Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday . . . a meme originated by Lisa Leonard.
Hello 700 square feet of wood.  We are finally going to realize our plan of getting rid of the carpet upstairs and replacing it with hard wood floors.
Hello first drafts of personal statements, recommendation requests and completed college applications for Henry. It looks like the application for Michigan State will be the first one out the door (waving to my lurking friend Joan), followed closely by University of Oregon and the so-called "Common Application" for private Universities.
Hello to Clara's orthopedist. She has her final physical therapy appointment this week and then a visit with the orthopedist where she is hoping to get the all-clear to return to full activity.
Hello gym. . . . ummm, I haven't been in two weeks, and I need to get back there!
Hello to more playoff baseball. Our S.F. Giants made a miraculous comeback to move to the next round.  Not sure if we'll attend any games, but we're rooting for them nonetheless.
Hello street photography. I worked on this during the Pumpkin Festival over the weekend, and I'm looking forward to posting the results.
Hello "Pass the Book". . . it's time to send one back to Sian and send the other on its way.
What's up with you this week?


  1. College applying sounds to be an altogether different beast in comparison to what we do here - very few are direct application, we fill out one form with all of our preferences and then wait for the marks. You can change preferences a couple of times and some Universities also require additional information and an interview, it depends on the course.
    Good luck!
    I am interested in the progression of your new floor - you won't beleive the difference it makes.

  2. Good luck with the ortho appt and those college applications. I think our system is similar to Amy's when it comes to university places. I'm going to join in with this later, having tried it only once before.

  3. Busy week ahead. Your wooden floor is going to be perfect and I can't wait to see your Street photography at the Pumpkin Festival. Good luck on the college applications for Henry.

  4. Yes,our system is much closer to Amy's.....yours sounds like quite a lot of work for the student...good luck to him with that.
    Fingers crossed for Clara getting the all clear.
    Looking forward to the photos.

  5. Best of luck Henry! We had to do the Personal Statement over the Summer here, and the application went in a couple of weeks ago. Now the waiting begins..

    A book back? Ooh, thanks, that would be lovely!

    The floor looks great - much easier to look after than carpet

  6. We made the change upstairs from carpet to wood floors. Definitely easier upkeep and better for those with allergies. But we weren't prepared for the sound effects! Carpet muffles sound, wood does not. Until we got used to it, anyone walking around upstairs sounded like a herd of elephants. We eventually got a few area rugs.

    Best of luck to Henry and Clara this week!

  7. I hope Clara's appointment goes well - I'm off to the fracture clinic on Wednesday and hoping I'll have a clearer picture of what my recovery will involve. And good luck to Henry with his applications x

  8. Can't wait to see the 'finished' pics of your new floors! Like Cheri I'd recommend a few rugs...I love wood flooring but not the clattering & echo that goes with it!! :D

  9. One of my sisters has hardwood floors in her home, and I think it's beautiful and definitely better for allergies. Good luck with the college apps and other things you have going on this week.

  10. Wishing the best for Clara and Henry. Looking forward to seeing your new floors.

  11. You will love having hardwood floors - they are easy to sweep up and always look great! Hoping that Clara gets the all clear, I know it's put a damper on her enjoying herself. Michigan... brrrrrr ;-)

  12. Luckily my house came with beautiful wooden floors except for the kitchen which we added quite a few years ago. I think you will love them!

  13. Congrats on the new floors! Hope things turn out well for Clara at the docs!

  14. Hope Clara gets on OK at her appt and that Henry gets through those applications!
    Alison xx

  15. Looks as if you are going to be busy - though you clearly are already! A pumpkinfest sounds interesting, and the photos are sure to be eye-catching. I remember University applications as being stressful, even though our system is more centralised than yours, so feeling very sympathetic. :)

  16. Oh how nice hardwood floors will be - I'd love to replace our carpeting with that but it will have to wait.
