Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ten Hello's for Monday (Ten on the Tenth)

Monday falls on the Tenth of the Month in September, so I'm combining Hello Monday with Ten on the Tenth to create this list . . . 
1. Hello more miniature creations. I'm having a good time creating pages for my "Learn Something New Everyday" mini-album, and I'll be posting a few more pages tomorrow. How small are the album and embellishments? You can get a sense of the scale above and in this picture:
2. Hello new doctor. With a little luck, Paul will be changing doctors this week - to one who specializes in what he needs.
3. Hello old doctors. Clara is back to see the ophthalmologist to check on her eye and to see the orthopedist to (hopefully) get her cast removed.
4. Hello hospital. In all likelihood, Paul will be going back for Round 3 (out of 8) of chemotherapy sometime this week.
5. Hello Back-to-School Night.  Time to go meet all the kids' teachers and see what their plans are for the year.
6. Hello blue skies, cooler temps and breezy days.  Fall is definitely in the air (even if there's still officially two weeks left of summer).
7. Hello to lots of blog posts with participants finishing the 2012 Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt. This one (from Heart, Hearth, Home) really touched my heart; Missus Wookie finally found her dancers and linked all her others in her post; and Laurie is starting a three part recap here.  If you're participating, remember the Hunt ends on September 21, and I'll be asking everyone to check in that weekend with their final totals. I've still got two items left to post myself.
8. Hello pre-season plans for the High School Soccer Team. Although official play doesn't start until January, there's lots of activities that take place in the fall. This will be Henry's senior year! Where did the time go?
9. Hello cleaner house. I'm still participating in the Organized Housewife 20 Days Challenge, and I'm really enjoying the results. 
10. Hello Joan and Rose (a dear friend and my cousin) who read, but lurk. Just want to let you know that I'm glad you're out there, even if you don't comment.


  1. And a Hello from me too. I love the fact that your banner for LSN is so small I hadn't realise that before.

  2. A very busy week, I hope all the medical visits bring good results :)
    Hoping to finish up my hunt this week.

  3. Hi Rinda, it sounds as though you are on a bit of a merry-go-round regarding health services; I hope Paul is settled soon and paired with the right doctor for his needs.
    I am laughing at your number 10 - I have cousins and aunties who read and never comment but chat with me knowing all the blog stories when we catch up - it's funny.

  4. Your Hellos are very similar to mine - and I ws going to do 10 as well. Just as soon as I'd finished reading. Oh well. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattert so I hope you won't mind if I post my 10 Hellos anyway?

  5. You have a hefty list of 10, Rinda. Do hope all the hospital appointment are helpful and Round 3 of the chemo gets Paul closer to recovery.
    Thank you for the mention. I loved being a part of this year's Hunt and seeing such a diverse set of photographs from around the world. Brings us all closer together.

  6. Helo, good friend! I hope it's a good week, and I'm sending good vibes for all the medical issues on your list.

  7. That's a busy week ahead, for sure. I'm hoping you get time for a bit of relaxation and care for yourself in the midst of it all

  8. I hope the hospital appts go well. Love your little album.

  9. Oh Rinda, what a busy week ahead. I do hope that all goes according to plan and especially sending healing thoughts to Paul as he starts another round.
    Can I echo what Sian says, make sure you look after yourself while you are busy looking after all the others.

  10. Hi
    Love that the banner for the book is so small yet you can get so much detail onto it.
    Hope all goes well with the new Doctor.

  11. Your banner mini-album looks great, so unique! I will be posting scavenger hunt photos this week & have only 1 left to find!!

  12. That's such a nice interpretation on ten things.
    Organized house wife 20 days challenge ? That's interesting, off to have a look !

  13. I hope all the health issues in your family improve even more. You've had a tough time of it lately being strong. Now you want to take the Organized house wife 20 day challenge? My you are brave!

  14. Enjoyed reading your ten on the tenth list, wonder what mine would have to think about that.

  15. Love your little banner album! I seem to be writing several paragraphs to each prompt this time around & still haven't worked out what to do with them. So far they are just in a word doc but I want to scrap them.

  16. Hey Cuz, Praying that all goes well with the many activities this week. Those banner pages look great.

  17. A busy week ahead - hope all the doctor/hospital appointments go well. Love your banner!

  18. Hope things go smoothly this week - especially all the medical matters. Glad you are enjoying the cleaner house and finding time to create - those pages are lovely.

  19. what a fun way to summarize all the happenings in your life. i love your new album for lsne - it just oozes personality from its shape, contents and rich color!

  20. I loved your mini album before but the more you add the more of a treasure it becomes! Fingers crossed that all the doctor adventures go even better than you hope!

  21. Hope everything goes well for Paul and Clara...and that you ARE looking after yourself too!
    Alison xx
