Monday, November 19, 2012

November Moment & Pass the Book Winner

Alexa of Trimming the Sails has started a wonderful meme asking people to share a simple moment from their lives each month.  You can read this month's collection at this link.  Here's mine:
Friday, Nov. 16, 2:15 p.m.
I've arrived incredibly early for pick-up. I had no idea how long it would take me to drive from his hospital to her new school. It's rainy, and I hear tires splash through puddles as the parking lot starts to fill. It's warm in the car but the rain drops threaten to soak the car's interior when I open the windows. Reluctantly, I push a button and seal myself back inside. Pensive. Unsettled.  The music on the radio is annoying. I fiddle with the dial until I find a classical station. The rain has let up, and I open the windows, welcoming the fresh air. I wonder how her day went and what sort of a mood she will be in today. Kids start to filter out. I notice the different demographics here - the majority minority is Filipino instead of Mexican. Last week, she came out smiling and laughing with two Muslim girls. I see her; she's smiling, walking with a friend from her basketball team. I wonder at her resilience. She's still struggling, but I know this school has been a good move for her. It makes all the driving worth it. The car door opens, and we're off.
And the winner of the Pass-the-Book, Trading Card Treasures, is:
Margi Borck, aka The Maverick Crafter.  Margi, I have your address, so I will drop the book in the mail to you shortly. Enjoy it!


  1. what an atmospheric photo and glad to hear the new school is working out

  2. Your photo speaks volumes, Rinda - as does your wonderful recording of what is happening around you and in your thoughts. Car parks remind me of trains - a kind of no man's land where we can just be anonymous and alone for a moment. Glad that the school move is so postive and can appreciate your watchful and slightly apprehensive eye. I smiled in recognition at your radio annoyance!

  3. I keep staring at your photo and smile as I too have been at the school pick up too early, and too late, on the odd occasion. Your writing is beautiful today Rinda and you could not have taken a better photo for this moment.

  4. So glad to hear that Clara is doing well at the new school and that she made the basketball team! I had been wondering about that outcome.

  5. I've been reading several blogs that are doing the Simple Moment, and I can actually picture that person in that moment. You describe it so well that I can see you sitting in the car doing all the things mentioned. I can also feel your tension knowing that you are early and will have to do some waiting all the while wondering what mood Clara will be in. I may have to try a Simple Moment and see if it feels the same way.

  6. I hate being late and would much rather be early - glad the rain let you and you could open the window. Thankful that the school is working out so well.

    Been holding Paul and the medical teams in the light.

  7. I love this, Rinda. Your writing is so beatiful and heartfelt, I can feel your love for Clara in this post. Well done, my friend! xo

  8. The moment & the photo go so well together. I'm glad she is adjusting well to her new school!

  9. That's a photo to really pull us in! It's sounding hopeful, really hopeful :)

  10. soooooo glad that Clara is doing well at the new school!! keeping my fingers crossed that she can overcome all the obstacles she faces!!
    and sending you strength!!


  11. What a beautiful post! I'm sorry the start of the year has been so difficult for Clara. How fortunate that there was an alternative school for her, and that she is adapting to it well.

  12. What a beautiful moment you describe - moments like this I also experience almost daily when I pick up my daughter from her highschool. I like your photo, it is very atmospheric.

  13. You have had so many trials lately Rinda. It's wonderful that you can still find beauty in each moment.

  14. So glad to hear that Clara is making makes such a difference!
    Alison xx

  15. It's good to hear Clara is more settled, making friends and liking her new school.
