Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Mail!

It's been so much fun going to the post office box lately. I've started to receive Christmas cards from my blog friends around the globe! Each one brighten my day.  I also received a fantastic prize package from Jennifer Grace of Jennifer's Jumbles.  I won the blog hop give-away in her Frosty Festivities blog event.  By the way, Jennifer has put together a wonderful PDF with ideas from that event.  She also has tutorials and other features from her previous blog events.  You can access them all at this link.
I haven't managed to address my Christmas cards yet, but I'm hoping to do that tomorrow. What about you? Have you sent your cards yet? Have greetings started to fill you mail box?


  1. Yes we have had several cards. Yesterday was quite spooky because we had a card from a former next door neighbour and from a person who lodged with that neighbour. They live in different parts of the country now so it was kind of odd that their cards should arrive on my doormat together.

  2. Christmas has hit with a vengeance here Rinda. Cards arriving, Xmas parties, it's all exciting. May you and your family enjoy a wonderful Christmas together, and I wish you a happy and healthy 2013.

  3. Yes! Cards are starting to arrive here and we mailed out a big stack this morning. I got TSO to stick on the stamps and as she did she called out the names of all the blog friends she recognised!

  4. Congratulations - what a super prize. The cards have just started to dribble in here. I'll be doing ours today. I think I missed the deadline though for Europe.

  5. What a lovely stack of happy mail! Cards are starting to flow in here too, and I love seeing what comes in the mail every day. :o) I have all my international cards posted, now I just need to finish up my local ones. I'm prioritizing things in my head this morning and all of a sudden in a bit of Christmas stress. ~sigh~ Need to calm down as I know it will all be fine.

  6. I'm still sorting out the photo logistics of my Christmas card.
    Right now my mind is focused on the 12 Days of Christmas but I can't see how I am going to make that work.

  7. Lovely to receive nice mail. We have some cards starting to arrive now and just a few left to hand deliver and they will all be done. Xx

  8. Congratulations! What a lovely prize - enjoy creating with it. I was lucky enough to win a challenge and am looking forward to that arriving too :)

    A couple have arrived, most of my friends/family have swapped to ecards. I still send out physical ones as well - I've missed the last posting dates but am going to mail 'em anyhow :sigh:

  9. I'm behind!!! Mine are being posted tomorrow.....just hope the international ones arrive in time.

  10. I did get my cards in the mail last week! I've just found time to catch up on some blog reading - it's been crazy busy around here, all fun stuff, but really busy. Tomorrow my oldest niece is getting married, then a reception on Saturday, then a 24-hour trip to Ohio . . . oh my, better get around the rest of blogland today! :>)
