Monday, March 11, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #10:  The Back Garden Gate
Oh, how the dogs wish I would unlatch the gate and let them run free!  When they look at the latch, they see the possibility of freedom. When my photographer's eye sees the latch, it sees the beautiful texture of the wood and the gorgeous color of the rust. I snap the photograph, turn and walk back towards the house.  I call the dogs, and they reluctantly follow me inside.
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link


  1. i love this....

  2. The textures are colours are so beautiful on this! You spot the small things so well.

  3. The rust is indeed a lovely colour. I bet you see quite a lot of it, living near the sea?

  4. I bet they are reluctant!!
    It certainly looks beautiful though.

  5. Your photo is fabulous. Who would think a lowly lock could be so interesting?

  6. Great photo - definitely lots of color & texture to consider in it!

  7. This is a great capture, Rinda! I love to see such wonderful images of things we usually overlook. I love the texture of the wood and the rust of the latch, just like you do!

  8. Your picture makes me wonder what is on the other side of that gate. Great shot.

  9. What I love about this photo is that it feels as though it is about to open back on me - I think you have captured great composition today Rinda - well done!
