Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hello Monday

Hello Monday . . . a meme started by Lisa Leonard.
Hello Baseball . . . now that soccer season is over, Henry is moving right into baseball. His first game is tomorrow, and he's got cool new shoes and his team hat.
Hello Movies . . . I've actually seen a few things lately . . . Silver Linings Playbook (which was a bit more of a downer than I was expecting); Argo (which I really liked); Flight (which was surprisingly slow); The Perks of Being a Wallflower (which was really disturbing, but so well acted). Seen anything you would recommend?
Hello Reading . . . I'm actually reading a novel (first time in a long time) - The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff. It's my book group book, and I'm hoping to finish it in time.  There's a small problem, in that it's on my ipad, which now looks like this:
Aria, the big dog, chewed up the corner of my Ipad! It was in its cover, so she wasn't hurt, and it stills works. But, seriously??? This dog has a serious chewing problem. Have you read anything good lately?
Hello Back to School . . . the kids had last week off, but they're back today. They both got (most) of their homework done.
Hello Sore Legs . . . Clara and I did another four mile run, and as the miles start to add up, we're both feeling the wear and tear a bit. I've become a big advocate of ice.


  1. Oh my goodness, I am in shock at the sight of your ipad! A testament to its durabiity that it still functions :). And you too, with all that running ... Inspirational. Hope the ice keeps delivering what it needs to :).

  2. Another OMG, How is it still working??
    I saw this book, it made me smile,
    Bad Dogs Have More Fun
    By: John Grogan
    sorry x Well done to you & Clara.

  3. The Fault in our Stars by John Green - amazing! Also Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katharine Boo.
    Both moving and uplifting - but also sad!

  4. Hello Rinda. Just catching up after some time away from the blogs. Aria was very lucky not to be hurt, but your poor i-pad...
    Do hope all the family are well and congratulations to you for attempting a half-marathon.

  5. Ooh..that's one sorry looking ipad..

    Keep going with those miles and that ice. We're cheering you on!

  6. So is Aria in the doghouse? Or perhaps headed to obedience school? I'm glad she wasn't hurt but I really feel sorry for your iPad!

  7. We haven't seen many movies lately, but we did catch Lincoln a while back & really enjoyed it. I'm reading away through my February pile, but not sure I will finish all 6 books this month.

  8. Hello Rinda...hello great photos...hello chewing dog (that'll have to be fixed). LOVED Argo..a great concept - well told.

  9. My Cousin Travis lives in Hollywood - so close to where the Oscars Ceremonies are held that he was a unable to leave his home from Saturday evening until today! all the barriers and crowd control stuff prevent him getting out. He doesn't care about moveis much now LOL

  10. Oh no - poor ipad!
    Not a great movie-goer here as it's too pricey! Will wait for the DVDs and watch from the comfort of my own sofa :-)

  11. Our first dog chewed through THREE telephone cords, and pulled down a set of kitchen curtains. I can relate. I loved Lincoln and Life of Pi, but having read both Team of Rivals and Life of Pi enhanced my enjoyment I'm sure. I'm reading the second Maisie Dobbs' mystery which I just love. The 19th Wife has been on my to-read list for a long time.

  12. Oh dear poor Ipad. We saw Les Miserables at the cinema, which I thought was fantastic. trying to read Life of Pi at the moment, but finding it a bit dull.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. OMG! Our dog liked to chew on crocs and flip flops the first year we had her but she grew out of it. Fortunately she never chewed anything dangerous.

    I haven't seen a movie in ages though I want to see Argo. Last new book I read was Scoundrels, which is a new Star Wars book set just after the movie Star Wars, before Empire. Han & Lando run a scam with the help of some friends. Good stuff, reminded me a lot of Oceans' Eleven.
