Friday, August 24, 2012

Backyard Arrangements and New Obsessions

I spent some time gathering natural treasures from by backyard garden. I then created and photographed a few arrangements.
The first few included leaves and flowers:
And then I took about a million with these seed pods:
Because I'm kind of obsessed with them right now!
These photographs are similar to these arrangements, which I made after beach combing. But they have a very different feel.  I am really enjoying making arranged photographs. It might just become an obsession, as well. What about you? Do you have any new obsessions?


  1. Rinda, I need technical details, esp for photos in the middle, 2,3 &4 I think they are. Your lighting is absolutely fantastic! Backgrounds and where you shot would also be useful - sorry to be nosy, but these shots are really standing out.

    No new obsessions to report here.

  2. These still lifes (or is it still lives?) anyway they are beautiful. I think this obsession is a great obsession that you have.

  3. I'm really enjoying your still lifes{?],Rinda. I love the comparison between the red and green leaves.

  4. they look fabulous and I can understand how creating new arrangements would become addictive. I'm in need of a new creative obsession at the moment - nothing absorbing me and I have time to play !

  5. They're like shots from a magazine - very professional looking!

  6. Your arrangements are very inspiring, Rinda. I think I will try something like that as well. Those seedpods look nice - what kind of plant is that?

  7. These look so professional! I must say I really like that last one.

  8. I love the ones with those crimson and lime green leaves - as Amy says, the lighting in them is wonderful too!

  9. Lovely lighting on these.

    Thought of you and your new obsession as I rearranged my nature finds on my new desk this week :)

  10. these remind me of the board I made at science camp in 6th grade of the California Bay!

  11. I really like how the seed pods jump out at you because of the stark white background. My new obession seems to be blogger! But I have always enjoyed collecting things to do with nature. Andy

  12. Very pretty shots and arrangements! <3

    Right now I'm obsessed with making cards again after a lonnnnnnnnng hiatus! :)
