Monday, April 29, 2013

Be Strong, Be Brave: Tags for Glue it Tuesday

This week, for Glue it Tuesday (a fun gathering hosted by Artsyville), I decided to create some tags. As I walked to and from work last week, I made a concerted effort to pick up interesting bits and pieces to use for a collage. Most got discarded, but many ended up here (the canvas tag, bottle cap, splitarillos box, bee label, gum wrapper and bus transfer). I used Adirondack spray inks to create the backgrounds and then started gluing!
The tag on the left is called "Be Strong," and it looks back to all the strong women who have come before me. The tag on the right is called "Be Brave," and it looks forward. The journaling reads "She ran ahead where there were no paths. . ."
I am at my best when I am both strong and brave. What about you?
To visit other visitors to the Glue it Tuesday lounge, check out this link.


  1. Yes me too ... and, they are some words I have said to TSYO each day since she was born.

  2. Like Amy I used to have a set phrase that would be the last thing I said to Gracia as I dropped her off at school/collage 'Sparkle and Shine'!

  3. fabulous pair Rinda. Love that you collected bits on way to and from work; love the 2 themes and love the quotes.

    What are you going to do with them?

  4. Fabulous tags Rinda! Love the colours and that you've added 'found' items:)

  5. Great tags,Rinda...what a good idea to look for and use discarded items.

  6. Love the colours and the thoughts on these Rinda.

  7. I love those tags

  8. I love your tags and now I have to google to see what splitarillos are!

  9. I love the idea of creating these from found items..makes me wonder about the strength and bravery of those who discarded them: what they were thinking about at the time, you know?

  10. I'm not gonna lie, I squealed a little when your image came up-- "oh tags!"
    I love tags! I love them, I love all the little tiny bits of found stuff you used to create them. Just wonderful

  11. Great tags! You find some of these bits and pieces along the road as you walk?? I never find anything like that on our streets and sidewalks!

  12. Love both of these tags! What a great collage and now you will have me looking for street treasures! Have a great week!

  13. Love your spray ink background with collage I've it...perfect!

  14. Great tags Rinda, I especially like the saying on the Be Brave tag. I have been known to pick up discarded treasures on the streets of Houston.

  15. fabulous collage! I love all the images of women! That little bee is great too:)

  16. Wonderful tags! Nice to meet someone who picks up things to use in her art :) I just picked up a 'stamp' (small piece of old shoe sole) and some candy wrapper. Clean the environment and re-use - yes, I like that :)
    (found you on GIT

  17. fun - using all you picked up in a week! The bottle cap really makes the Be Strong 3-dimensional. {:-Deb

  18. I love that you incorporated "found" bits into your tags. I always think that doubles the fun - fun keeping an eye peeled for fodder, and fun actually creating with it. Great tags!

  19. Fabulous collaged tags, Rinda!

  20. Your tags are super and have such stories to tell ... I too enjoy rescuing lost items and using them for collage and such ... you pulled everything together so well!

  21. Lovely - do like the quote too.

    Must confess.... I'm intrigued with the quality of your found items - I pick up here and it's all candy or chip wrappers...

  22. So cool that you found some of these items on your way to work! Love them both.

  23. I love found ephemera. Such strong powerful messages. Great tags.

  24. my favorite kind of collage... totally unexpected ephemera. they look great!!

  25. Here it is already Monday and I'm only catching up on last week's GIT!! I love your tags and extra love that they're made from found goodies! Such beautiful messages they both have. Thanks so much for your visit and kind comment last week!
