Monday, February 25, 2013

My Photographer's Eye

Vignette #9 Cozy
She really wants to be a good dog. I know that. And I know she's trying. And I believe she'll get there (someday). It's just that (right now) she's still a puppy. She can't help barking and chewing and (occasionally) having an accident in the house. And it's annoying. She gets on my nerves, and I (occasionally) yell at her, calling her a "bad dog." And I feel bad about that.
So, I took this photograph to remind me that she's really cute. . . especially when she's curled up nice and cozy.  My photographer's eye can capture this part of Aria. And help me recall this next time I find a chewed up shoe or book or ipad .  
My Photographer's Eye is a semi-regular series designed to feature my instagram photography and a brief accompanying narrative. You can see the other vignettes in this series by clicking on this link


  1. You know it's just a matter of time and patience until she grows up a little but I still giggle at the state of your ipad - what ever possessed her to chew that?

  2. It is a beautiful photo but I understand your frustration especially the ipad I would have gone berserk.
    I remember when we had a dog, he would chew Helen's (my daughter) doll because the legs were like hard rubber I did understand but it got a bit much when I'd had to get Helen a new one make sure she kept her door closed but somehow he still managed to get into her room.

  3. And soon she'll be an old girl and sleep all day long and you'll wonder where the puppy has gone ... yes, I am a little dog maudlin at the moment due to our girl losing all her puppy tendancies. She'll grow out of it and be a lovely loyal puppy soon enough.

  4. This super photo is full of wonderful soft tones and the play of light and shade. Hope it sustains you when the going is tougher!

  5. beautiful photo and soft colours - looks as if it has been snipped from the corner of a large 'Old Masters' oil painting

  6. Such a lovely photo,Rinda.....and you'll soon be wistful for these puppy days!!

  7. I too was caught by the play of lights and textures here. Puppies are tiring but fun.... most of the time :)

  8. Oh I remember those difficult days and the feeling of sorrow when you have scolded the dog. I love the light across her, she is very lovely.

  9. What a lovely portrait of a dog who tries to be good.

  10. She is beautiful and sometimes, they really can't help it and a puppy is so fun of energy! The more intelligent a dog, the more they will do things to entertain themselves. I could tell you about a dog I had and OMG she made me yell and the more I learned of dogs and how much they love us, I realized that I needed to take a different approach. Yep, I put up every item of value, closed doors, put dinning chairs on the sofas, whenever I left! Good luck and I know she will be a great dog!

  11. Such a warm photo makes the puppy look so innocent and loving. Be patient dear cousin, he'll outgrow his chewing habit. In the meantime, put all valuables high up.

  12. I love this little series Rinda. I also love your words with the photo. x

  13. This is such a sweet photo, Rinda, and I loved reading your words to go along with it. I'm glad your sweet Gypsy wasn't as much trouble - kind of balances it out, I hope. Good luck!

  14. That is a lovely photo and the light is especially good. I hope your pup soon outgrows her bad habits and becomes a much loved member of the family.

  15. you are a good mommy :)


  16. Maria, Aria is a beautiful pup. Speaking as the owner of an all time king of chewers (13 month old yellow lab/golden ) I replace chew toy after chew toy. Look around at your local pet store for different chew toys that might keep her busy. One favorite is the Kong. I stuff it with peanut butter and dry dog biscuits and then freeze it for a couple of hours. Keeps em busy for awhile or when you'll be out.
    Cousin Rose

  17. What a beautiful photograph! And a lovely reminder of Aria's softer side. Living with a puppy can certainly be a trial.

  18. What a beautiful picture of her. The picture of the iPad does bring back chewing memories but before you know it she'll be out of the puppy stage.
