Thursday, September 20, 2012

Photo Scavenger Hunt Final Check-in!

Today, Friday, September 21, marks the "official" end of summer and, so, the end of the 2012 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. Here's my final picture . . . a self portrait of me with something that symbolizes my country. What's more American than baseball?
I had so much fun with the scavenger hunt this year.  I think my favorite find was my bride, mainly because I stumbled upon her with Sian (and I had thought it would be the hardest item to find).  You can see all (or nearly all) my finds by clicking on this link.
So now it's your turn, if you participated in the hunt, leave a comment on this post letting me know how many of the items you found during the summer. You get extra imaginary bonus points if you direct me in your comment to your favorite photo or if you publish a post today about the hunt and direct me to it.  Participants have until Sunday night, September 23 to leave a comment. I will be giving out two prizes: one chosen at random from all those who found all 21 of the items and one chosen at random from all participants (so definitely leave a comment, even if you didn't find all of the items). The prizes will be photography-related  Let me know if you have any questions!
Just in case you think my featured photograph is a bit of a cheat, here's one with me and my passport, so you can see my smiley face:

Can't wait to see how many folks participated and see what you have to say!


  1. I was hoping to see this post today as I'm going awol from blog world for a couple of weeks ... I would have had to make a special visit I think.
    Rinda, Scavenger Hunt 2012 has been a wonderfully fun, interesting,competitive,hilarious and thoroughly enjoyable experience!

    I found all 21 items back in July during our last term break. Thank you for all of the fabulous ideas and items to find - it was a great mix and I have loved seeing all the entries pop up here and there.

    I am looking forward to 2013 already!

  2. Sorry, I forgot my links :-)

    Part one -

    Part Two -

    Part Three -

  3. Thank you Rinda for another fabulous Summer Scavenger hunt. I did find all 21 + the bonus heart stones though I had a tongue in cheek item or two
    here is the link to my roundup today

    Really look forward to next year's hunt or maybe we can have a winter one???

  4. Rinda, You saved the best till last. That's a great photograph of you and I love the baseball. It even appears to have a smiley face on it!
    I have rounded-up my hunt. Here's the link:
    Thank you again for organising this fabulous event. It really was Summertime fun. Irene

  5. I've so enjoyed the hunt,Rinda....and have managed to actually complete my mini album this year.
    Thanks so much for organising it....and look forward to next year.
    Love your photo.
    My link up is here

  6. My blogs with pictures are here
    I still needed four pictures to complete the list. I don't go out on my own so that restriction might have contributed, next year eh? perhaps next year I'll be over this silly phobia.
    My favourite picture has to be the one of Mr M looking for a four-leaved clover.
    Thank you Rinda for a wonderful summer occupation. It has helped me to break the grip of the fears and set me on the road to recovery - such a wonderful release, thank you.

  7. I'll add my thanks to the growing list! It has been fun & in places challenging, but that's agood thing!! As much as I've enjoyed finding & photographing, I've so enjoyed checking out everyone elses different depending on location! Several times I've done the whole 'Doh! Why didn't I think of that' thing!! I will definitely look forward to taking part next year! As for my favourite find...well that'd be #15 in my collage, found here... it was just such a privelege to be part of the Paralympics Closing Ceremony, even if it was just as a spectator!! :D

  8. Oh I loved the first one - flag + ball.... definitely a winner!

    Thank you for organizing this Rinda - I've had so much fun with the scavenger hunt, meeting other hunters and taking photos. I might still have a go at the British Museum.

    Here is the link to all my posts:

    Whilst my favourite? Hmm I think that would have to be the balls in the fountain.

  9. Oops forgot to say - I found all of the items!

  10. Sweet photo Rinda! Thank you so much for organising the hunt. My whole family had so much fun on holiday finding the photos. I am pleased to say that we found all 21!

    I have blogged about my favourite photos here..

    The post includes a link to all the photos.

    Thank you again Rinda. xxxx

  11. What a beautiful smiling face I see this morning.
    I so missed joining in the Scavenger Hunt this summer but the timing was just wrong for me. I'll be there in 2013 for sure.

  12. Hi Rinda! The Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt was a total blast! I really appreciate all your work in organizing it and all your update posts. Thanks!

    I found all 21 items (just under the wire with my last one)! My final post is here:

    I think my favorite photo is the String Band. But my last one for #15 Someone Dancing is a close second!

  13. Of course my favourite is the bride too. Actually, no. my favourite is the picture of you taking the picture of the bride and that's here

    ..sorry, can't get my own link to copy and paste. I'll try again in a minute..

  14. I'm back. It still won't work, no idea why.

    Anyway, thank you so much - it's been a blast

  15. Although I didn't participate this year, I will next year, Rinda! You've given so many people such a lot of fun with their cameras, and it's been amazing to see how far across the blogoshere it has spread. And it's been such fun to see the results across so many countries. Thank-you!

  16. this has been so much fun, can't thank you enough Rinda. My favourite photo was the heart shaped stone, glad now I didn't find the swing or hammock!!

  17. Thanks again to Jo in Australia for letting me know about your fun fun Scavenger Hunt Rinda.

    My husband and I set out on a rainy day in the metropolitan Wash DC area to see how many things we could click off the list ...
    thank you for spurring such a fun adventure ...
    I did a post at the end of August

    with my list of 21 items

    Your baseball photo is as American as apple pie and you and your passport and trusty camera brighten my day!

    Thank you again for this experience...I look forward to your next challenge :)
    oxo ~*~ Patty in Virginia, USA

  18. Thank you Rinda for hosting this hunt - I have had so much fun with taking photos this summer! I found all 21 items - here's a link to my posts: I just scrolled back through them all trying to pick a favorite, but each of them are tied to a great memory (like hunting with Cheri) or a story (like the guys picking Grandma's favorite tune on their guitars) that I just can't choose one!

  19. This was such fun for our family my fave pics are the heart shaped stone aNd inverse of , but so many photos I lov e that I wouldn't have done thanks for organising. Yes I got 21 yay.

  20. Hi Rinda, I managed all 21 and had so much fun with this! I have loved seeing other peoples photos too, and it has certainly added something special to my summer.
    Do hope you will do it again next year, I'm already signed up if you are!!
    I have lots of favourite photos because of the stories attached, and you can see my collection here:

  21. I absolutely love this project, and this year I found all 21 items. I blogged about them in several posts all of which are linked on today's post at My favorite photos (I couldn't make just one choice) was the photo of the train and the two brides, both of whom are dear to us!)

  22. Oh, and I just love the first photo on your post today!

  23. Now you absolutely have to promise us that this is now an annual event and that you are already planning 2013! My mini album in its entirety is in this post
    Favourite photo? Hard to say, but I think that the bride will be my choice. For a start it was a young lady who I have known since she was about 2 days old, and also it was the last one that I captured so that gives it a special place as well.
    I love your baseball picture mostly because I know how much pleasure you get from watching your boy play and it is also so typically American.

  24. I had a great time with this Rinda, especially the day that I took time to just hunt for these photos. Here's a link to my last post, which then links to the previous one. Thanks for the challenge - I didn't get them all.

  25. Aw, and I love that smiley face of yours! I need to count my items, and still have one (maybe two) more to post tomorrow and I'll be back to give you a final count. Just wanted to say that I LOVE your summer photography scavenger hunts SO much! Thanks for sponsoring it again! xo

  26. I'm so glad you included the extra self-portrait - though I do really like the first one :) I'm still a bit gutted that I didn't manage to find a four-leaf clover, but I found all 21 items and the bonus heart-shaped stone during our week's holiday in August, and shared my pics here:,


    (sorry, I know there is a way to shorten those links to a clickable word but I've forgotten how and I'm being too lazy to look it up....)

    As for my fave pic, I really like the border (terrier) with The Tomboy in the first post - or maybe the steam train going round the bend, also in the first post; or then there are the chocolate fountains in part 2 - or the action shots of the table tennis game, also in part 2; but no, I think it has to be the staircase in midair from part 3 :)

    Thanks so much once again for organising this, Rinda! I absolutely loved it :)

  27. Rinda, i am so glad that i joined you (and everyone else)in your hunt.It has been fun for all the family! I've enjoyed seeing everyone else's photos as much as taking my own.

    great photos today of you love the baseball one. I managed to find 19 of your 21 items and i think my favourite find was the real life angel here...

    thank you and i look forward to next years xx

  28. Rinda your fabulous photo scavenger hunt has been a great part of my Summer. I managed to photo all 21 items, all shown on my blog. I did find four leaf clover stickers (but didn't need them so no photo taken) and I found a heart shaped stone which I kept tho I haven't taken a pic. I have printed all my photos out as I was inspired by Jacky's lovely album and hope to make one myself.

    All my snaps are summer memories, from local places (like the library or the angel) to Olympic photos (like someone playing instruments or me with something representing my country) and holiday photos from Cyprus (like the historic monument and my favourite photo the bride aka a nun texting!). Thanks so much for a great fun event and I really hope you host another adventure next year
    Thank you thank you thank you xxx

  29. Love the flag and the ball. You've had a great summer and now Autumn is upon us. Happy Autumn to you Rinda. I love this time of season. Have a great weekend.

  30. Oh that is neat - so not the obvious picture. :) Thanks so much for organizing this, it was a lot of fun and I must say my camera went out a lot more than usual - I got used to carrying it around every day. I managed to get all 21 + some heart stone pictures. I summarized them all at
    Now as for which one I liked the most it would have to be #13 - the library picture.

  31. Thank you so much for the hunt, it was lots of fun. I managed to find 17 out of the 21 photos. A link to my final blog post is here I have included all the photos I found for the challenge, but my favourite photo has to be the horse.

  32. Looks like you found a very enthusiastic bunch of photographers Rinda... so many great collections! You've already visited my posts about the hunt (thanks for your kind words). I was such fun...I'll be back next year.

    I think I like #15 in my Europe collection...because of the colours and movement.
    #7 was my fave in the Aussie photos. Richard is my favourite person and the 'didge' is such a unique Aussie instrument.

  33. Your final shots are great. I have summerised mine here -

    Can't wait for next years hunt!

    Liz x

  34. Oops - forgot to say I got all twenty-one!

    liz x

  35. I had so much fun doing this Hunt that I can't wait until next year's to do it again! I found all 21 items on the list. I can't say any of them were particularly outstanding, but some were more difficult to find than others. I'd have to say Someone Playing with a Ball was my hardest and almost the last one I found. The last one was a photo of me standing beside something that signifies my country. I dreaded having my photo taken and that's why it's last.

  36. Like everyone before me that last picture of the flag and ball is awesome, well done, just perfect.
    Thank you for giving me something to do during winter. Thank you for giving me something to get the family to do. The boys actually want me to come up with a list of things we could look for whilst on our actual summer holidays in Dec!
    I managed to find all 21 items, even if the last few were found yesterday morning! Here is the link to me final post about it all which includes me favorite picture from the hunt.

    Thank you so much and I look forward to hopefully 2013 if you do one.

  37. this was great fun, only got 17 was late in starting but really enjoyed it. No 14, someone playing with a ball.
    It was a special day when I took this, my husband is a great fan of but never been to the new ground it was a special birthday present.He never stopped smiling during the tour of the ground..
    cant wait to do another scavenger hunt... thank you.x

  38. THANK YOU Rinda it has been such fun! I have days of blog hopping to do if I want to check out other people's interpretations! The housework will have to wait!

    I love your first symbol photo - brilliant!

    I managed all 21 plus BOTH the substitute items and have posted them along with a summery summary collage on my blog today ... right here

  39. Hi Rinda,I managed 20 items and thoroughly enjoyed the hunt.Thank you,loking forward to the next one.Post on my blog today x

  40. Oh - I love your photo of you and your camera - and my favourite of mine was the outdoor stairway x

  41. Rinda, thank you so much for hosting this challenge. It's been so much fun. And I love the ball and flag photo. My latest photos and those I've posted before can be found here:

    My favorites are the photos with my family and the angel.

  42. I just commented but it's not showing up ... not sure if it's waiting on approval or if I messed up so trying one more time. :)

    Thanks so much for organizing this ... my kids and I had a blast finding all the items (we found the bonus item too for a total of 22 items) and seeing everyone's takes on the prompts as well.

    I don't have a blog, but you can see my shutterfly album here:

    I think my favorite is the one of the horse. I like the flames on its tail and finding it was the most fun ... we got in the car and just drove until we found horses! :) You can see that shot here:

    Thanks so much for allowing me to play along!

  43. Oh I totally screwed up. I wanted to participate and I actually started on it, but then I had to leave it because there was just a bit too much going on over our summer. Hopefully you do it again next year and then I can participate full heartedly, because I like this kind of scavenger hunt very much! Bravo to you!

  44. i found 19 of the 21 items plus the substitute item. and it was so much fun, rinda. thanks for doing this and bringing all of us together in a way that made us really open up to the world around us.

  45. Rinda, Thanks for hosting the scavenger hunt again this year. It was great fun. I'm a little sad that I wasn't able to complete it all. I'm missing a couple items, but it was still fun all the same. I posted the last of my finds here:

  46. oh my links are here too

    scraphappylove: A border and someone playing with a ball and lots of shadows

  47. Here is my final blog post Rinda and, yay!, the last three items! Huge thanks to you for organising it. I have so enjoyed myself and seeing everyone else's photos. Will definitely do it next year but, hang on, how about a Winter scavenger hunt???

  48. hi maria, i managed to get them all, although one is slightly suspect, i will put up my final pictures today and u'll see the suspect one there.
    hope ur well,
    jo xxx

  49. This was my first and hopefully not my last photo scavenger hunt - thoroughly enjoyed it and it added an extra dimension to our summer holidays.

    I found 20 out of the 21 items plus one of the substitute items. Then today I spotted the other substitute items which I am about to go out and photograph and stick on the end of my round up post below.

    Thank you Rinda ♥

  50. The bride was my most exciting find too! The scavenger hunt was loads of fun- thanks for putting it together!!
    I ended up with 15. You can find my post at

  51. Darn . . . I forgot to post two more I found yesterday. :-( So my total find (without yesterday's finds) is 17. The most surprising find was the photo of the bride. I never expected to see a bride walking down the streets of Vancouver, BC . . . yet there she was. :-) Here are the links to the items I did find. Thanks for hosting! So much fun.

  52. Oh, bother - bother, bother, bother!! I found the four-leaf clover today, after the deadline :( And I could easily have spotted it before the deadline, but I didn't :( Bother!! Ah well, here it is anyway:

  53. Just leaving my link before getting ready to go out. I'll be back to view everyone's photos tomorrow. Thanks for the challenge I found all 21 plus the bonus 4 leaf clover. My slide show is here:
    And my favourite of mine has to be the flaming tuba player!

  54. Hi Rinda ~ Wow! Look at all these comments for your summer photography hunt. Awesome! :o)

    I did a recap of the 19 items I found on my blog today. Thanks so much for sponsoring this challenge again this summer. It was so much fun!

    My photos are here: Deb's photos

  55. I found all 21 and could not believe I spent all summer on the lookout for a bride (I am hoping for a groom next summer :> ) My shot reeks of desperation. I mention three favorites at the end of my post but push come to shove I'd have to say #21 - me with something that symbolizes America. I love your first take on that one. I had an amazing idea but was never able to pull it together. Here's my link Thanks for the hunt, Rinda!

  56. I got 21, but I had to use both substitute items.
    My list is here:
    Enjoyed this - thanks a lot

  57. Not sure if my first post was saved ... :o

    I have 21 items, but had to substitute the Hammock/Tree Swing.

    Lots of fun, and I saw lots more of my home town/been to places I've never been before/didn't know existed!! Thanks for that, Rinda!!

    My list is here

    As said in my post - are you doing a Scavenger Hunt for Winter / Christmas? If you don't have the time / no plans for it then I might consider doing one.

    Thanks so much for lots of fun (with friends / family taking part to direct me to places) and I cannot wait for 2013!!

  58. Here's a link to my latest scavenger hunt update:

    I only manged 13 in the three weeks I've been taking part - but had so much fun! Thanks Maria :)

  59. Hi Rinda, I was very late joining in with your scavenger hunt and only found 6. My favourite of those is the angel which I thought I would never be able to find but suddenly realised she was lurking in my garden shrubbery! I will continue to photograph the others as I have made a journal for them all and need to fill it. x

  60. Hi Rinda! I found all 21, a bit touch and go regarding the swing, but got lucky! I loved the challenge of it,please do another soon! I will blog the whole 21 later today, and will send you the link. Have a great Sunday, raining here in London sadly, Autumn has arrived!

  61. Thanks for organising this Rinda. It has been an interesting summer and I have looked at the things around me with new eyes. I found all 21 items and a heart-shaped stone; they're gathered together on this post:

    My favourite photos are of the pier in Southend-on-Sea. I see it every summer and I have never photographed it before. There's one photo on the link above, but two in this post:
    and it's now my desktop background.

    I do hope we can have another hunt next year. It's been great seeing everyone else's photos and seeing how far this has spread.

  62. I found all 21 of them! At the last possible minute an angel statue turned up!

  63. HI Rinda and thanks for organising the Summer Scavenger Hunt, I had a great time finding everything on the list. I did manage to find all 21 in the end.

    My blog is here:
    just scroll down to see all the photos.

  64. Thank you Rinda - I am just about squeezing in on time I hope.
    Here is the link to my last page - so managed all 21 :0)
    Enjoy x

  65. I just posted my last photos and know they are late. Just want to thank you for hosting the hunt and tell you how much fun I had participating. I found 20 out of the 21. The one I did not get was the pier. My husband went fishing at a new spot this morning and came home telling me there was a pier. That's my life, always a day late and a dollar short. LOL Hope you have the hunt again next year or even soon. How about a holiday hunt?

  66. Loved taking part this year, thank you so much for organising this!
    Here's my completed list

  67. Hi Rinda, have posted my list now:

  68. Me again! I forgot to choose my favourite; I think it would be the outside steps in Dean Garnier's garden in the grounds of Winchester Cathedral.

  69. Thanks for organizing the scavenger hunt again this year! I lost steam toward the end, and didn't find all 21 (I made it to 10!) but I still enjoyed it! I especially liked that my friend's 10 year old daughter got in on the action and helped me find many of the items in this post:
