Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello Monday

Hello Monday (a meme started by Lisa Leonard) . . . and Hello Aria!
Hello Back to School . . . both the kids have been out of regular school for two weeks! Henry was in Dallas playing soccer and then had spring break; Clara had an interim week and then spring break. It will be tough to get back into the regular swing of things, I'm sure.
Hello Blustery Days . . . huge winds rattled the house last night; waking everybody (especially the dogs).
Hello Mad Men . . . happy that one of my favorite shows is back TV. But, oh my, last night's season opener was dark. I also watched "Zero Dark Thirty" over the weekend. For me, it was a little talky and slow and hard to follow. I definitely preferred Argo.
Hello College Decision? . . . Henry has to decide by May 1. I'm hoping he doesn't wait that long, although he is still waiting to hear about potential scholarship money at a few places.  The smart money is still on University of Oregon.
Hello Hair Dresser . . . I'm off for a cut and color this morning; Gypsy needs to get to the groomer this week, too.
Hello Passport Office . . . Henry will be going to Costa Rica on a senior trip in ten weeks, and his current passport expires in four.
Hello To-Do Lists . . . only a few more weeks until the end of term, which means that I have lots of planning to do for finals, reviews, etc. Plus networking from our successful lecture event last Thursday and various other things.
Hello Long Runs . . . from here on out, the training schedule calls for alternating shorter and longer runs on Saturdays. This past weekend, we only ran six miles. This coming weekend, we're scheduled for twelve miles!  Yes, I'm a little scared. But I will think of all the wonderful supporters I have and the cancer patients for whom I am running, and I will get through it!
What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Funny to think we're in completely different countries, but both having the same blustery winds yesterday! A time of big decisions for your boy, I'm sure he'll make the right one.
    I'm looking forward to a second week of the children at home and a second episode of The Great British Sewing Bee tomorrow. Perhaps it will inspire me to make a dress like the fabulous ones on Mad Men!

  2. We still have a week of our Easter holidays to go here, and tah-dah! the sun is shining today!!!
    I'm sure that Henry will make the right decision, then you have a few months to prepare yourself for him actually going.
    Very impressed with your running. I need to have a look at your page and see if there is a way to sponsor you in £s. If I can, I will.

  3. It's hello to back to school here today too. Peace shall reign..though what I really need to be doing is heading out for a cut and colour too. Urgently.

  4. Saying a special hello to you, after having been away for ages ! xx

  5. I have said hello to a cut and colour today too!
    Alison xx

  6. As always, you have a lot on your plate! Good luck with the long run. It sounds daunting to me.

  7. Lots of decisions for your boy but I'm sure it will all work out. Good luck with the running. x

  8. I'm so impressed (and proud of you) for your running commitment! I'm hoping that Henry choosed Oregon - I have a niece and a nephew that attend there!

    Really cute photo of Aria! :o)

  9. My boys also started back at school after the Easter break. We have dental appointments and music competitions this week. Houston is having wonderful weather so hubby went on a motorcycle ride.

  10. good luck with your running and college decisions x

  11. I am saying hello to a very much quieter week! but that's what I wanted and I am happy. Good luck with the runs, you & Clara are in my thoughts.

  12. I'm so happy the kids are back in school!
    Good luck on the run!

  13. I was just thinking how much things have changed. When I was Henry's age I had yet to have a passport and here he is getting at least his 2nd. We just never thought in those days of traveling to places where you'd need one because travel was just too expensive.
