Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LSNE Mid-Month Catch-Up (2/2)

I'm sharing another big batch of pages from my Learn Something New Everyday album.  You can see more pages and read about the project by clicking on this link.  On Saturdays, Shimelle is encouraging everyone to learn a new skill. I chose the "skill" of making photo cards on various websites, with the plan to create cards to give as Christmas gifts.  So, my lesson for September 15 was "It's never too early to start thinking about Christmas presents."  Day #16 marks my visit to the Union Cemetery in Redwood City to find a historic landmark for the Photo Scavenger Hunt. As I mentioned in this post, I was a little disappointed with the cemetery as a cemetery. My disappointment eased when I realized that there were lots of wonderful fall photos to be taken there instead!  My lesson learned: "Change your perspective when you feel down."
A few fun lessons for the next two days: #17 "Some days it is really nice to stay in your pajamas." and #18 "Each time I go to the gym, it is more likely that I will go again."
The art work on this pair (and the next) is simpler, as I was getting a bit behind in creating pages and wanted to get caught up. Lesson #19 reflects a Wednesday when I had a particularly good class at school. I was teaching new material, so I really had to work on it. I realized, once again "Preparation is always a good thing."  And the next day, I realized how important it is to keep talking to the kids, even when you're not sure they're listening. Lesson #20 is "You never know when someone will actually hear what you're saying."
And my final pair for now.  Lesson #21 is more about parenting: "Pay attention to what's important." Lesson #22 has a fun story to go along with it. We asked Clara's physical therapist what kind of exercise she could be doing while she is building strength in her leg/ankle, and the therapist suggested riding a stationary bike. I wasn't going to go buy one for her, but I had a brilliant idea. On Facebook, I posted "Does anyone local have a stationary bike we can borrow for a few weeks while Clara rehabs her ankle?" In less than 24 hours, one of our friends had delivered a bike to our garage! It just goes to show, "It never hurts to ask."
What have you learned this September?


  1. Lesson 18 is one I would really like to learn.....and 16 is such an important one.
    I love the way you're doing this, would make such a great piece of bunting....a reminder and a talking point.

  2. Love the lettering you have used for the word Talk on day 20 and the sentiment. Glad someone was able to help out with the exercise bike for Clara. It will make such a difference to her improvement.

  3. These are looking wonderful1 "It never hurts to ask" is a great lesson to be reminded of. It's so true.

  4. Today is a day I'd like to do your #17. It is dark and raining and I have a good book waiting to be finished so staying in my PJs all day would be great but not possible. I think your pennant mini-book idea is a wonderful way to do LSND this year.

  5. I learned my kids have the right to change their mind about doing something just as I have the right to change my mind. Even if I do not like their change, I have to live with it and move on.

  6. I have learnt, from you, to think outside the box where shape is concerned! I have been keeping up with my LSNED making a few pages every few days. For some reason I haven't posted them to my blog this year. May be when its complete.

  7. I loved reading about the last lesson. My SIL frequently posts about needs on Facebook, and it's amazing the response he gets. One example: They had a group of people show up at their new apartment in Oakland to help them unload their truck when they moved to California. They'd never met any of them before. But they served them pizza and beer, got the truck unloaded, and made a few new friends.

  8. I'm intrigued by your #15 lesson. What do you mean by photo cards made at various websites?

  9. Great lessons! I especially like the one about someone might actually be hearing what what you're saying!

  10. What fab lessons and pages! Lesson 20 is one that speaks to me as a classroom teacher it is so very true!!

  11. i like how you use old photos on your pages. it is good to be a "life long learner". :-)

  12. Love your pages Maria! As someone else already said, they would look good as bunting across a room wouldn't they! I wish for a #17 - a day in PJs sounds perfect as its very cold here and I have a couple of books I want to get through!btw thanks for the scavenger hunt - I loved it!

  13. Really like how you are doing this. I am having problems keeping up this year and really admire you in that with all that you have going on in your life you are able to do this too :-)

  14. Love your pages! I am just way too sporadic in mine these days

  15. I love your LSNED pages. I haven't made mine yet, but I've been writing down my lessons, so I'll catch up when I can.

    I like your 'it never hurts to ask' lesson, I'm terrible at asking for help. I hate to ask a favour eg for babysitting as I always feel like I should be able to do everything myself. Which is silly. My friend is trying to help me work on this. x

  16. It never hurts to ask is one I try hard to remember. I know how often I'm happy to say yes, should give others the chance to do that too.
