Saturday, October 6, 2012

Storytelling Sunday: A Night at the Ballpark

Sometime last week, my son Henry and I went to the ballpark.  The players were great:
The fans and stadium electric:
But, for this mom, it was all about him:
And me:
When the kids were little, a favorite bedtime book was "The Big, Big Sea." It's about a mom and a daughter and their moonlit walk by the sea. Late in the story, when the daughter is curled up on her mother's lap, the mother whispers "Remember this moment. It's the way life should be."
That's how I felt about this chilly night where we shared a blanket . . . and a hot chocolate.
  At some point, it came to me that Henry will be off to University next year.  Startled, I said wistfully, "This could be our last baseball game here together." He looked at me and said, "Nah. I'll come home and go to games with you. . . as long as you buy the tickets." Then he smiled that smile of his, and my heart melted.
I didn't say it out loud, but I thought to myself, "remember this moment; it's the way life should be."
And when we got home, I got on the internet and bought us tickets to the playoffs. I mean, can you really blame me?
This story, in pictures, and just a few words, is brought to you in conjunction with Sian's Storytelling Sunday.  For more wonderful stories, check out this link.


  1. Nope don't blame you - and suspect more tickets will be bought so he can continue to go with you. Love that line and am going to look up the book too.

  2. Oh! I know it, it'a a Martain Waddell book. We read it as part of our "Night of the Moonjellies" unit study many many years ago. Tis lovely. :)

    Thanks for those sweet memories too!

  3. Oh yes you had to have those tickets. The ballpark looks beautiful.

  4. No! I can't blame you at all. I'm feeling the same way myself at the minute because the university application form here was sent off last week...and making time to do things together suddenly seems more important than ever. A lovely post - such great atmospheric photos too

  5. Rinda, you have such a great relationship with him and I love that you have so many shared happy memories. I can totally understand that you went straight home and bought the tickets!

  6. Your Sunday story brought a lump to my throat. Such a special time with your son, Rinda. Who could blame you for wanting to spend every minute with him. I love all the photographs, especially the one of you. Happy Mum!

  7. Beautiful! time together is so precious.

  8. I so love your story Rinda. And I must remember your quote and remember the moments x

  9. That's a lovely story, Rinda. I can relate to your sentiment, and I recall quite a few of those "remember this moments"..... They are indeed what make life very special.

  10. your story brought a tear to my eyes - and what a lovely picture of you and of him

  11. Oh. how tender ... Smiling wistfully here. Yep, hold onto those moments. :)

  12. A great and meaningful story. Now Ben has left home I treasure all those moments we had together and when he comes home and lays on the settee with his head in my lap as he used to when he was little I treasure it all the more :-)

  13. Oh! your story brought a lump to my throat. I know those feelings so well. I would have bought the tickets too.

  14. I love this story,Rinda...a memory to hold forever.

  15. Oh wow, I got a little chill and a thrill at those words 'Remember this moment.' Thanks for sharing your moment with us - wishing you many more such! xx

  16. Don't blame you at all Rinda. I'm about 3 years away from this point, but I know it's coming. Will be be savouring all those special moments.

  17. Such a great story! I have those moments now and then as well.

  18. i believe there is great wisdom in knowing when a moment is precious and you certainly have that! enjoy the playoff games!

  19. It's the 'remember the moments....' that make life worthwhile Rinda...may you have many more!
    Alison xx

  20. Good for you! And Henry's right, he'll be home. Some of the best times I've had with my son were during his days at Cornell and since he's been an adult. We're still creating special memories!

  21. Oh Rinda, such a wonderful story of that moment in time! And I had to smile at his response . . . and your response of buying playoff tickets! Have fun!!

  22. I love the quote, it's very poignant, and I often have moments like that, which I wish I could keep in a bottle! I'm glad you'll keep going to games together. x

  23. Love this story and the quote, Rinda. I'll be looking up The Big, Big Sea to add to our library. As a new mother, I often remind myself to soak up these moments full of happiness and peace.

  24. nope don;t blame you at all! brilliant photos and story...sweet memories!

  25. Sweet story, Rhinda. Any time spent with your children is a precious memory.

  26. Can't blame you one bit. This is such a great memory, I'm sure you will have many many more to come.

  27. Great photos Rinda :) I look forward to hearing about the playoffs and what a great opportunity for more memory making.

  28. I don't blame you at all, it's lovely you spend that time together and it was great reading about your time together at the ballpark.

  29. Great photo's & not a single thought of blame from fact that little thought brought a tear to my eye....they really do grow up too quickly don't they?!! :D

  30. Don't blame you at all. How sweet that he still enjoys hanging with Mom!

  31. your story touches my heart so sweetly ... teary eyed remembering some of "those" special moments...

    you live in such a great part of the country...

    sending healing wishes to you and yours...

    teen years can be very challenging indeed

  32. Rinda that is lovely and yes there will be other moments like that, no matter how grown up or how far away your son move he will always be your son and want to share moments with you I know for that is my son too

  33. that was such a beautiful post as I loved all the sentiment it really tugged at my heart strings xxx

  34. Just beginning my post retreat catch-up - this is a lovely, lovely story - really touching!
    I hope H reads it sometime - he is much loved!
