Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality: It's Time

Warning: Political Content!
Yesterday and today, the United States Supreme Court has considered two major cases about whether every person in the United States should be able to marry the person they love (even if that person is of the same sex). I have been a strong proponent of marriage equality for a long time.  In fact, I created this photograph a couple of years ago.  Although I have posted it several times before, it just seemed like the right time to post it again.
And, judging by Facebook, I am not alone in my support of marriage equality.  Many people have been changing their profile pictures to reflect support of marriage equality.  The first profile suggestion was very simple and straight-forward:
After that, several variations started to appear:
Beautiful Rings:
Delicious Truth:
Puppies for Equality:
King cake babies (a New Orleans mardi gras tradition) in support of equality:
The variations have been so much fun that it's hard to think anyone could be offended. I hope you haven't been! 
Come back Friday for a return to regular, nonpolitical content!


  1. I love it when you get all political Rinda!

  2. love the creativity in the variations

  3. As a Quaker with a passionate belief in equality I get all political here too :) I've been smiling at some of the varations that have gone past in my FB feed too.

  4. The topic of much conversation and debate here too, with legislation imminent. Good thing about a small country is that it's one law for everyone, I would find it hard if the state I lived in prohibited something the next door state welcomed. Do you think something as important as this should be a federal decision rather than state one?
    Btw I love the cake analogy!

  5. The rings are my favourite variation - I had to Google when I saw the images appearing on FB and that was one I spotted there too! I hope that the campaign for Marriage Equality is successful - must be hard getting something universally accepted in such a large country.

  6. The puppies are too cute making their political statement! And the king cake babies- what memories! So playful!

  7. I will never quite understand what business the government has telling anyone who can and can't marry. But I do think once the commitment is made, all couples (regardless of type) should be afforded the same benefits.

  8. I wondered what all these symbols were about!..thanks for bringing me up to date!
    Alison xx

  9. I'm not offended, nor am I religious. That said, I always felt that 'marriage' as consecrated by a church was intended for a heterosexual couple to procreate and form a family. While I agree that there are all sorts of 'family' each a valid unit, I would expect that 'gay' (an odd choice of word) marriages would be performed in a civil ceremony. thus two people, of any gender, could publicly declare their commitment to each other... if that's what they want to do. Mind you 50% of marriages end in divorce, so either ceremony seems fairly irrelevant in this day and age.

  10. I'm not offended at all and I agree entirely xx

  11. I have to admit I haven't seen anything similar in my Facebook feed, but I have seen lots of posts for the sanctity of marriage between a man & a woman. It's not popular, but I continue to stand on Biblical values . . . despite often standing alone.

  12. I think my favorite are the scifi themed one with Yoda and daleks. :)

  13. I'm with you---long a proponent of marriage equality. Our church is a "More Light" church---a supporter of gay and lesbians long before it was "legal" in the Presbyterian church.

  14. Beautiful post and I too feel it is way past time for equal rights for all!

  15. I just found this on your blog and I am thrilled I got a postcard today from such an amazing person. Thanks for supporting equal rights for all.
