Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #12: Cracks in the Wall
Walking to work past the plastered buildings, I suddenly noticed that each wall contained cracks. I stopped to examine them more closely. As I stared at the cracks, it seemed as if  whole worlds existed in the patterns they contained. My photographer's eye decided to capture one small square to see what the close-up would reveal. I think I see a cat, stretching her face up to the sun.  What do you see?
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link


  1. I see a map and I want to get out some crayons and colour it in !

  2. I quite agree with Helena about 'colouring it'....and I can see a chubby baby hand trying to grasp something at the top.

  3. I saw a crab rearing up...but now I see the cat AND the baby's fist too!
    Alison xx

  4. I see a cat too - this reminds me of sunny days when we see what we can make from the clouds x

  5. Actually, it like looking through my eye with all the floaters and strands in the eye gel.

  6. I can see a bag with something peeking out the top!

  7. I see absolutely gorgeous texture - how wonderful would that look on a canvas! Great photographer's eye, Rinda!

  8. Love this and I can see a dinosaur.

  9. What a great thing to see and capture. At first I thought it was an anatomical heart.

  10. I see a baby in its mother's arms. I love things like this - there was a 'face' in the wall near my parents-in-law's house.

  11. At first look I thought it was some sort of abstract art. When I looked closer I also saw a cat. Funny how we can see art in the craziest things.

  12. Ooh I love doing this I have a few pictures of shapes I have noticed on walls or pavements. I can see your cat.
    I would love to print this and turn it this way and that and maybe colour it in. Would you mind?

  13. I think I caught a glimpse of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

  14. this kind of crackle finish always grabs my attention ... extra special that you went in close Rinda!
