

  10. I am so excited to join in with the hunt again Rinda! I might try and do it over a week again- just to make life difficult! So glad you had a successful run.

  11. The aeroplane will have to wait until August and our trip to Greece I think - but then as you say, I may be surprised by one elsewhere! Well done on completing your race :D

  12. Well done on completing the race. Cant wait to hear more. I am playing catch up myself with blogs so haven't seen the scavenger list yet but this year, I am determined to join in :-)

  13. We managed the airplane, an out of place item a funny sign a cloud - mine is in the shape of binoculars -a bench and something else I will have to look at the album to remember.

  14. Congrats on the running success!

    I've made a start ... and printed out my list ready for a batch of "local" items. I might try and do the whole list on holiday as well.

  15. Well done on successfully completing the race! My heartfelt congratulations to you both! You must feel such a sense of achievement, and even better that you raised so much money for such a wonderful cause. X

  16. Well done on the half marathon - can't wait to hear all about it! Have printed off the list, but not taken any photos yet! Spent the weekend gazing at the sky and for once in my part the UK we had clear blue skies and no clouds! Well, the only clouds we had looked like ... clouds! I know exactly where I am going to get several of the photos and can't wait to get some free time and start taking them!

  17. I can't wait to read about your trip and the actual run!! I am thinking I will get my first pics in the coming week.

  18. Yay for scavenger hunt photos! I've taken one or two but not posted any yet.

  19. I just posted my first 7 finds!

  20. I haven't started to look yet. I'm just beginning to go through the massive number of photos I took on our trip. I do manage to get my photo-a-day, but I'm struggling even to find the time to catch up on my blog reading. (I've caught up with you and just one other, so far.)

  21. I'm hoping to get some pics while I'm in Scotland this weekend...looking forward to hearing about your trip and the run!
    Alison xx

  22. Love the airplane picture. I got to take an airplane trip but it was a few days before the hunt began so now I'll have to wait to get another.

  23. Hi I posted an aeroplane too this week I hope mine counts as it wouldn't actually fly but it is interesting
