Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #16: In the Club House

Last week, I went to the High School baseball field to help my friend Becky take the team photos. She is a fun person and a very talented photographer, so I not only enjoy spending time with her but always learn something. I happily held the reflector and talked lighting with her, as she created portraits of the players that every family will treasure. At some point in the afternoon, I went into the Club House to chat with the Coach.  While there, I seized the opportunity to take my weekly look up//look down photos (a meme created by Helena).  These photos aren't technically perfect, but I think Henry will be happy that I captured this glimpse into the behind the scenes world of baseball; a perfect complement to all the on field actions shots I have of him.  Looking up at the sign over the door to the field; looking down at the floor in front of Henry's locker.


  1. Love this! We have talked about going shooting together, it's time we did more than talk about it.

  2. That must be so much fun to follow a photographer around. I bet you learned so much. Your photos are wonderful and perceptive as usual Rinda!

  3. That's a great idea to have the clubrooms documented as well as so many fabulous action shots over the years.

  4. love this peek backstage - wish I had more of these kinds of shots from years past

  5. What a nice peek into the other side of the game - I'm sure they'll bring back memories for him :)

  6. I like them very much. They tell a good story.

  7. A great pair and the colours are wonderful.

  8. What a great idea getting some shots in the clubhouse too.

  9. Great candid shots & I agree about the perfect colour balance! :D

  10. I agree that it's great to have these 'backstage' shots as well as all the 'on field' ones.

  11. oh yes he will be happy! these are fab photos and ones we don't always take. brilliant x

  12. I love these shots that show a moment in time, Rinda. They are perfect. Glad you got to spend some time with a fun friend!

  13. Good idea Rinda. I'm off to take pictures of Mat's High School Band Room. Thanks for the idea.

  14. These should be great additions to a scrapbook page about Henry's team!
