Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Photographer's Eye (a new series)

I appreciate how photography has helped me to see the world differently. Since I have become more and more involved in this wonderful art form, I pause more often to look around and see things with my photographer's eye.  Often times, I capture images on my iphone and edit them in instagram.  I want to share these images, along with the story of the image on my blog. So, I am starting a new semi-regular series called "My Photographer's Eye." It will feature an image (or two) and a few words setting the scene. I think it will represent what I want to do on my blog and that it is a fitting way to celebrate my 1,000th blog post.  I hope you enjoy these vignettes.
Vignette 1: Dill
It's been a busy day, but I managed to squeeze in a big grocery shopping trip. After piling the bags on the counter, I realize I will have to clean the refrigerator out a bit before I can manage to put the groceries away. Wedged in the back, there's a mason jar with the last bits of the canned pickles I purchased last fall from the school garden.  I dump the contents in the sink and move on with my chores. After stocking the pantry and the fridge, I turn to do the dishes. I look down and see a sprig of dill, sitting on the porcelain, waiting to be washed down the disposal. My photographer's eye is struck by the beauty of its shape and color; its simplicity and its elegance. I capture the photograph before I turn on the faucet and move along my day.
Vignette 2:  The Jeep
I am running up to the high school to meet my photographer friend, the amazing Becky Ruppel. She is going to take the photos for the soccer team this year, and I need to get the order forms from her.  I pull into a parking spot and immediately spot the mud-spattered jeep beside me.  My photographer's eye loves the contrast of the mud on paint and the amazing pattern created by the muck (click on the photo to see in better detail).  I desperately wish the light was better.  Becky walks up, takes one look at the jeep and says, "man, I wish I had my camera with me." 


  1. fabulous fotos!
    I came in with an invitation for you today!
    Maybe you want to take
    part once on our



  2. great idea for a regular post - I enjoyed the story behind the image and that you paused in your kitchen tidy in order to capture the image. looking forward to regular glimpses into your photographers eye

  3. I look forward to this new series,Rinda.....I always enjoy your photographs....and loved hearing the story behind them.

  4. looking forward to seeing more.

  5. Yes, great idea. Where will you bring us? It's always a surprise with you ! xx

  6. Looking forward to seeing your photos...and the stories behind them!
    Alison xx

  7. What a lovely idea to put the thinking behind the photo I too love the mud splattered Jeep but best of all the little bit of dill

  8. 1000 posts? Wow! congratulations on that.

    This sounds like a great plan for a new series. It's always good to discover how a photographer spots a picture

  9. The dill shot is a photographers dream. The jeep to me is just a dirty car. So you see my problem with photography? I just don't have the eye for it.

  10. Can't wait to see the photos for this series. It's like looking at your world through your eyes.

  11. Congratulations on 1000 posts! Fun idea for an occasional series, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks dill dumped in the sink looks pretty. Although I scooped it out to add to the compost on Sunday rather than taking a photo ;)

  12. Sometimes less is in your gorgeous dandelion. It's always necessary to carry your camera...but how many images do you need? I say MORE...and more, and more.

  13. i really photo taking your dill! it's also fun to play with the editing programs too...i'll look forward to your photographer's eye!

  14. Ohhhh love the photo of the jeep.

  15. Oh this is a cool idea, Rinda. And I love your photos with your "moment in time" type of journaling. Very nice.

  16. Yes this is a great idea Rinda. It is exactly the thing I do but I never think to blog about it. I will now, you have inspired me...again x

  17. Many congratulations on your 1000th birthday! I know I am going to continue to be fascinated by these vignettes, and learning the story behind each.

  18. Congratulations on your 1000th post! My that is something to feel proud about! I love the photo with the story attached, a moment captured.

  19. what a wonderful way to open up to the "art" of everyday life - you have the ability to recognize beauty in the small moments that make up a day.

  20. You certainly do have a photographers eye! To spot these 2 in everyday life that so many would have just missed the beauty in them! Looking forward to more of your photos!

  21. I often wish that I had my camera with me but must also admit that I don't 'see' many of the great shots that others might see, I don't think I would have realised the photographic potential of either the dill or the jeep, I applaud you for thinking of both vignettes and have to admit there is a beauty to the pattern of mud in the jeep xxx

  22. Congrats on the 1,000 posts! And a great idea for a new series.

  23. I enjoy your photographer's eye(s) very much!

  24. Love this new addition! The dill is simply beautiful but I really love the jeep, the coolness of the silver grey, the contrast and pattern of the mud and the hot pink paint strip running underneath :)

  25. Congrats on your 1000th post! What a great idea for a series. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you find.
