Thursday, December 6, 2012

PPF: A Life Long Love Affair

The current Fall Fearless and Fly Challenge over at Artists in Blogland asks what has inspired you throughout your life.  I chose to create a page about my life long love affair with photography. It includes a quote by Aaron Suskind, which I think I got from Karen of Random Reflections: "Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have captured on film is captured forever . . . it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." In the upper right hand corner, I included a list of photgraphers who I find inspiring (including Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Annie Liebovitz, Richard Avedon and Imogen Cunningham). Did I include your favorite inspiration on the list?
Speaking of inspiration, I made this page using a technique that Carolyn Dube of A Colorful Journey has used several times on her blog, including in her Fall Fearless and Fly page. She creates a messy background, finds objects and paints out the background, leaving the elements for her page. I've seen others do this, too, but I couldn't find their pages to link with. I didn't quite achieve that look, but I like my page nonetheless. And I think I'll keep working on it.
I'm linking up with Paint Party Friday and thanking Kristin and Eva for hosting the party, which makes sure I take out my paints at least once a week! To see other painterly goodness, check out this link


  1. You are so right Rinda, just looking at an old photograph can evoke such strong memories of things that would have been completely forgotten. Lovely page.

  2. A great page Rinda - I feel similarly about photography.

  3. Love the page,Rinda....while I don't feel quite the same way about photography....I definately feel it about photographs.

  4. Rinda - that quote is wonderful! Nabbing it for the course I'm teaching next spring. Thank you :)

    I like the way the camera is emerging from the background here - whilst I don't paint I like seeing what you create.

  5. Your page is gorgeous! I love love love the way the table pops- and that camera lenses is so fantastic! I have enjoyed photography most of my adult life but I have never been that familiar with photographers- I need to spend some time getting familiar with their work-thanks for the inspiration! And thanks for the shout out and being a part of Fall Fearless and Fly!

  6. A beautiful page... and I LOVE your hand lettering!

  7. I really like this page---the topic (of course), the quote, the artwork, and the colors. I love the books and work of David DuChemin, and have two of his books on my iPad--both started but neither quite finished.

  8. That sounds like a fascinating technique - it certainly makes for a beautifully striking page here: the pieces you have chosen to highlight really glow.

  9. Great page, wonderful, interesting background and colors!

  10. I've seen this technique used in a couple of the art journaling classes I've taken and I've tried it, but rarely "see" anything in my background! Love the quote.

  11. I love this, so rich and gorgeous- fantastic! Also love your quote and source of inspiration!
    Happy PPF,

  12. Your journal page is wondeful, Happy PPF!

  13. Beautiful page and some of my favorite photographers.

  14. Its so fun to use the inspiration from fellow PPFs. Nicely done for Fearless and Fly. Happy PPF

  15. fantastic. i really like how you've included all your favorite photographers!

  16. Wondrous journal page~ beautiful ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ aka ~ 'artmusedog' ^_^

  17. Love your journal page!! Your images just pop off the background! Happy PPF and FF & F!

  18. Inspiring artwork!!
    Love the lettering, too!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. nice! I loke the background...and the quote. I love photography, too! Happy PPF!

  20. Great job on your journal page. So detailed and meaningful!

    Happy PPF!

  21. Great journal page. I get most of my inspiration for photos as I don't get to go out and explore as often as I would like to.

  22. Very interesting page! I really like the texture of it!

  23. Nice page Rinda. Nice lettering.

  24. I love the background on this page!

    I think your quote can apply to writing, too. We forget so much, but a picture or a phrase can bring it all back...

    I enjoy photography a lot more now that it's digital!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  25. That quote is so true, especially the part about the photograph remembering the details we've forgotten. That's usually the way I start my StS posts, by getting out the photo album. I love the 'messy' background technique.

  26. Beautiful page! I will have to try this technique. I love the meaning in this piece... And thank you for visiting from Fall Fearless! Nice to meet you! ~ kathy

  27. Lovely journal page. i think the technique you are taliking about sounds like what is taught by Flora Bowley

  28. Wonderful page! I too have photography as my first lve!

  29. love the feel of your work. It gives a homey feeling. the background is awesome. Photography is love!

  30. What a beautiful page Rinda and I must say I like that quote, I'd never heard it before.

  31. Love that intuitive painting - it's my favorite way to work. Beautiful color and composition

  32. Gorgeous page! I really like your hand painted lettering.
