Saturday, March 9, 2013

A few days in Oregon with my boy

I'm currently sitting in the Eugene, Oregon airport. I've been here all day, as United Airlines had a very bad day cancelling three major flights this morning, resulting in long delays. But, it's all good because I've spent a few days with one of my favorite people in the world, and we should be home sleeping in our own beds tonight.  Our adventure began with a plan to tour two Oregon Universities that Henry is thinking about attending.  We arrived in Eugene on Thursday and rented an electric blue Mustang, which Henry said was "so cool."
We drove up to Oregon State in Corvallis and were pleasantly surprised by what we found there:
We met a lot of friendly people, and Henry found the size of the campus and town very "comfortable." They had some interesting things to offer in the business school and we came away more impressed than we had expected.  
Next stop was my friend Fay's house. There could not be a more welcoming hostess! She put us up and provided the perfect balance of hospitality and letting us do our own thing. We woke on Friday to a fantastic breakfast of coddled eggs and scones.
Then it was off to a full day at the University of Oregon, including tours, individual meetings and a baseball game!
The University of Oregon would be a bit more of a jump for my boy from his cozy surroundings at home, but he had to admit that the program fit him perfectly.  And he really liked it! I think it may end up being his ultimate choice.  They do a lot to make sure that each student feels like an individual and doesn't get lost. The sports business curriculum and opportunities (which is what he wants to do) are outstanding.  He could play "club soccer," at a competitive level but not have his life totally consumed by athletics. He thinks it's the best program for his interests but he's not quite sure he's ready to spread his wings so far from home.  I think he is, but part of me will be devastated if he goes that far away. I've been pushing him to take a risk and go for a true University environment, but now, as I look at him, sitting across the airport table from me, I know I will miss him terribly and worry if he chooses this instead of a "safe, more comfortable" option closer to home.
Whatever he decides, I know I will always treasure the days we have spent together so far and will be proud of the man he is becoming.


  1. As I read this I think to myself, she went 6 hours away from home! I only went 2 hours, but going away was the best decision I ever made and wherever he goes, he will be fine. He is a wonderful young man and you have raised him well!

  2. These are very special times. I still treasure the trips I took with my daughter looking at colleges and, later, at seminaries. Some of our best times together.

    Henry will do well no matter where he goes. As a mom with two kids who live very far away, I can relate to your concerns, for sure. We will be in Oregon next week at this time, visiting Sarah. Can't wait.

  3. Sounds like y'all have had a wonderful time, and I agree - the car was way cool!!

  4. You will remember those days forever. And kids have to spread their wings and learn to fly. I was lucky enough to have parents who let me do this. They let me go and learn. And this was a big step on the way to who and what I am today. And yes, that car is COOL!

  5. way cool mustang - interesting times for both of you

  6. Six hours from my house would put us in a different continent! We would be half way over africa!
    I hated it when my boys left home. They went into the army. Opening your arms to let him go will be hard but those arms will still fit around him when he comes back - and he'll always come back.

  7. Exciting times, full of bitter sweet moments. I'm a couple of years behind you yet, but I know it will be hard to do what we must xx

  8. I find it hard enough to cope with No.1 Son being 3 hours drive from home ... but Henry must make the choice and while it might be like deciding between chalk and cheese, I'm sure he will make the very best of whatever route he takes.

  9. It is hard letting them fly, but trust that you have brought him up well and he will manage fine. Enjoy these times together.

  10. A beautiful post, Rinda - it illustrates what a good job you've done, equipping your young man for this next step :) You truly have given him 'roots' and 'wings'! x

  11. I think he'll thrive wherever he ends up..and that's down to the good raising he has had! There's a final decision to be made here to. I think we're looking at a plane flight away

  12. I am sure that he will do brilliantly wherever he goes as he will know that he has you and Paul supporting him from home. Ben went 6 hours away, Penny is 2 hours away, but with Skype neither seemany distance at all and both have/has the best choice for them. I wish him luck and happiness with wherever he chooses x

  13. Well, I hope by now you are both home and able to sleep in your own beds!

    Big decisions to be made over there this year - working through them together will help solidify where he needs and wants to be.

  14. Wherever he goes, things will change in your house. Hang in there dear cousin. He is a fine young man who will make the right decisions. I feel a journal page here. LOL

  15. Oh what a time for you both, for the whole family. Yes roots to keep him grounded and wings to let him fly, he'll come right back to you.

  16. Oh it's a tough time to be a mum isn't it? But they have to do what they want to do, and do it where they choose. I found it hard thinking about when my son went to Africa last summer, but it was actually easier once he was there. He's now about 360 miles away and that seems a very long way so Henry's move would be double that. It's the first major decision he will have to make but he'll do what's right for him in the long run. He's such a well rounded boy, he'll enjoy wherever he goes because he will join in.

  17. We're not quite at the stage of looking at Universities but it's coming up fast. It's an exciting stage for them and I'm sure the right decision will be made.
    It's a long time since I've seen anyone else have coddled eggs. My Mum used to make them and I have a coddled egg cup which I love!

  18. Such a reflective post, Rinda. I can hear the heart tug from here. I am sure that whatever he decides will bring you all riches of one kind or another. He seems so mature and level headed. I always encouraged mine to fly as far as they could!

  19. A big decision to make indeed - made all the better by that fabulous car!!

  20. I chickened out on the university 7 hours from home & went with the one 2 hours away. Then come sophomore year I hardly ever came home except at holidays, just as if I was 7 hours away. :)

    Great car you got rent though

  21. Like Alexa, we have always encouraged Kirsty to fly as far as she was comfortable with...just remember that the world is a much smaller place these will cope with whatever decision Henry makes!
    Alison xx
