Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finding Your Voice, Week 1 Part 2

Part of the first week assignment for the Find Your Voice workshop is to take 5 photographs a day. I've been doing this and today I went through the photographs and jotted down some potential stories from the photographs.  The first two are easy:
These are items which I will use as the basis for my contributions to Storytelling Sunday for July and August. If you haven't heard about Storytelling Sunday, you should check out this link where Sian of From High in the Sky explains what it's all about. It's a wonderful practice for anyone interested in story telling.
Next up: the story behind the stacks of shoe boxes in my son's room; the story of my car (a 25th Anniversary present); and a picture of "flat top"(the local sight for teen age mischief; I think it can be a jumping off point for some stories of my own teen age years).  And three more:
A shot of the board at the animal shelter where I volunteer. I'm thinking about telling a story from the perspective of a dog. Baklava from the Twilight Cafe (a neighborhood cafe near my place of work) which can inspire the story of when I started my job and first found the cafe (as well as other job-related stories). Finally, Aria the dog who chews. She ate my ipad and is now busy chewing up the washing machine. There's definitely in story in there.
Finally, I have a story to tell about this fire engine with a female crew. I'll tell that in a post related to the photography scavenger hunt I'm hosting this summer.
For those taking Find Your Voice, have you been taking five photos a day? If so, what have you been doing with them? And for everyone, which of my stories are you most interested in reading. The lesson for the second week of Find Your Voice is at this link. It's not too late to join in the fun!


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you got up to in your teens!

  2. I've a weakness for baklava, so I'd love to hear the story about the cafe!

  3. Can't wait to hear all of these stories!

  4. Fascinating to hear the stories already swirling around in your head from taking the photos :)

  5. I have been trying to take 5 photos a day but some days I took 61! Well that was a special day so I'll not be doing that again for a while. I love how your pictures have a story sorted out already Maria. Could you come give me a hand too? ;)
    Jo xxx

  6. and I have a weakness for teenage stories about mischief :) I think taking pictures this way is definitely the key to great storytelling. When I did a 365 project last year I ended up with a stash of pictures to ruminate over.

    Now, I need to find my other half and say "25th anniversary" and "new car" in the same sentence..

  7. Looking forward to your stories, I am also taking the course but right now I am not brave enough to post my stories, I feel I do not write well, I am taking the photographs of course!

  8. what an interesting post! You have piqued my curiosity!

    Starnitesky, please post! I thin we all feel like we are not good enough in some way, that's what this is all about! In the first week, I have not seen a single negative comment. Take your courage in both hands and at least post a "here I am" post!

  9. these are stories I would like to read!

  10. That does sound a great project you are involved in and there will be lots of stories unfolding for sure.
    The fire engine is a great shot. I'm busy taking what I can and adding to my list. Anything to do with photography and a challenge gets me excited and last year I had members of my family involved in helping me find things for the Scavenger Hunt. Great fun!
    I was interested in your 5 photos a day. I have just posted about a new monthly challenge on my blog. That involves 5 photos so you may be able to join in using some that you have taken!
    Look forward to hearing some of your stories behind the photos.

  11. The shoe boxes and the dogs perspective will be fun I have no doubt.

  12. Can't wait to hear the dog's perspective story and the dog chewing the washer.

  13. This looks intriguing and I am keen to hear those,stories. Although the phrase "ate my ipad" struck terror in my heart!

  14. I've been doing a photo-a-day for a year and a half now, but five might push me over the edge! I love the idea of taking photos with stories in mind though!

  15. I'm having a problem getting 5 every day but I do manage to get 2-3 most days.

  16. Oh my, I want to read ALL the stories! I wrote a story once from the perspective of our dog - I was in elementary school but I've kept it all these years. HMMMM - maybe I should share that on my blog someday.

    I read the prompt for the first lesson while we were traveling this past weekend, but haven't made a start on the class yet.

  17. I like how you have linked stories to the photos.

  18. That sounds like a great class. I'm looking forward to reading those stories.

  19. Looking forward to hearing some of these stories - the fire engine is the one that piques my curiosity.

  20. Oh my look at all those photos that will prompt stories. That class is really giving your voice a workout isn't it?
