Monday, September 10, 2012

LSNE Days 5-8

I'm continuing to make progress on learning something new everyday in Shimelle's September class.  Wednesday, Sept. 5, was a busy day for me - I taught class, held office hours, attended a work meeting, made a bunch of phone calls and then went to a school event. It was the most activity I had done outside of the house since we got back from Europe. And it felt great! To have a normal, busy day. Lesson learned: Sometimes a busy day is a good day.  The prompt for Sept. 6 was to think of something for which you are grateful.  I wrote "I am grateful for new recipes, home-cooked meals and my morning cup of coffee."  The first two items reflect the gratitude I feel towards my friends who are bringing us dinner once a week. Not only is the food a tremendous help, I have learned a few interesting recipe ideas (both the kids loved the homemade macaroni and cheese; I loved the idea of adding diced chicken and/or broccoli to tortellini in pesto). I also tried and loved Stacy's Sweet Potato and Chicken Salad.  Super yummy! As a bonus, Clara likes it, too.  As for the morning cup of coffee, every morning for over 25 years, whenever Paul is home, he brews a pot of coffee, so that I have a cup ready for me when I stumble out of bed. So grateful for that!
On Day Seven, I was reflecting on how I spent my time. And, I realized that the 20 Days to Organize and Clean Your House Challenge is working well for me because I laid so much of the groundwork for it this year by doing a lot of organizing and purging early on in conjunction with my "One Little Word" for 2012.  I'll be checking in and blogging about my OLW soon.  The journaling reads: "It takes a lot less time to clean a room that I've already organized.  Finally, Sept. 8 brought a challenge to learn a new skill. As I mentioned in this post, I learned how to make photo collages in Pic Monkey. 
I'm continuing to really enjoy this project. It's fun to use up some of the little bits I have in my collage containers. As you are no doubt realizing, I have a HUGE collection of stuff. I'm trying to add a little bit of consistency by having all the artwork be bits of paper that I cut and paste (no drawing, painting, etc.); by always featuring a round circular embellishment from the same company (I have to figure out where they came from so I can share it); and by including the day's number in the collage. One of the things I really like about this project is that, in addition to forcing me to be mindful of life's lessons,  it is also a subtle chronicle of what I'm doing this month. How's your LSNE journey going?


  1. Your lovely little flag book is coming on a treat.

  2. I can imagine that having already decluttered the process is more enjoyable and more productive - well done.
    I love it when I find new recipes that suit the family's tastebuds - and, thank goodness for wonderful friends who help out when you need them!

  3. I love what you've done and I find being busy works best for me. I'm constantly trying to organise myself though!

  4. I love the way all of these are turning out! and cheering you on in the clearing and organising challenge. I might just have to click that link :).

  5. I'm with you, busy days especially when they feel more like the normal routine are awesome for sure! Love your flags, they are turning out amazing!

  6. Still loving the colours you are using. For the day 8 pennant, have you used a mask for the insect and bird etc? It's delightful. Irene

  7. I, too, am grateful for a husband who makes the coffee. Tracy makes it right after dinner and sets the timer so it's always ready when we get up in the morning. If he goes down first, he hands a cup up to me.

  8. I do like a man who likes his coffee :)

    I think you are absolutely right - a busy day can be a real blessing. Sometimes time to think is really not good at all.

    And here's to friends and good food!

  9. LSNED is still just notes in a notebook for me...I'm hoping to get to grips with it at some point this week! I agree with it being easier to clean an organised space!!
    Alison xx

  10. I think you little pennants are so cute and will make a wonderful book. Sad to say I still only have two LSND layouts made. However, I am also keeping notes in my little notebook. If I don't finish in September I will surely be able to do it by the end of the year. All of a sudden life has become very busy for me.

  11. I agree that busy days can be good days. I've been following along with the prompts & recording a lesson each day - I'm not creating anything this year but am planning a weekly post with my lessons (week one is set to post tomorrow).

  12. Your pennant album is looking great.

  13. busy days that are normal routine tend to be my most productive! I'm not doing LSNED this year. Too much going on this month to even attempt to keep up - you are doing fabulous!

  14. I am reading blogs whilst finishing my morning coffee - made by my beloved. Normal busy days are a blessing - as are quiet ones.

    Finally convinced my kids that it is easier to clean a decluttered space - in Princess's case most of her belongings left the house...

  15. Your little book is great! Glad you liked the salad!
