Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday's This & That

Good morning all! I recently participated in Kat Sloma's Liberate Your Art postcard swap.  I've received some wonderful post card size art in the mail.  The sunshine one is from Deanna Swauger, and the collage is from Karen Smithey.  I also received these:
"Hello" from Janice Darby; Horse from Shelly G; Church from Cara; and roosters from Cinda Bauman.  Aren't they all wonderful?
In other news, Shimelle Laine's annual September class "Learn Something New Everyday" starts on Saturday. I received an email reminder yesterday.  I've done this class a couple of times. This is the mini-album I made in 2010, and you can read my review at this link. I am going back and forth about whether to participate this year. I have a visual journal I could use or a mini-album made of pennant shaped chipboard that has been gathering dust in my closet. Is anyone else going to participate?
Finally, it's been a while since I've shared some music.  Here's a very funny Train video (okay, you have to have a little bit of a dark sense of humor to appreciate it). 

If you're in the mood for something a little softer and beautiful, check out this video of Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight from Amos Lee.

Finally, I love everything about this song and video.  Upbeat, great visuals and a fantastic message.  It fits my upbeat mood this morning because Paul came home from the hospital yesterday! He had a long stay battling an infection, and we are thrilled to have him home. Enjoy your day and keep your eyes on the prize!


  1. So pleased to hear that Paul's home :)

    I'm in LSNED - at least, I think I am, I didn't get the email!! Might have to chase that up! But I've got my album at the ready and I can't wait to get started :)

  2. Love the Train video. Made me smile. Glad Paul's home.

  3. Ahahaha. Ok, yeah, we are definitely on the same random page today, Rinda. Gotta' love random. I LOVE the Train song - have the c.d. and that's one of my favorite songs but I hadn't seen the video. I totally needed that this morning - love that The Hoff is in it. LOL

    Cool postcard art too! Enjoy your Thursday, sweet friend! xo

  4. PS: Super cool that Paul is home!!! xo

  5. So very glad to hear that Paul is home.

    I'm always a last minute kind of girl for LSNED - tho I have a photo idea for joining in this year which might make it quick and easy. I haven't been over to the Forum yet, need to do that:)

    Just read your comments - great stuff! My workpsace? now, that's a good question..

  6. Love the music! I don't listen to music as much as I used to so it's so nice to be introduced to music - love it all especially Train. I used to be in LSNED but it's been awhile. Nice post! Thanks for dropping by mine.

  7. such fun receiving all that fun art in the mail. I recognize at least one of the artists and love her work: Karen Smithey.

  8. I bet getting all that fun mail was a pick-me-up! Happy to hear Paul is back home agan :-D

  9. So glad Paul is home - fab,fab music choices - thank you :D

  10. The eyelashes on that horse are amazing! Yes, I think I'll do LSND again this year. Maybe I'll see you in the forum.

  11. HaHaHa that Train video was funny. My 19 yr. old son said it was "messed up". I think that means it was funny. HaHaHa.

  12. Yeah on Paul coming home and recovering from his infection!

    Never done LSNED although I look at everyone's stuff every year.

  13. The joy that Paul is home just ricochets around your blog - delighted here too! Hoping you'll have a lovely relaxing weekend together. Your received mail is lovely - I especially like those roosters...

  14. Glad Paul is home and recovering from his infection.
    Yes. I'm planning to do LSNED. Believe it or not I am finishing the last pages of last years album ready to start anew!! Perhaps it's not too surprising if you know me but at least I will have completed it! lol
    Just hope I can complete this one in one month rather than one year :)

  15. So glad to hear that your husband is home. Lovely postcards to receive, my favourite is the sunflower. Still debating on LSNED! Thanks for the music :o) Just what I needed after watching a TV drama and having to leave the room when the level of violence in it reduced me to tears.

  16. Very happy for your family that your husband is back at home!

    So much to enjoy when I come to visit...your music selections are super.
    I am a fan of TRAIN and Amos Lee's "Colors" is a song I could listen to over and over and ...

    some wonderful postcard art you have is such a nice size to play with

    Have a lovely long weekend

  17. So glad he's home! That is fantastic news!! I'm a big fan of that Train song- guess that says something about me...I so wish I had joined in on the postcard swap- such great art in your mailbox!

  18. What a great postcard swap. Sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoyed the videos too. Thanks.

  19. I always enjoy this and that type posts - with the best of all news being that Paul is home!

    I am not partaking in anything new this September - I am planning on doing WITL and and a version of DD in the latter part of the year.

  20. So glad to hear that Paul is home!
    I haven't decided about LSNED yet...think I'll do a bit of 'lurking' around the forum for a few days then make my decision!
    Off to listen to your music
    Alison xx

  21. thanks for sharing some of your favorite tunes and videos. i don't listen to the radio so i'm always grateful for recommendations. i'm so so glad paul is at home where he can be with his family. :-)

  22. Great postcards you got from the swap! I was not able to join this time! Patsy

  23. So very, very happy to read that Paul's infection is cleared up and he is home. Prayers for his healing continue to be lifted :)

  24. So pleased to hear that hubby is home :) I've recently discovered Train and keep playing them all the time so this video really made me smile, especially singing into vegetables with the Hoff!! TFS
