Sunday, April 28, 2013

Let's Meet for a Drink at the Hotel Bar

Written Saturday, April 27, to be posted on Monday morning, instead of "hello Monday" . .. 
Once a month, Abi invites folks to sit down for a cup of tea and a chat. Since I'm traveling this weekend, I thought we could meet for a drink at the hotel bar. If we were to sit down, I'd have a Stoli martini, up, really cold, with lots of olives. What would you have? 
I'd tell you that I'm in Detroit, Michigan because I do some work for the United Auto Workers. I'm part of Public Review Board, which helps hold the international union accountable to its membership.  I'd tell you how much I enjoy this addition to my regular teaching load and how impressed I always am with the union members, regular working class folks, who come to the hearings to plead their case. I also really like the other Board members, and I find our Friday night dinners a highlight of the weekend. This meeting fell at a good time because I'm done teaching classes for the semester; I have a review session to conduct, one more exam to write and then will have to start grading exams later in the week. I'd mention that we usually just meet at the airport hotel but this weekend we're staying downtown, along the river which runs between Michigan and Canada. We could look out the window and see the ships passing by.
I'd tell you  how happy I am to be able to travel again. When Paul was sick, I was unable to get away to these quarterly meetings. It feels so good for things to be getting back to normal! Paul's doing well, and we continue to hope and pray that the awful cancer stays away. 
I'd tell you that Clara and I are getting along better than ever; that deciding to train together for a half-marathon was the best thing we ever did. The race is June 2, and we both feel like we'll be ready. She's trying really hard to bring her grades up this semester and wants to keep running over the summer. We're not sure where she'll go to school next year, but, for now, we're grateful that she's doing okay. I'd tell you Henry still hasn't decided where he's going to University, but that the national deadline for colleges is tomorrow (April 30). I'd probably also mention that he's turning 18 on Thursday, and we're just planning a small family dinner. Plus, I'm planning a surprise for him next week - if I can pull it off.
We might chat until the sun sets and the moon comes up. I'd tell you that I enjoye the two movies I watched on the plane this weekend (Chasing Mavericks and Hitchcock) and I'm starting to read a book, "White Dog Fell from the Sky" by Eleanor Morse for my book group. I'd tell you that I've been enjoying working in my art journals again and taking photographs with my iphone, but that I miss spending time with my big camera. I'd end the evening by telling you all about my plans to host a photography scavenger hunt this summer and invite you to play along.
What news would you share over a cocktail in the hotel bar?


  1. I'd probably be plying you with martinis until you gave me some hints about what this years scavenger hunt will bring!
    I'd certainly raise my glass in celebration of Paul's good health. And to wish you and Clara good luck for your run.

  2. sounds very satisfying and fascinating work with the union

  3. Sounds so lovely. The view across the water is wonderful and I am so glad that Paul is on the mend. Good luck for the run and I can't wait for the scavenger hunt. Thank you so much for joining in!

  4. Thank you for the invite to share a moment with you. I will have a whisky please and a cup of coffee.
    I would tell you about a walk in the woods how I felt God's presence as I looked up through the branches to a blue blue sky. How cold but delightful it seemed there.
    I would just like to sit and listen to you enjoying the togetherness. Pleased that you could get away this time and that Paul is doing well. Delighted that your relationship with your daughter is better than ever.
    More than pleased that you are doing the scavenger hunt again this year. It is such a lovely way to enjoy the summer.
    I wish you all the best for the run.
    I'd give you a hug as we part to go our separate ways, and a promise that we will meet up again.

  5. I can't believe that it's almost a year since we did meet for a drink at the hotel bar. What a year..but all the news is good and I certainly would relish the chance for a face to face catch up.

    Good luck with the birthday plans..there's a birthday girl here that day too :)

  6. Rinda how great would it be to meet up for a drink! Mine would be a white wine:). I'd be listening intently to your interesting stories and then tell you about our decorating plans, and our new front door! It would be fun to compare notes about universities in our different countries, as our son has just finished his degree.
    LOL at Debs plying you with drink to see what is in the scavenger hunt! Can't wait!!

  7. I would love to have a drink with you Rinda, mine would be a Pinot Grigio, after I finished hugging you and wiping the ears from my eyes (I have the gift of tears) I would ask you what on earth you were drinking? :)

  8. That was lovely! I actually feel that I was there with you!! Mine would be a Pimms if the sun was shining but if not...a soda or a coffee...I know I'm boring that way!! So glad that normality is resuming for you & that Paul is doing well...As for this years Scavenger Hunt...bring it on!! :D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Rinda!

    I would love to meet you for a drink at the bar. For me it would be gin and tonic with extra lime.

    We would compare notes on colleges, as one of my daughters finished two years ago and is working and living independently and the other is a junior and having great success.

    We would talk about being the mother of strong, independent daughters and how, as they become even stronger women, our relationships with them are strained. I would tell you that this is temporary and that the mother/daughter bond will be even stronger and based on love and respect in the near future.

    We would compare notes about teaching and laugh about some of the experiences we have had in the classroom.

    We would compare notes about art journaling and painting and photography.

    We could laugh together and maybe cry some.

    It would be a lovely evening!


  11. I'm allergic to alcohol so mine is a decaff coffee please. I am so glad Paul is doing ok now, it's so good that you can feel like travelling again too. Such a year!
    The river is amazing - I was going to say that it must be wonderful to look across and see a whole different country and then I realised that I can do that because I can see England on the other side of the Bristol Channel - I live in Wales. Not quite the same though is it?

  12. If I was in the proper mood, I might ask for Amaretto on the rocks. If not, I'd just have water with lemon. I rarely drink anything but water. I'd tell you about how it seems we spent the entire weekend running back and forth to Lowes buying flowers... but the deck looks fantastic! And we'd chat about techniques for art journals and relationships with daughters and law careers and blog friends. I'm sure I'd talk your ear off!

  13. Mine would be a glass of chardonnay. I'm so glad to hear that Paul is doing well. I'd probably tell you that I've enjoyed the view over the river from the other side and chuckle at the thought from my side you are actually looking north to Detroit.

  14. I'd probably have a Margarita...and hope to spend a bit more time than we had last time...I would certainly be raising a glass to Paul and the fact that you feel you can reclaim another little bit of your life, thanks to his better health!
    Alison xx

  15. A glass of Moscato for me, please. I would tell you that my youngest son, Mathew had his prom and project prom this past Friday. Thank God it was not on Saturday as we had heavy rains and flooding in Houston. John, my oldest is struggling to catch up with his College Algebra class homework which is all done on-line. I would tell you that we went to a new Mexican restaurant after mass this Sunday. I was not impressed with the food, but the prices were good. La Hacienda is a newly built building so it is very clean and the decor was awesome. I was disappointed because they did not have Mariachi's :-(

  16. I'd love to meet for a drink somewhere & have a margarita or two. I don't talk much in real life though, generally I listen & say little bits here & there.

  17. I'd have a non-alcoholic cocktail due to the drugs cocktail. I'd love to chat about how Paul's doing and Henry's college choices. I'd be intrigued by how you manage to run as I'm rubbish. I'd tell you about my trip to London and the fun I had and how much just being able to do something fun has given me lightness. I'd tell you I'm off to look after The Mother while my dad's away, well we look after each other really and how we'll be trialling her 50th wedding anniversary invites,
    Jo xxx

  18. I feel I've learnt lots about you in this post and I'm liking the move to a bar, I'd have a tia maria and coke :0)

  19. I'd have a glass of rose, nice and cold, but only the one or I get a migraine! Lovely to hear that Paul is doing well. I hope that Henry has now made his college choice and that the running continues to bring you nd Clara closer xx

  20. mine would be a beer with a dash of lime. Hope the birthday boy has a good day x

  21. I'd probably have a Malibu and coke....and it would be great to catch up with you....I can't believe it's nearly 2 years since we actually met and chatted!!

  22. I'd probably opt for a glass of red wine, and I'd be anxious to talk to you about my upcoming trip, the possibility of a big move for Sarah and Adam, and how frustrated I've been this week trying to take photographs. I'd be asking for your advice on better ways to meet the challenge. There'd be a toast, of course, to Paul's health, to you and Clara for the fantastic training you've done, and to Henry who will soon be making a huge decision!

  23. A Margarita! Although, I do love olives!!! I am glad that Paul is doing much better and my prayers are with you that he remains cancer free! Love the pictures!

  24. I'd be having a 7&7 and enjoying catching up. So very happy that things are going well for Paul. I am reading on Tuesday do am aware of Henry's decision...quack ;) I think it's awesome that you and Clare have found this bond through running :)

  25. I'd be nibbling olives and asking for a pint of ice water with lemon unless it was early enough and then a coffee would be good. So glad to hear the good news, nephew who has been staying while he works has been commenting on how thankful he is for the union - proper amounts of time off, proper amounts of money etc. etc.

    Glad you can do these meetings too! Perhaps one day you'll get to London and we can meet in a bar ;)

  26. Hi Rinda :) I would definitely have a martini with you only mine would be gin and it would be dirty. I would want to know more about your art and I would want to talk about SF and you could tell me about all the good places to eat :) Happy to hear everyone is doing so well.

  27. Cheers and make mine a glass of something cold and fizzy - a nice Cava or a Prosseco please :) Lovely to read about all your news, so well written. Good luck with the birthday surprise!
