Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Product Review: Easy Canvas Prints

A while back I won a give-away from the Bloom, Bake and Create blog for an 11x14 canvas from Easy Canvas Prints.  It was super easy to use their site to order one of my photographs printed on canvas.  I was so happy with the canvas that I ordered a second canvas using a photograph from the same series.  When the second one arrived, I was a little disappointed because there were noticeable differences in the width of the two canvases and the grain and color of the background canvas.
So, I decided to call the company. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of customer service I received!  First, the phone was answered by a real live person. And that real live person turned out to be in Austin, Texas. It turns out Easy Canvas Prints is a small business that actually cares about pleasing its customers.  I explained my disappointment to the person on the phone. She explained that they had just changed the background canvas to a finer weave, white color. She wasn't sure why one of the canvases was thinner, but she told me to take a picture and send them an email.  I did, and they replied promptly that they would send me a replacement free of charge so that the pair would match.   I was really pleased with the result and hung the pair in my bathroom.  The canvases arrive, packaged very  carefully, to ensure that they are not damaged. 
The canvases are a nice quality and very reasonably priced because the company always has some sort of a promotion going on. The 11x14 I purchased is generally priced at $62, but I paid $28 using a promotional code.  I was so happy with my experience that I ordered another much larger canvas (18x24) of this scarecrow photograph to hang in my office, and I love it.   Although originally priced at $103, I received a promotional email where I was able to purchase it for $35! 
On the whole, if you are interested in trying out a canvas print, I would definitely recommend getting on the email list for Easy Canvas Prints and then ordering one once you get a promotional code.  The promotions have always come with free shipping, which takes a while, but I'm willing to wait longer for free shipping, and the company is very clear about the time the canvas will take to arrive. Let me know if you give them a try or about your experience with other canvas companies. 


  1. I'm really interested in canvas reviews as I am planning to get a few done for our house once the reno is complete ... whenever that may be! It is good to hear that you had such great service - I had a look at the site but could not see if they delivered internationally, there are plenty here anyway so it isn't an issue, but it doesn't hurt to have a few options available.

  2. it's nice to hear about a company that cares!

  3. they look great and I love the diea of the scarecrows in your office with their strong symbolism for your work

  4. They look great,Rinda...and it's always good to give a shout out for companies that offer great service....there's too many that just don't seem to care at all.
    Sounds like very reasonable 'promo'prices as well.

  5. It's so good to hear about positive customer services experiences! The canvases look amazing :)

  6. Very cool! I love good customer service and tend to order at companies having a good one.

  7. That's a noticeable difference! It's good to hear that you stuck to your guns and got it sorted out and got such great service.

    Our best customer service was years and years ago when a coal lorry knocked a mirror off my car - but they left a note to get in touch with them and they paid for a replacement very promptly. we were so pleased that we bought coal from them for years afterwards

  8. It's a real pleasure when you get such good service like that and the personal touch goes a long long way.

  9. How wonderful to read about great customer service! And how exciting that you got the scarecrow print for your office as you are writing your book - great inspiration.

  10. Isn't it nice to find a company that cares about customer service? You are correct, the price with the promotion is a very good price.

  11. First of all, I love the way your canvases look hung. Second, I'm very glad to know about this company. I may consider doing one or two myself.

  12. Glad it all worked out for you. My head is spinning with ideas for a piece of canvas art.

  13. How nice to hear a good news story about customer service...& the canvases look fabulous on your bathroom wall! :D

  14. They look lovely Rinda. Nice that they got back to your promptly too. Now I wonder if they ship to the uk? xxx

  15. they look lovely hanging on your wall

  16. That's a lovely and striking pair of canvases, Rinda - so glad it all ended well. We had a photo of DH's enlarged years ago and it still looks great, so I hope yours will give you years of pleasure.

  17. The canvases look amazing Rinda and well done for calling the company so often we just remain disappointed.

  18. This company goes on my good list! I know mistakes happen but it is how they handle it that makes me take notice. Your canvas prints are beyond fabulous! I think I have a few Christmas gifts taken care of now!

  19. How refreshing to get a 'real' person on the other end AND to have the company so willing to please (which is as it should be but not always the case nowadays it seems).

    The prints on canvas idea is a great one...I had a smaller collaged canvas of mine done on an 11 x 20" canvas and I am really pleased with it...wish I had more wall space.

    Your pictures look super!

  20. Rinda, So glad they gave you such good service. I was also pleased with them.

  21. Wow! i recognise those nature still-life photos! They look fabulous as canvases hanging on yoru bathroom wall, nice job!

  22. I tried Canvas People just recently because I also had a special offer with free shipping. It took some time (not as quick as Shutterfly, for example), but I am quite pleased with the result. I'll try them again, they have a lot of promotional offers going on, but I think I will get on the email list of Easy Canvas Print as well.
