Thursday, June 20, 2013

PPF/SOC: Remembering Pink and Orange

For the Summer of Color challenge, I am using acrylic paint and texture to create postcards with summery quotes. The week 2 colors are hot pink and orange, and I found them easier to work with than the pair from last week . . . I simply used Golden brand transparent pyrrole orange and light magenta. I used gesso to attach textured papers and shapes to my postcard as a base, then added a wash of the pink. I used bubble wrap, a stencil and stamp to add the orange, as well as an orange edge.  Because hot pink and orange remind me of my childhood (as a kid born in the early 1960's, I had flowers in these colors in my room), I used the quote "The things we remember from childhood, we remember forever."
Linking up to Paint Party Friday and Summer of Color Challenge.
p.s. Today is the first day of summer, the "traditional" start date for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt, so it's definitely not too late to join in! For details check out this post. You have three months to find 21 items. The more the merrier!


  1. Fun, fun, fun! Even though I am a blue/green person - I love this combination and how you have put the piece together.

  2. Beautiful card, and beautiful quote... so true!

  3. I'm more a blue/green person....but love what you've done here.

  4. I love your card and your quote. I am also a kind of this time :) Hugs - Erika

  5. Beautiful postcard!!. LOVE to see hidden 'treasures' or textures here and there in the paints :).

  6. Very nice, wonderful texture!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. I love this weeks colors too, warm and happy!!

    How pretty your postcard came out!!

    Happy first day of summer!

  8. I'm not usually a fan of pink, but I like it combined with the orange here. I'm interested in how you've used gesso to attach your extras too. Is there a good book (or two!) you would recommend for a fledgling mixed media artist? I'd be grateful x

  9. Love love love it! Gorgeous summery colours. Love the orange on pink with the bubble wrap, and the little butterfly:)

  10. I forgot to add that it's great these colors remind you of your childhood. I love when that happens to me too.

  11. I am very much enjoying your post cards - I love the quote - as I have discovered - the older you get the more your childhood memories mean - and i to remember this colour combination! I think I even had a summer dress in these colours! Very summery Rinda. J x

  12. Super postcard and loving the Summer Scavenger Hunt too, hoping to drive out to our local "tower" this evening. Today is our son's half birthday as he was born on the shortest day! As for summer, it is raining here in the UK and quite chilly - typical! BJ

  13. The older I get, the more I gravitate to brighter colors. I wonder about that! This is great---the design, the colors and the quote.

  14. I'm a blue/green person too, but this is a beautiful combination. One I need to try, I think!

    Wise words too

  15. Happy summer, Rinda. Your pink and orange painting is beautiful and summery.

  16. love the texture you achieved with the bits of fabric!

  17. What a postcard! Love the subtle textures and the image with the quote definitely captures childhood for me!

  18. Love the colors and text and postcard/postage embossing.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. LOVE the collage in your former post and this one... wowzah, such happy colours!!! Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day. Happy solstice! Keep on rockin' and a hug from Holland

  20. LOVE the colors and your summer postcards!!

  21. terrific postcard - I have been drawn to pink and orange lately, maybe it's subconscious from my childhood? I didn't have those colors in my room, but I'm sure they were everywhere!
    I like the quote too, it's so true.
    Happy Summer!

  22. wonderful postcard and thank you for sharing the technique here.

  23. Cute! Pink and orange is another pretty combination.

  24. Very nice card! Orange & brown remind me of childhood, add bits of avocado green and dark gold and you have every single kitchen & family room decor in my neighborhood from 1967-1980.

  25. Very very sweet postcard. In spite of the bright colors it has a such a lovely aged feel to it.

  26. I love this colour combination & there's so much texture! I'm a child of the 60's room was purple & blue with an orange carpet!!! :Δ

  27. this is so amazing! I love how you used the textures and colors here! And the message is wonderful, too! I am LOVING SOC!!!!!

  28. Such a great idea to make postcards! I love how this one turned out. The orange and pink work so well together.

  29. What a great color combination. It feels summery and it didn't even need the yellow to give it that feel. Love the quote.

  30. Love the color combo. Beautiful card.:)

  31. Lovely card and great use of the colour combination for this weeks SoC:)

  32. I like those colours and that quote is so true. Really have to dig out some time to play with my gesso and paints this summer.

  33. hmm don't know why that doesn't say tis me.... but it is!

  34. It's a strikingly beautiful color combination.

  35. I love the subtle texture underneath.

  36. Such beautiful work, love the colours, the composition, the rich layers. Just beautiful.

  37. Beautiful piece, love all the layers of texture. Annie C #135

  38. SUCH lovely colors and textures! I love the addition of the gesso and your quote is perfect - and so true! Thank you for sharing with us, xoxo

  39. Beautiful colors on this page! I was so sure I'd already have a start on the Scavenger Hunt, but now that our company is gone we've marked off time this weekend just for a drive to find a few items on the list! :>)

  40. I'm more into blue/green but these look great together the way you've done them.
